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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

British Values


The purpose of our curriculum is to inspire all children to acquire knowledge and skills and to ignite a lifelong love of learning. We celebrate the cultural capital that our community brings to learning and build on this to broaden children’s understanding of the world. Our commitment to providing equality of opportunity ensures that rich experiences and enhancements are embedded throughout the curriculum.



EYFS - In the Foundation Stage, PSHE and citizenship is taught as an integral part of topic work and is embedded throughout the curriculum. The objectives taught are the Personal, Social, and Emotional Development statements from ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ and the PSED Early Learning Goals.


Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 – 

At Key Stages 1 and 2, PSHE is personalised, planned, and illustrated through our PSHE/RSE Curriculum Maps. Lessons are supported using the PSHE & SCARF scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum.  Assessment outcomes and questionnaire findings have helped mold our curriculum priorities and focus on the needs of our children.

We ensure we cover the Health and Well-Being, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World Learning Opportunities set out in the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study, which also complements our RSE Dioceses scheme of work and covers the statutory Health Education and Relationships Education guidance. 


Children are taught PSHE supported with ‘Scarf and PSHE Association’ materials, along with a range of enrichment and enhancement opportunities planned throughout the year that provide a more practical and realistic setting to support children’s understanding.

Our aims are to prepare our children for life, helping them to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. There is a strong emphasis on emotional Literacy, building resilience, and nurturing mental and physical health. It includes mindfulness (Healthy Heads) to allow children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration, and focus.


Impact on Children:

  • Children apply knowledge and skills across all subjects
  • They understand that the knowledge they learn and the skills they develop will help them in their future
  • Children are able to approach a range of real-life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life
  • They will be on their way to becoming healthy, open-minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, and active members of society
  • Children appreciate difference and diversity
  • They recognise and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law, and Liberty
  • They are able to look after their mental health and well-being
  • They are able to develop a positive, healthy relationship with their peers both now and in the future
  • They understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age-appropriate level
  • The children have respect for themselves and others.
  • The children have a positive self-esteem
  • We encourage our children to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. We challenge all of our pupils to look for opportunities to show the school values of faith, hope, and love.                                                                                                                  


Impact on Attainment and Progress

  • The curriculum demands the best possible outcomes in PSHE from every child
  • From each individual child’s starting point, progress is evident


Evaluation and Impact on our Curriculum

  • Subjects are taught discretely to ensure specific concepts are the focus. Links are made across curriculum subjects so that skills can be applied in different contexts where possible
  • PSHE, including SMSC and BV, is an integral part of the whole school curriculum


Evaluation of Our Impact on Our World

  • Our children are inspired to achieve their full potential; have their voices heard and effect change
  • Assemblies are linked to PSHE, British Values, and SMSC and are linked to our school Values
  • PSHE, BV, and SMSC displays throughout school reinforce the PSHE curriculum enabling children to make links






British Values Action Plan 2023.24

We take great pride in promoting a range of British Values at St Mary's.

The DfE have recently reinforced the need ‘to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British Values of;

- Democracy

- The rule of law

- Individual liberty

- Mutual respect

- Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.'


The Department for Education has introduced a statutory duty for schools to promote British Values more actively from September 2014, and to ensure they are taught in schools.  

Fleetwood POLICING team

Today, the Fleetwood Police visited our class to talk about antisocial behaviour.  Our session was very informative and taught us about what antisocial behaviour is, where we might see this and who it impacts.  Thank you to Fleetwood police for giving your time to support our young children with their learning. 

We Will Remember Them...



The votes have been counted and the results are in. This morning we announced our new Head Boy and Head Girl and their deputies. Well done to all the children who took part, you are all winners in our eyes. Warmest congratulations to:


Hristiana Atanasova - Head Girl

Sophia Hearn - Deputy Head Girl 


Alex Hardie - Head Boy

Eden Webster - Deputy Head Boy

Democracy in action


This morning was extra special for Sendak class. The year six children gave their Head Boy and Head Girl speeches. They have worked tirelessly to write and perform their speeches in the hope of being awarded the prestigious role. Despite the inevitable nerves, the children spoke with confidence and it was a pleasure hearing the fruits of their hard work. Well done children, we are extremely proud of you. The results of the vote will be announced on Monday. 

The King's Coronation lunch

Eid al-Fitr


To celebrate Eid, the celebration to mark the end of Ramadan, Shelly Woods class enjoyed some special treats. 

Shelly Woods Class School of Justice - A Courtroom Visit

To ink with our RE Justice topic and British Values in school, we were lucky enough to visit the mock courtroom at UCLAN.  The children got to dress up and perform a courtroom role play.  We had lots of fun!

King Class have been reflecting upon why we wear poppies on Remembrance Day and how we remember the soldiers who fought for us.

We Will Remember 

L'est we forget 


In preparation for Remembrance Day, the children have been selling poppies at break time. This will be discussed in the coming days and members of Shelly Woods class will be asked to represent our school at the remembrance event this Sunday. 

Head Boy and Head Girl Announcement

In assembly, Mrs Kowalska announced the new Head Boy and Head girl for this year. Our Head Boy, Syd and our Head Girl, Karolyn were present with their badges. Working with our Head Boy and Head Girl will be our Deputy Head Boy, Kobey  and our Deputy Head Girl, Ralica. 

Announcing the selected 22/23 Values Ambassadors

Sports Leaders

Mrs Bottomley present our new sports leaders with their badges. After joining together in our house teams, the children persuaded their team to vote for them. The children in each team voted for who they would like to be their leader. 

Year 5/6 Values Ambassador Speeches

Head Boy and Head Girl Speeches

The school gathered in the hall on Friday to listen to the year 6 children present their speeches for Head Boy and Head Girl. The children did an amazing job! They were smart, confident and very persuasive! Each child then voted for their choice of Head Boy and Head Girl. We will find out the results next week. Good luck to all the year 6 children. You were all amazing!

Merckx Class speeches for Values Ambassador

Merckx Class have been writing their own speeches to persuade the children in class to vote for them to become either the year 3 or the year 4 school Values Ambassador. The children thought about the qualities they had that would make them a good choice. They talked about how they are a good role model, smart and sensible, kind and caring, hardworking and determined. The children who wanted to become a Values Ambassador presented their speech to the rest of the class. The class then voted for one year 3 child and one year 4 child, who will be responsible for promoting our school core theme for the half term. This half term, our theme is 'POSITIVITY'. The Values Ambassador's will reward children who they see displaying a positive attitude throughout this half term. We will find out who the class voted for as their Values Ambassador in next weeks assembly. Good luck to all the children!

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Teddy Bear Tea Party

Today we had Caroline from the Lancashire Library Service visit the reception and year 1 children. She came with some special stories to share with the class to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. The children enjoyed listening to the stories with their teddy bears that they brought from home and taking part in some fun activities. 

The Rule of Law

Bly Class have been learning about rules and why it is important to have them to keep everyone safe. Together, we agreed on a few rules that we will focus on this half term. 

St Patricks Day

The children in Bly class have been learning about Saint Patrick and why we celebrate St Patricks Day. They enjoyed joining in with some lovely activities. 

Year 2 Rule of Law

 Rob showed them a story about everyone being fair, they then wrote rules to keep happy and healthy and then played an instructions game.


The Rule of Law Year 5

The Rule of Law Year 3 Lesson

Today, we had a visit from Rob, from Healthy Heads. We discussed one of the British Values - Rule of Law.

We shared what it meant, the job of a judge and why we have rules. We reflected on rules we have in school and what would happen if these didn't exist.

As a class, we played a game where rules were given but one rule was missing, the children had to watch carefully to see if they could guess the missing rule. We thought about how it made us feel not knowing all the rules and the impact it had on the other rules having one missing.

Year 5 Fair Trade

Year 3

Today Garrido class looked at personal hygiene. We discussed the meaning of this and completed a sorting activity in pairs. They then looked at pictures of celebrities and said what was good or bad about their hygiene.

Shrove Tuesday

The children in Bly class listened to the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’. Nobody would help Mr Wolf make his pancakes so the children decided it wasn’t fair to get to eat them. They talked about fairness and why it is important to be fair. The children were asked what we could do to be 'fair' when making our pancakes. 

They made a list of ingredients they needed and then helped each other to make pancakes. Everybody helped and all enjoyed eating them!

The Queen's Jubilee

Shackleton class linked their reading comprehension revision to The Queen's Jubilee today - it sparked some interesting discussions!

Mental Health Week

For children's mental health week, Drake class talked about how they can sometimes feel sad even though they don't know why and as a class discussed how they could 'Grow together'. The children thought of ideas of how they could grow as children in a positive way by trying new things and reading a book.

This week, week commencing 7th February, Shackleton class marked Children's Mental Health week by listening to some calming music when completing their work. They talked about the importance of looking after their own mental health and what they could do to support this. They created a mind map to show ways in which they can support mental health.  They also worked in teams to complete a 'Growth Mindset' activity which gave the children ideas as to how they can change their own perception of things.  The children also completed a positivity word search, which included plenty of key words, at the same time as having a chat to their friends!

Chinese New Year

The children in Bly class have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. They have participated in lots of different activities this week linking to the celebration.