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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Science Week 2021



The children went on a minibeast hunt in our outdoor area. We safety collected any they found and the children did observational drawings of their favourite. 

Marble Runs

Bertoli Class have been making marble runs. The children had to test different materials to see which would be best to slow the marble down.  They tested their completed marble runs to see who was the slowest. 

Designing and making a new bed for Mylo!

Meeting Mylo!

Exploring Mini-beasts in their natural habitats!

Sonny explaining how to care and look after your pet!

Still image for this video

Meeting Mylo

Using our grammar and mathematical skills to read diary extracts and solve problems about Mylo.

Designing a poster to look after a pet and learning how to draw a dog.

Designing, making and evaluating a bed of our new therapy dog Mylo.

Making a sunflower and writing instructions.


Three Billy Goats Gruff - building a bridge

Planning and carrying out a fair test

Designing a Robo-bot

Inventions outdoors

Meeting Mylo

Making a Stew


Designing a robo-bug

Meeting Milo


We had a special visitor this afternoon. Milo, our new therapy dog, came in to say hello. It was a lovely visit and it's hard to say who enjoyed it more, Milo or the children. One of our science focus's this week will be designing him something special, such as a new toy, collar or bed. 

Designing a bridge

Designing a rollercoaster

Our Landmark Trip Around Fleetwood

Designing a robo-bug

A bed for Mylo

Engineering Fairy Tales - The Gingerbread Man 

Meeting Milo


We had a special visitor this afternoon. Milo, our new therapy dog, came in to say hello. It was a lovely visit and it's hard to say who enjoyed it more, Milo or the children. One of our science focus's this week will be designing him something special, such as a new toy, collar or bed. 

Mylo found it impossible to choose a winning bed!