Home Page

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Raymond Briggs Class

Welcome to Raymond Briggs Class !

Mrs Gregson, Mrs English & Mrs Sewell

Our Class Rules

Briggs' last Reading Cafe

Sport's Day

Reading Cafe


Floating and Sinking......

Map Skills

Lenten Worshop...

World Book Day...

Science Day....


Outdoors in our new Wellingtons- We love a wet day

Our Chinese New Year Dragon...

Safer Internet Day......


Chinese Food Tasting

French Day...

Making Bread....



Donkey Ride...

Children of the World...

Christmas Dinner Day...

Posada Box...

The children have really enjoyed taking the Posada Box home every night and sharing the Christmas Journey.

Road Safety Week...

Our local PCSO Nick and Lizzy came into class to talk to us about the importance of Road Safety. We then got the opportunity to try on their coats, glasses and helmets. 


Remembrance Day...

Birds of Prey .... 

We really enjoyed meeting the Golden Eagle, Kestrel and the Barn Owl 

We really love exploring outside...

We have been using our manners to choose our own lunches...
