In preparation for PSHE becoming statutory in September 2020 under the Children and Social Work Act 2017, including Relationships Education at key stages 1 and 2 and Health Education in Primary
we began by reviewing our current PSHE and PE curriculum. We decided that a more structured comprehensive programme that integrated the statutory content and included a broader programme covering economic wellbeing, careers and enterprise education, as well as education for personal safety, was required.
It was important for our children to have opportunities to reflect on their learning, especially when that learning relates directly to their individual identity – their personal qualities, attitudes, attributes, achievements and influences. We felt that it was important for teachers to feel confident that learning within this subject had taken place, to be able to demonstrate progress and to identify future learning needs.
It was also essential that all those invested in our children could see the impact PSHE education would have on our children and for whole-school outcomes. In conjunction with our PSHE curriculum, we decided to remap our entire curriculum and place PSHE at the heart of our foundation.
The purpose of our curriculum is to inspire all children to acquire knowledge to ignite a lifelong love of learning. We celebrate the cultural capital that our community brings to learning and build on this to broaden children’s understanding of the world. Our commitment to providing equality of opportunity ensures that rich experiences and enhancements are embedded throughout the curriculum.
EYFS- In the Foundation Stage, PE is taught as an integral part of topic work and is embedded throughout the curriculum. The objectives taught are the Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development statements from ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ and the PSED Early Learning Goals.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 –
At Key Stages 1 and 2, PE is personalised, planned and illustrated through our PE Curriculum Maps. Lessons are supported using the Lancashire scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum. Assessment outcomes on our PE Passport and questionnaire findings have helped mould our curriculum priorities and focus on the needs of our children.
Children are taught PE supported with ‘Lancashire PE Scheme of Work’ materials, along with a range of enrichment and enhancement opportunities and after school sports clubs and events planned throughout the year that provide a more practical and realistic setting to support children’s understanding.
Our aims are to prepare our children for life, helping them to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. There is a strong emphasis on building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. It includes mindfulness (Healthy Heads) to allow children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.
Impact on Children:
Children apply knowledge across all subjects
They understand that the knowledge they learn and develop will help them in their future.
Children are able to approach a range of real-life situations and apply their attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life.
They will be on their way to becoming healthy, open-minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, and active members of society.
Children appreciate difference and diversity.
They are able to look after their mental health and well-being.
They are able to develop a positive, healthy relationship with their peers both now and in the future.
The children have respect for themselves and others.
The children have a positive self-esteem.
We encourage our children to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. We challenge all of our pupils to look for opportunities to show the school values of faith, hope and love.
Impact on Attainment and Progress
The curriculum demands the best possible outcomes in PE from every child
From each individual child’s starting point, progress is evident
Evaluation and Impact on our Curriculum
Subjects are taught discretely to ensure specific concepts are the focus. Links are made across curriculum subjects.
PSHE, including SMSC and BV, is an integral part of the whole school curriculum
Evaluation of our Impact on our World
Our children are inspired to achieve their full potential; have their voices heard and effect change.
Assemblies are linked to PSHE, British Values and SMSC and are linked to our school Values.
PSHE, BV and SMSC displays throughout school reinforce the PSHE curriculum
At St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education is embedded within our
overarching curriculum that prepares our children for many different aspects of their lives.
Our overall goal is to help our children to become well-rounded individuals with strong character, who will eventually go out into the world of adults and be actively and positively involved in society. In order to do this, we are striving to create a conducive environment around the school and this year we have created our own specific Personal Development Curriculum that is entwined with our academic curriculum.
Our curriculum aims to provide engagement and enrichment and through this, we aim for all children to have equal opportunities to thrive together.
At St Mary's, we follow the Lancashire Scheme of work and use the Lancashire PE Passport. We are also using resources from Complete PE to support some of the teaching and learning in PE.
Flyde Rugby Reading and Tag Rugby Event - 13.6.24
The year 5 children enjoyed a wonderful transition afternoon at Cardinal Allen. After a warm up and practice the children played rounders and cricket.
Year 4 - PE
Building new friendships during a competitive and fun afternoon in preparation for starting Fleetwood High School
As Year 6 are preparing for their SATS, Wendy has been helping them to relax and prepare the children mentally for their tests.
Year 4/5 have been making start on playing rounders focusing on their hand-eye coordination with throwing and catching.
Year 6 had a visit from Fleetwood Town's football players and they came to talk about resilience with the children
Extra Curricular Cheerleading Club
EYFS - Go Velo - Balance Bikes
Fleetwood Town Player Visit
Maurice Sendak class had the pleasure of a talk from two Fleetwood Town footballers this afternoon. They spoke to us about resilience and overcoming challenge. We had a wonderful afternoon!
A selection of the year 5/6 girls had the chance to take part in the Fleetwood Town Tournament 'Let Girls Play' at Poolfoot.
They all had a fantastic day joining in with some football skills and team building games before playing 3 matches against other schools where they gained a 2-1 win in their second game.
To top off the wonderful day one of our own was honoured with winning the 'Be ambitious' award well done Ruby!
Attendance Reward made possible by the Sports Premium Spending
Indoor Athletics Competition 2024
We took part in the 2024 Indoor Athletics Competition and we performed to the best of our ability. We showed resilience and determination and great leadership skills. We supported each other and had fun along the way!
Year 1 have enjoyed a unit of yoga with Wendy. Yoga left us all feeling incredibly relaxed.
Year 3 have been having a go at cosmic yoga.
EYFS have been enjoying some time on the large equipment.
Year 4 have been demonstrating passing a ball using a swing pass accurately.
Year 2 have been making letters with our bodies and working together as a team collaboratively to make shapes.
Rugby & Reading
Today, we started our Rugby & Reading scheme. We started off by taking part in a reading session followed by a game of Rugby. We can't wait for our skills in both areas to be developed.
Glow in the dark dodgeball
Ball skills in Year 2
Sendak Class
PALs training session 1
Sendak Class
Gymnastics - putting together a sequence that flows using balances, rolls, start and end positions
Santa Dash 2023
Unfortunately the weather put a stop to year 4/5s plans to join the Santa Dash on the Memorial Park today however, Lee kindly joined us at school and we had our very own mini Santa Dash in the playground! We had Christmas music playing and had loads of fun!
Thank you all so much for your donations for the food bank!
Practising rolls and strengthening our core in Yoga.
Year 2 yoga.
Gymnastics 2 - Maurice Sendak Class
Today, we worked in partners to create a routine that included a start and end position, a counter balance, a roll and movement. We will progress further with this by using equipment and we will build ourselves up so we can work with the large equipment.
Sadly, we said goodbye to Coach Josh during assembly today. Thank you and good luck Josh, from all of us at St Mary's!
More congratulations were in order this morning as Sports Captains were announced. The children delivered a speech to their house group and then the rest of their team voted for who they wanted to be their leader. Well done children, you are all leaders!
Lionni Class have been learning how to bounce and catch balls.
Outdoor PE
Sendak class enjoyed some tennis coaching this week. The children worked in pairs to perfect their tennis skills.