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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Religious Education

RE at St. Mary's -

Christ at the centre of everything we do

At St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education is embedded within our

overarching curriculum that prepares our children for many different aspects of their lives.  

Our overall goal is to help our children to become well-rounded individuals with strong character, who will eventually go out into the world of adults and be actively and positively involved in society.   In order to do this, we are striving to create a conducive environment around the school and this year we have created our own specific Personal Development Curriculum that is entwined with our academic curriculum.

Our curriculum aims to provide engagement and enrichment and through this, we aim for all children to have equal opportunities to thrive together.  

Our 'Outstanding' RE inspection report

Catholic Life at St. Mary's

The Catholic life of St. Mary's is rich in opportunities for children to encounter God and to deepen their relationship with Him as a loving, compassionate Father. Below, we aim to share with you and celebrate many of the elements which make our Catholic school so special. Here you will find information and that we have been up to as we work together with our families, the Parish and the school work together in supporting the development of our children’s faith.


Above, you can select from one of the star options to find more about what else we have been doing in Curriculum RE and Prayer and Liturgy.

Year 6 Leavers' Mass

Congratulations and Thank You to our fantastic Year 6 of 2024 - you read beautifully at Mass as we celebrated the end of your time at St. Mary's.

Fr Alf's Class Visits

Over the last term, Fr Alf has come and spent time with each class, talking to them about who he is, his role and sharing their learning. The children have thoroughly enjoyed it.

The Feast of the Ascension

On Thursday 9th May, as a school we visited church to celebrate Mass with Fr Alf for the Ascension - when Jesus returns to sit at the right hand side of his Father. The Year 6 children read beautifully and the children's singing, responses and reverence was comment on by Fr Alf.

Emmanuel Church visit

A lovely on the last day of the term before finishing for Easter. Year 4 (Blake Class) had a lovely couple of hours at the Emmanuel Church to join them in retelling the story of Holy Week, concentrating on what happened on Good Friday and what it means for us. The children also made their own tomb representation out of biscuits.

Stations of the Cross

On Wednesday 27th March, we held our our Stations of the Cross, which has become a St. Mary's tradition. Each class created two representations for the stations, involving the children in their class. Each class visited the hall and retold and reflected on the events Jesus experienced on Good Friday. During lunchtime, parishioners joined our Way of the Cross team for the service, using our stations, and then came for tea and biscuits in the staffroom.

During Lent, each class from Year 1 - Year 6 had their own Easter Mystery Box which went home and engaged the children with reflecting on the true meaning of Easter. They could share the story, light a candle and share a prayer with their family.

Lenten Lunch

Six children were selected to join Mrs Halloran in visiting church, during their lunch on Friday 15th March, for church's Lenten Lunch. They children enjoyed the company of parishioners and tucked into some lovely soup made by Mr Lynch.

Class Masses

Each half term, KS2 classes have the opportunity to visit church to participate in the celebration of Mass.

CAFOD Cake Stalls

Throughout Lent we are hosting cake stalls, one per class to raise money to support CAFOD, a Christian charity that works to help people in underdeveloped countries.

Lionni Class

School Choir visit a local Care Home

Lionni Class learnt about Advent and how Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus, they then wrote Advent promises and decorated the Christmas tree,

Lionni Class took part in a nativity workshop and travelled through the Christmas story.

Remembrance Sunday

The children represented our school brilliantly at Remembrance Sunday service in the Memorial Park. They were dressed smart in their uniforms, participated in the service and lay a wreath from our school.

Harvest Mass


Today, we started talking about what justice was and what are human rights are.  We then worked as a group to gather ideas for a debate about refugees.  The children came up with some very interesting points and it gave us lots of discussion points. 

Breaking News from the Sky Newsroom 

Warning - contains miracles!  Our children reporting live from the scenes of Jesus' miracles.

Catholic Life at St. Mary's 

2022 - 2023

Bible Studies 


Shelly Woods class enjoyed an RE lesson with a difference today. We were lucky enough to enjoy a lesson devoted to exploring the Bible. This involved actions, dress-up and some class discussion about certain aspects and stories within the Bible. It was fun and informative, the children were engrossed. 

Stations of the Cross Daley Class

In Daley Class we contributed to the wonderful Stations of the Cross display in the hall. We talked about our faith and what each station represents.

Eid al-Fitr


To celebrate Eid, the celebration to mark the end of Ramadan, Shelly Woods class enjoyed some special treats. 

The children in King Class have taken home the Lent box and reflected upon what they would like to give up for Lent like Jesus did in the desert.

Stations of the Cross; a St. Marys exhibition...

In RE we have been listening to the story of The Good Samaritan. We spoke about what it means to be a 'Good Samaritian' and that loving your neighbour means loving everyone, that way that God loves us.

We have been looking at Families & Celebrations in our RE lessons this half term. One particular celebration we have been looking at is the Sacrament of Baptism. We had the pleasure of attending Church to listen to Father Michael tell us all about this special celebration. We even got to pretend we were taking part in a Baptism ceremony!

The Christmas nativity

Today the children have the opportunity to role play the nativity story. The children were able to ‘interview’ the shepherds and discuss how they felt when they first heard the news, from Angel Gabriel, that the Son of God had been born. Some children were able to identify that the Angel Gabriel told the shepherds first because they were normal people, just like us! We also spoke about what gifts they would have bought Jesus, like wool to keep them warm in the stable!

King Class' Posada box started going home this week with the children. What a lovely way to welcome Mary and Joseph into our families as they make their journey to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus.

The children in King Class wrote an Advent promise as they discussed and thought about how Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus.

Holmes Class (Year 1) Advent Promises 2022.

King Class were so lucky to have a visit from a local church youth group today for a nativity workshop. We took a journey through the Christmas story and saw Mary and her visit from Angel Gabriel, the shepherds and the kings and saw baby Jesus in the stable.

Shelly Woods Class School of Justice - A Courtroom Visit

To ink with our RE Justice topic and British Values in school, we were lucky enough to visit the mock courtroom at UCLAN.  The children got to dress up and perform a courtroom role play.  We had lots of fun!

King Class-In RE we have been listening to the story of Daniel and the Lion and how he trusted in God to keep him safe. We then made our own lions to re-enact the story.

Woods Class - Showing Compassion

During our RE session, we looked for Bible scriptures whereby Jesus showed mercy and compassion.  We talked about how we could show mercy and compassion and what OUR mission was. 

Catholic Life at St. Mary's 

2021 - 2022

Stations of the Cross 2022

Wednesday 30th March saw St. Mary's coming together to create each station of the Stations of the Cross, Jesus' journey to his death. The classes created two stations each and placed them, in the hall, in order. When visiting the hall, each class had the opportunity to retell the story and spend time in reflection and prayer, thinking of Jesus' sacrifice. Our group of children who have been doing The Way of the Cross service, did the service using our stations instead of visiting church. Fr Michael and some parishioners joined us and then enjoyed a Lenten lunch together.

Lenten Lunch in community

Some of the children in Year 6 went to The Emmanuel Church and ate a Lenten Lunch together.  They enjoyed interacting with the rest of the community and enjoying some food together! 

The Way of the Cross Service

A small group of our Year 6s, during Lent, are participating in The Way of the Cross, every Thursday at church led by Fr Michael. The children read the child part of the readings are the moved around the stations remembering the events of Good Friday. Fr Michael and parishioners will be invited to our Stations of the Cross on 30th March to complete the service.

Ash Wednesday

On Wednesday 2nd March, as a school, we went to church and participated in Ash Wednesday Mass to celebrate the start of the season of Lent. We all received Ashes on our forehead and celebrated Mass together. We reflected on how we make a Lenten promise and prayed to God to help us in the next 40 days as we prepare for Easter.

Emmanuel Church welcome Year 3 and 4

The children in Year 3 and 4 had the opportunity to visit Emmanuel Church to participate in activities linked with Lent - what is it, how we prepare and why its important. The children played games flipping pancakes, learnt the history of Shrove Tuesday, ate some pancakes with a topping of their choice and wrote their own Lenten Promise.

The Presentation of the Lord Mass

The children of Year 5 and 6 attended their half termly class mass which fell on 'The Presentation of the Lord'. This is a special feast day remembering Jesus being presented in the temple 40 days after he was born. The children read beautiful and were a credited to themselves and school.

Raising money by doing a sponsored walk

On Thursday 27th January, 18 children from Year 4-6 participated in a sponsored walk to raise money for Isabelle, a local girl who needs to go to America for Cancer treatment. The children completed a 3 mile walk on the promenade in Fleetwood, with a stop off at the Beach Park before heading back to school. We are looking forward to seeing how much we have raised.

Carol Singing

To spread some Christmas joy, all of the classes prepared a carol and sang it to their parents outside whilst wearing their Christmas jumpers. The children thoroughly enjoyed preparing their carol. When asked why we sing carols, some of the children's responses were about how singing brings joy, it is a form of prayer and it helps to tell the Christmas story.

Harvest Celebrations

As a whole school, we contributed a harvest collection, consisting of tins and packets of food for our local food bank, as we do each year and we went to church to celebrate Harvest Mass. It was the first time, in a long time, due to lockdowns, that we were able to be there together as whole school. it was lovely to all be together to listen to the Word of God and sing hymns.

Returning to Mass

The children Garrido Class (Year 3/4) returned to church on 22nd September to celebrate mass with the parishioners. It was lovely for the children to attend mass together as a class, especially after not being able to go together as a class or school for over 12 months. The children followed the mass cards brilliantly so they could join in with the responses and watched and listened to Fr Michael closely.

Catholic Life at St. Mary's


Stations of the Cross - March 2021

In St. Mary's tradition, the school put on their own Stations of the Cross, recreating each station  each part of the story) of the events that occurred on Good Friday to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made. These were displayed in the school hall and each class took it in turns to visit the hall, as a place of worship to spend time revisiting the story and to have time in prayer with God.

Visit to Emmanuel Church - Osprey Class

Osprey Class has the opportunity to visit Emmanuel Church, we made comparisons to a Catholic Church and got involved in activities with their community youth leader, Ricca. The children concentrated on the theme of being thankful and what grateful means by writing cards to someone they appreciate and making a thankful flower by writing on their own petal after reading The Ten Lepers.

The God Who Speaks: The Year of the Word

30th Sept 2019 - 31st Dec 2020

celebrating, living and sharing God's word


The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales have designated 2020 as 'The God Who Speaks': A Year of the Word to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Verbum Domini - Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Exhortation on ‘The Word of the Lord’, and the 1600th anniversary of death of St Jerome, who translated the Bible into Latin.

Mass dates for this term are as follows:


15th January - Year 5/6

22nd January - Year 4/5

29th January - Year 3/4


Ash Wednesday mass will be celebrated by the whole school on the 26th February at 10am mass.


4th March - Year 5/6

18th March - Year 4/5

25th March - Year 3/4


Stations of the Cross will be presented in the school hall for our day of reflection on the 1st April. Parents and parishioners are all welcome.

Children Around the World Nativity

Children in Reception to Year 3 put on a fantastic Nativity performance to the school and their parents and families over two performances. The Nativity was called 'Children Around the World' celebrated how each country recognises the birth of Jesus.

Reverse Advent Calendar

During Advent both Osprey Class and Peregrine Class have completed a reverse advent calender with the children donating gifts or food for those in need over Christmas. The gifts have been donated to a local charity helping families in need and the food has been taken by a group of children to the local food bank held at St. Edmund's Church every Wednesday.

Carol Service 2019

On Monday 16th December, KS2 put on their annual Carol Service at church for the friends and family of St. Mary's. It was lovely to see church full and getting everyone in the Christmas spirit.

Christmas Workshop - Hobby Class

Hobby Class took part in a nativity workshop by visits from BYSW.  The children followed the story of the birth of Jesus; they listened to the Angel Gabriel tell Mary she was going to have a baby and how she felt. They visited the stable where baby Jesus was born, saw the shepherds and talked to one of the wise men.


Year of the Eucharist

We have now come to the end of the Year of the Eucharist. It officially ended on the Feast of Christ the King on the 24th November. The purpose of The Year of the Eucharist was Bishop Swarbrick's mission to raise the profile and understanding of the Eucharist and the importance of Mass. During the year, we participated in Holy Hour with the monstrance present in school, gathered as Fleetwood Catholic schools for the Feast of Corpus Christi, had our own Year of the Eucharist logo as part of our worship areas, as well as a display which was added to every time we had an event. We are now preparing for the Year of the Word.

Our St. Mary's Team - Working Together for the Good of Each Other

'I have called you by your name', the staff at school believe they have been called to serve God by working in school together for the good of each other.

Morning of Reflection - Kestral Class

Kestral Class were invited to spend a morning at Emmanuel Church. They spent the morning reflecting on being thankful. They read a story about ‘The Giving Tree’, which showed them that when we give things to other people, we feel really good; they also read a story about Jesus healing the Leapers. This showed them that they should always say thank you when someone has helped us with something. they had a great morning and are looking forward to experiencing another reflection session with them! The children really enjoyed talking about being thankful for what they had and they have all come away reflecting on what they have to be thankful for.

Remembrance Day - We Will Remember Them

Lest we forget


Year 6 children went to the Cenotaph on Sunday to participate in the Remembrance Sunday Serive in Fleetwood Memorial Park. Molly, Julia and Kian as Heads and Deputies went with Mrs Kowalska to the Marine Hall to represent school at the Remembrance Day service on the 11th.

All Saints' Mass - 1st November

As part of All Saints' day, year 1 to year 6 attended mass as it is a Holy Day of Obligation. Father discussed with the children, in his homily, about the connection to Halloween and the meaning and purpose of All Saints' Day.

Harvest Mass

On the 9th October, Year 1 - Year 6 went to Mass together to celebrate Harvest. We took our collection as an offering to Church and dropped it off at the food bank in Fleetwood afterwards to help those families in our community who need the help and support.

Nelson Mandela - Art Project

To begin our year together, Osprey Class discussed the qualities we will show this year so we can be a team and everyone can be happy. One of the qualities we discuss was acceptance. Accepting each other for who they are, accepting responsibility for our own learning and accepting our gifts from God and use them to help others. Nelson Mandela was all about acceptance - he fought to be accepted and to be treated as an equal along with his fellow black community. We looked at the artist Chuck Close and how he created large pieces of artwork using different colours, we did this to create the face of the iconic Nelson Mandela.

The Rainbow Fish

In July, the Eco team were selected by Fleetwood Council to perform at an outdoor performance presenting the story of the Rainbow Fish. We remember the special gift God gave us of our World and how it's our responsibility to look after it. 

RE at St. Mary's in 2018 - 2019

Leon makes his First Holy Communion

Leon, in Year 6, made his Frist Holy Communion on Sunday 23rd June. He joined school in the middle of Year 5 after relocating. With his mum, Leon began attending St. Mary's Church and even joined the choir. Leon hadn't made his First Holy Communion and was encouraged by school and the parish. Children from his class, along with staff went along to the special mass as a surprise and celebrate with Leon in the next step in his faith. 

Corpus Christi Procession and Mass - 20th June

Today, all of the staff and children at St. Mary's joined a group of children from St. Wulstan's and St. Edmund's and Cardinal Allen to celebrate mass at St. Mary's for Corpus Christi. This is a special feast day to celebrate the body of Christ and which always happens on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. With this year being The Year of the Eucharist, this mass was extra special and as catholic schools in Fleetwood, we wanted to celebrate together. We used the icon of the Year of the Eucharist to led our procession together to and from church. 


After Mass the students from Cardinal Allen led an act of worship to Year 6 children about Corpus Christi: the important of Jesus in our lives and him being the Eucharist. The Year 6 children had planned and delivered their own worship on the same theme, the day before, across school to the younger classes in preparation of going us celebrating mass.

Stations of the Cross in school - 9th April

Creating our own 'Stations of the Cross' is part of our Lenten tradition at St. Mary's. Each class create two stations each, representing that part of the story of Good Friday in their own way. These are pictures from the Year 6 children engaging with the story and having time to make their own personal reflection in the reflection books or with stations that were interactive. The children's reverence and respect was evident throughout their time in the hall and children spent time in silence and in prayer together. As our Year 6 have been visiting church every Thursday for 'The Way of the Cross' service, we invited parishioners to join us for the service using our stations. They joined for soup afterwards and even left us some lovely comments about what have thought of school's efforts during Lent. 

More from Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross at church

During Lent, seven of our Year 6 children have been attending The Way of the Cross, a special service each Thursday held at church by Father Michael, which is open to parishioners. Our children have participated in children from the child's point of view during the service. At the end, the children, along with Mrs Halloran have been joining the parishioners from some lunch and conversation.

Ash Wednesday Mass

On Wednesday 6th March, as a school, we went to Mass at church to celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass. We received ashes and Holy Communion or a blessing from Father Michael. Ash Wednesday signifies the start of Lent where we repent our sins and turn to God. Each child has made their Lenten promise, which is display in their worship area in the classroom.

Sharing the Christmas Spirit - visiting Alexandra Court Care Home

Year 6 children made Christmas cards for the residents at Alexandra Care Home and our Headboy, Headgirl, their deputies and some Year 5 children went to wish the residents a Merry Christmas, give out our cards and sing a song from our KS2 Carol Service. 

KS2 Carol Service - Following the Light

On Monday 17th December, KS2 performed their Carol Service - following the light at church for their parents and the community. The children did an excellent job at sharing the story of the birth of Jesus and reminding us of the true meaning of Christmas. Well done to all of the children - our actors, singers and readers. 

KS1 Nativity - Whoops a Daisy Angel

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children put together their Nativity - Whoops a Daisy Angel, which they shared with the rest of the children in the school and completed two performances for parents - a great job done by everyone!

Learning about the Nativity in French

Year 2/3 (Hokusai/Michelangelo) children have listened attentively to a French version of the Nativity story. (La Nativité).  They showed understanding by joining in and responding.  They made a greetings card to celebrate Joyeux Noël.

Advent Service with Cardinal Allen

Rosalina, Sky, Keiyara, Wyatt, Leon and Joseph supported Cardinal Allen at their Advent Service for the Deanery with singing and doing readings.

Reception welcome the Year of the Eucharist

Reception class were very excited to see the Monstrance in our school and understand what the bread is and why we have it, however our next step is to learn key words such as 'Eucharist' and 'Monstrance'. The children went back to class after worship where we were introduced to the Monstrance and watched a video to see who Bishop Paul is. We also said a prayer to end of session. 

The Infant classes welcome the Year of the Eucharist

Eucharist Adoration - Holy Hour on 26th November 2018

Bishop Paul Swarbrick has called for us to have a Year of the Eucharist, he wants us to know the importance of Mass, going to Holy Communion and calls everyone in the school community to holiness in this particular year which began on the Feast of Christ the King (25.11.18). As a school, we had a Holy Hour, where each class participated in worship as we adored the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance.

Operation Christmas Child - Samaritan's Purse

To support the Samaritan's Purse charity with their work of Operation Christmas Child, Year 6 made and compiled 26 boxes for sharing love and joy in the form of a simple shoebox gift. 

Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth

Cassatt class have been learning about the story of Mary visiting her cousin, Elizabeth.They completed a role play to help understand the story and the character's feelings.

Supporting Aid to the Church in Need - Red Wednesday 28th November

Christians around the world are being persecuted because of their faith. Will you show your support for the Suffering Church?

Help us to continue to support Aid to the Church in Need and raise awareness today, Wednesday 28th November – #RedWednesday, and stand in solidarity with persecuted Christians who suffer unjustly for their peacefully-held beliefs.

Let’s spread the word and use social media to make #RedWednesday2018 - a campaign that cannot be ignored.

Each Year 6 family were given a red candle to light in their home; by doing something peaceful and positive to highlight the suffering of so many Christians and others today, which goes largely unnoticed by the world.

The Lantern Parade - Fleetwood Light Switch on

St. Mary's supported Fleetwood Christmas Lights for the annual Light switch on, on Saturday 17th November.

Remembrance Sunday - Lest we forget

Remembrance Sunday saw Ben, Leon, Keiyara, Sky and Molly come along to the memorial park to participate and represent St. Mary's at the Remembrance Sunday Service. The children laid our wreath on behalf of our school as we remember those who have serviced and continue to serve our country, especially this year in 2018, which commemorates 100 years since the end of the first world war.

Prayer Requests


Amazing things can happen when people come into agreement.

Matthew 18:19 says

“I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”


The children and staff will be delighted to pray for you or a loved one this week.


As soon as we receive your request, the children and staff will keep your request in our hearts and minds as we pray throughout the day and week.


Our children have prayer and liturgy within their classrooms and as a whole school. Look at the prayer and liturgy star and see the acts of worship the children are involved in, as well as actually planning and delivering themselves to their peers. 


On Wednesday 17th October, the whole school went to mass to celebrate Harvest. The families of St. Mary's supported our collection for Fleetwood Food Bank and after mass, Mrs Kowalska, the headboy and headgirl and their deputies went to donate our collection. As Catholics it is important for us to be like Jesus and help those who are less fortunate. It is wonderful to see our school come together as a community and be Good Samaritans. Here is a picture to show how thoughtful and caring you have all been to our wider community. 

The Year of the Eucharist


Cardinal calls us to the presence of Christ - Adoremus 2018

Adoremus - the Eucharistic Congress and Pilgrimage took place in Liverpool 7th - 9th September 2018


Following the National Eucharist Congress to be held in Liverpool, schools of the Diocese of Lancaster are invited by Bishop Paul to observe a ‘Year of the Eucharist’. The aim of this year is to develop a deeper understanding of the Eucharist as the ‘source and summit’ of the Christian life and to encourage and foster regular devotion to the Blessed Sacrament within our schools. Rather than organising central events, the Diocese of Lancaster Education Service will work with schools, deans and local clergy to encourage Eucharist Adoration at a local and deanery level.


This is an opportunity to enhance our devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and share the Cardinal’s hope for a 'rejuvenation' of love for the Eucharist in our school. It is important to remind ourselves that Christ is at the heart of our schools and learning and that 'We grow, learn and achieve by following Christ.' 




Religious Education Action Plan Overview

RE at St. Mary's in 2017 - 2018

Check out Einstein Class' Lenten Liturgy on being patient: 

Stations of the Cross Service

Seven of our Year 6s during Lent have been volunteering their lunch every Thursday to participate in the service 'The Way of the Cross'. After they've taken part in the readings from the service in church, alongside Fr Michael and parishioners at St. Mary's, the children have enjoyed joining the rest of the congregation at the service for soup and cake.

Mother's Day assembly - Led by Aristotle Class

On Friday 9th March, Aristotle class led us in a special Mother's Day assembly. The assembly had the children sing a song, share a story and  received a flower made by their child. 

Diary of a Disciple Workshop

Some of our children visited Emmanuel at The Mount Church this week.  They participated in an R.E. workshop, learning about the disciple Luke.  Each child was given a book to take home and made a matchbox size story which features in some of our pictures.

Posada Journey Display

Class Masses for Spring Term:

17th Jan - Year 3 

31st - Year 4

7th Feb - Year 5


21st Feb - Year 3

28th Feb - Year 4

7th March - Year 5

14th March - Year 6


On Tuesday 27th, our Stations of the Cross will be on display in the school hall which will have been made by the children. More information to follow after half term.

Preparing in Advent - Posada Box

During the season of Advent, the KS2 classes took their Posada box home to take their class Mary and Joseph figurines home with a candle, advent prayers and the book to write in. parents took a picture of their child at home, saying one of the advent prayers, with the candle lit and Mary and Joseph on display in their home as they give them a place to stay during Advent, whilst on their journey to Bethlehem. Above are some of the photographs from our parents. A display has been made of all KS2 photographs and our class Posada boxes, outside the hall for Spring I.

Remembering Deacon Bill Wright

Still image for this video
In Year 6 this week, their Collective Worship group, independently decided and created a beautiful worship in memory of our Deacon Bill Wright who sadly passed away on Tuesday 12th December. The children had an image of Deacon Bill on the board, whilst they asked the children to share people they would like us to remember who have passed away; read the story of Noak's ark because they said; it was about how God will always kept his promise that everything would always be alright and we are safe with him. This was followed by a prayer before we said an eternal rest together.

Carol Service Soloists

Still image for this video

Christmas Carol Service by KS2

On the the 18th December, KS2 performed their Carol Service in Church to their family and friends. We celebrated the Nativity story through readings and our carol singing.

Harvest Collection - October 2017

On Wednesday 11th October, as a school we celebrated Harvest by going to Mass at Church and having a collection supported by the parents. After we celebrated Mass, Mrs Kowalska along with our Headboy, Headgirl and their deputies went to Fleetwood Food Bank to drop off our school donation. 

Mass Dates


Key Stage 2 Class Masses


Year 3 - Wednesday 13th September

Year 5 - Wednesday 20th September

Year 4 - Wednesday 27th September

Year 6 - Wednesday 4th October



Whole School Harvest Mass - Wednesday 11th October


Key Stage 2 Class Masses


Year 3 - Wednesday 8th November

Year 4 - Wednesday 15th November

Year 5 - Wednesday 22nd November

Year 6 - Wednesday 29th November


KS2 Christmas Carol Service Monday 18th December 6pm at St. Mary's Church 

RE at St. Mary's in 2016 - 2017

Deanery Mass - Cardinal Allen Wednesday 24th May

Ethan, Declan, Lamiha, Amelia and Thomas on Wednesday did a fabulous job at representing St. Mary's at the Deanery Mass hosted by Cardinal Allen for the parishes. The children read beautifully and were complimented on their attendance and how well they read by staff, the priests and parishioners. 

KS2 Class Mass Dates for the Summer Term - all masses at 10am:


Descartes - Wednesday 3rd May

Euler - Wednesday 10th May

Fibonacci - Wednesday 24th May


Summer Term II


Descartes - Wednesday 7th June

Euler - Wednesday 14th June 

Fibonacci - Wednesday 21st June


End of Year/Leavers' Mass - Tuesday 18th July at 10 am

Stations of the Cross - Wednesday 5th April

Upcoming Masses for Autumn II and Spring I for Key Stage Two classes have been arrange with Fr Michael.

Autumn II

Descartes - Wednesday 23rd November 10am

Euler - Wednesday 30th November 10am

Fibonacci - Wednesday 7th December 10am


KS1 Nativity - Tuesday 6th December and Wednesday 7th December

KS2 Carol Service - Tuesday 20th December 6pm at St. Mary's Church


Spring I

Euler - Wednesday 18th January 10am

Descartes - Wednesday 25th January 10am

Fibonacci - Wednesday 1st February 10am



Harvest Mass - Wednesday 19th October

On Wednesday 19th October, Year 2 - Year 6 celebrate Harvest Mass at church with Fr Michael. During mass we offered some of our harvest collection with the offertory. After mass, the collection gathered together from our school's families and staff members was taken to Fleetwood Food Bank to give back to our community. Our Headboy (Ethan), Headgirl (Mellissa), Deputy headboy (Robbie) and Deputy headgirl (Georgia) went along with Mrs Kowalska to give 5 boxes full of donations. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our collection.

Year of Mercy - Pilgirmage to Lancaster Cathedral

The education department at Lancaster Cathedral, have invited all the catholic schools in the Lancaster diocese to participate in a pilgrimage during the Year of Mercy. On Monday 10th October, Fibonacci Class travelled to Lancaster and joined 7 other catholic primary schools in a walk through Lancaster to St. Peter's Cathedral for a prayer service. It was a lovely day; the children represented our school superbly. Our children's singing, their good behaviour and smart uniforms were commented on by volunteers and other schools.