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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Mary Cassatt

French Day

The children in Cassatt Class enjoyed French Day. They visited the french cafe and tasted the different foods. They enjoyed learning the colours of the rainbow song and mixing and naming the colours they made when painting. They looked at maps of France and the french flag to create their own flags. They also explored famous landmarks in France.

Please have a look at some of our fantastic writing.

Science investigation linked to the 5 senses.

Today in the Cassatt class, the children shared in a re-enactment of the story of Jesus calming the storm. The children were taught about the power of God and miracle he performed.

We hope you enjoy some examples of the children's writing produced over this term.

We have been finding out if toys from the past are similar to the toys we play with.

Working out multiplications using arrays

Summer II Newsletter

Cassatt Class have enjoyed using the Bee Bots to give directions

Describing, comparing and measuring volume and capacity

Stations of the Cross

The year 1 and 2 children in Cassatt class had the opportunity to learn about the story of Jesus and his journey to his death by observing the Stations of the Cross. Each station had been created by the staff and children in school. The children in Cassatt class were very respectful whilst looking and reflecting on each station.

Phonic Check Parents Meeting - Friday 29th March 2019

Science Day 2019

Clay modelling

Celebrating World Book Day

The children from the Cassatt class today were learning about baptism. They now know that we become a member of the Church when we are baptised.

The Cassatt class visited St.Mary's Church today so they could see what was inside God's house and to begin to understand what we go to Church for.

The children planted beans and have been watching their plants grow over the past few weeks.

Reading and following instructions to make a fruit salad

Jesus is the Light of the World!

A beanstalk has grown in the classroom!

Cassatt Class Christmas party

The children have been taking the Posada box home to welcome Joseph and Mary and the Christmas nativity scene into their homes.

Christmas Nativity Workshop

The children have enjoyed learning about the story of Christmas through a Nativity workshop. 

Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth.

Calculation workshop for parents of children in Years 1,2 and 3.

Calculation workshop for Years 1,2 and 3.

We worked together to discuss what questions we could ask the dragon.

The children from Hokusai class were missing! We searched their classroom for clues. Did the dragon take them?

We hot seated the dragon and asked it our questions

Do you know these famous people and what they all have in common?

We had some visitors tell us about the faith of Islam. The children had the opportunity to ask their own questions to find out things they wanted to know.

We tried different foods from the Islamic culture and used our senses to describe the smell and taste. The food was delicious!!

We invited our family to work with us to create the symbol of Islam in different craft activities.

We have learned that the Qur'an is written in Arabic. The children practised writing their own names in arabic.

Islam - What do these famous people have in common?

We have been making clay animals and describing their features.

Working together to name and label the world's 7 continents.

Grouping animals in science

The children have been observing maps, globes and atlases to find countries in the seven continents.

Autumn I Newsletter

In art, the children have been creating observational drawings of penguins.

God's wonderful creations. Today in our RE lesson we recreated God's world and children added something they had made when we talked about what God had created each day.

In geography, we have been observing and taking photos of the weather.

We have been learning to identify, count and write numbers to 20 in numbers and words.

Ready for the first day!
