At St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education is embedded within our
overarching curriculum that prepares our children for many different aspects of their lives.
Our overall goal is to help our children to become well-rounded individuals with strong character, who will eventually go out into the world of adults and be actively and positively involved in society. In order to do this, we are striving to create a conducive environment around the school and this year we have created our own specific Personal Development Curriculum that is entwined with our academic curriculum.
Our curriculum aims to provide engagement and enrichment and through this, we aim for all children to have equal opportunities to thrive together.
The Catholic life of St. Mary's is rich in opportunities for children to encounter God and to deepen their relationship with Him as a loving, compassionate Father. Below, we aim to share with you and celebrate many of the elements which make our Catholic school so special. Here you will find information and that we have been up to as we work together with our families, the Parish and the school work together in supporting the development of our children’s faith.
Above, you can select from one of the star options to find more about what else we have been doing in Curriculum RE and Prayer and Liturgy.
Pope Francis has decreed that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, a holy year which happens every 25 years in the Catholic Church. The Holy Door in Rome has opened and will remain open until 6th January 2026.
In a world that is growing more unjust and unequal, we are inviting our children in school as well as their parents to experience the joy and strength in coming together as we respond to God’s call for a reset, a renewal of faith and a recommitment to a just world.
We'll be doing lots of activities over the year related to this space!
Emmanuel Church Visit
Piano Class thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Emmanuel Church learning about how to make a Christingle and what each part symbolises as well as having time to reflect on why we call Jesus the Light of the World.
Such beautiful words from Helen from BSYW who came and worked with our Year 4/5 and Year 5/6 classes over 5 weeks during Autumn 1. We can't wait to get more involved and have Helen and her team in school again.
Posada Boxes 2024
As part of our tradition at St. Mary's, during Advent each class sends home their own posada box which contains prayers, a candle and figurines of Mary and Joseph, which they take out and provide a home for, for the night, as they make their journey to Bethlehem.
KS1 Nativity
Well done KS1 and EYFS for sharing your nativity full of songs and sharing the story of the coming of baby Jesus.
KS2 Carol Service
Congratulations to all of KS2 for their superb Carol Service that they shared with the staff, parents and friends of St Mary's in church on Tuesday 17th December. The children worked incredibly hard and did themselves and us proud.
The Annunciation - Year 2/3
The children used role-play to re-tell the story of the Annunciation, they thought about how Mary felt when she received the message from God and why she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus.
Harvest Festival
We celebrate whole school mass to celebrate Harvest Festival with Fr Stephen. Maria was excellent completing her first alter serving for school (she's been serving on Sundays for a couple of months) and the Year 6s read beautifully, which was all finished off with our school choir, singing Make me a Channel of your Peace during Communion.
Fr Stephen Visits Year 1/2
Fr Stephen, our new priest in charge at St. Mary's, came in to introduce himself to the children in Bodhran class.
Fr Stephen visits Year 2/3
Fr Stephen has been into school to visit Year 2/3 (Flute Class), introduce himself, give the children the opportunity to ask questions and share some reflection time.
Class Masses 2024-2025 have begun...
All of KS2 have taken part in the first class mass of the year. We have have sadly said goodbye to Fr Alf who looked after St. Mary's for the last few months and we have now welcomed Fr Stephen, who is the priest in charge at St. Mary's.
Year 6 Leavers' Mass
Congratulations and Thank You to our fantastic Year 6 of 2024 - you read beautifully at Mass as we celebrated the end of your time at St. Mary's.
Fr Alf's Class Visits
Over the last term, Fr Alf has come and spent time with each class, talking to them about who he is, his role and sharing their learning. The children have thoroughly enjoyed it.
The Feast of the Ascension
On Thursday 9th May, as a school we visited church to celebrate Mass with Fr Alf for the Ascension - when Jesus returns to sit at the right hand side of his Father. The Year 6 children read beautifully and the children's singing, responses and reverence was comment on by Fr Alf.
Emmanuel Church visit
A lovely on the last day of the term before finishing for Easter. Year 4 (Blake Class) had a lovely couple of hours at the Emmanuel Church to join them in retelling the story of Holy Week, concentrating on what happened on Good Friday and what it means for us. The children also made their own tomb representation out of biscuits.
Stations of the Cross
On Wednesday 27th March, we held our our Stations of the Cross, which has become a St. Mary's tradition. Each class created two representations for the stations, involving the children in their class. Each class visited the hall and retold and reflected on the events Jesus experienced on Good Friday. During lunchtime, parishioners joined our Way of the Cross team for the service, using our stations, and then came for tea and biscuits in the staffroom.
Easter Mystery Box
During Lent, each class from Year 1 - Year 6 had their own Easter Mystery Box which went home and engaged the children with reflecting on the true meaning of Easter. They could share the story, light a candle and share a prayer with their family.
Lenten Lunch
Six children were selected to join Mrs Halloran in visiting church, during their lunch on Friday 15th March, for church's Lenten Lunch. They children enjoyed the company of parishioners and tucked into some lovely soup made by Mr Lynch.
Class Masses
Each half term, KS2 classes have the opportunity to visit church to participate in the celebration of Mass.
CAFOD Cake Stalls
Throughout Lent we are hosting cake stalls, one per class to raise money to support CAFOD, a Christian charity that works to help people in underdeveloped countries.
Lionni Class
School Choir visit a local Care Home
Lionni Class learnt about Advent and how Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus, they then wrote Advent promises and decorated the Christmas tree,
Lionni Class took part in a nativity workshop and travelled through the Christmas story.
Remembrance Sunday
The children represented our school brilliantly at Remembrance Sunday service in the Memorial Park. They were dressed smart in their uniforms, participated in the service and lay a wreath from our school.
Harvest Mass
Today, we started talking about what justice was and what are human rights are. We then worked as a group to gather ideas for a debate about refugees. The children came up with some very interesting points and it gave us lots of discussion points.
Breaking News from the Sky Newsroom
Warning - contains miracles! Our children reporting live from the scenes of Jesus' miracles.
Catholic Life at St. Mary's
2022 - 2023
Bible Studies
Shelly Woods class enjoyed an RE lesson with a difference today. We were lucky enough to enjoy a lesson devoted to exploring the Bible. This involved actions, dress-up and some class discussion about certain aspects and stories within the Bible. It was fun and informative, the children were engrossed.
Stations of the Cross Daley Class
In Daley Class we contributed to the wonderful Stations of the Cross display in the hall. We talked about our faith and what each station represents.
Eid al-Fitr
To celebrate Eid, the celebration to mark the end of Ramadan, Shelly Woods class enjoyed some special treats.
The children in King Class have taken home the Lent box and reflected upon what they would like to give up for Lent like Jesus did in the desert.
Stations of the Cross; a St. Marys exhibition...
In RE we have been listening to the story of The Good Samaritan. We spoke about what it means to be a 'Good Samaritian' and that loving your neighbour means loving everyone, that way that God loves us.
We have been looking at Families & Celebrations in our RE lessons this half term. One particular celebration we have been looking at is the Sacrament of Baptism. We had the pleasure of attending Church to listen to Father Michael tell us all about this special celebration. We even got to pretend we were taking part in a Baptism ceremony!