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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other


At St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education is embedded within our

overarching curriculum that prepares our children for many different aspects of their lives.  

Our overall goal is to help our children to become well-rounded individuals with strong character, who will eventually go out into the world of adults and be actively and positively involved in society.   In order to do this, we are striving to create a conducive environment around the school and this year we have created our own specific Personal Development Curriculum that is entwined with our academic curriculum.

Our curriculum aims to provide engagement and enrichment and through this, we aim for all children to have equal opportunities to thrive together.  

How well do we brush our teeth? - Investigating Plaque

Year 4 have been learning all about teeth - the types of teeth, their function, how it links with diet as well as the layers we have. Year 4 learnt about eh layers and how we need to look after them. The children then used a disclosing tablet to see the plaque on their teeth - blue is old and red is new. We then shared ways we can help protect our teeth and avoid getting plaque by changing our toothbrush monthly, brushing twice a day (for two minutes) and avoiding sugary food and drinks.

Year 2 had fun at the zoo, they participated in an animal habitat workshop and looked at all the different animals in their habitats.

In Lionni Class as part of our science, the children made posters on how to look after our natural habitats.

Lionni Class

Hughes Class - Year 1


Hughes Class have been thinking about different types of animals. We have looked at mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles and how all of these types of animal have their own special features. Next up we will be thinking about what animals eat and how we can discover whether an animal is a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore by investigating their poo! 😂

Year 2-To investigate light and dark. The class made a prediction and then planted seeds to see where the plants would grow the healthiest.

Whole School Planetarium Day

The Planetarium visited school today to engage us further in science.  During the session, we learned about the sun, Earth, the moon, and space.  We learnt about the NASA space mission to the moon and how the space rockets are built and sustained. 

Heart & Lung Dissecting

Thank you to Cardinal Allen for coming into school this morning to support our science topic.  They were able to lead a session on heart and lung dissecting.  This enabled the children to see up close the components of the heart and the lung!  A very interesting, practical session.

Mad Science TV Performance!

In Science, we've created our own Mad Science TV show that teaches children all about the circulatory system!

The Circulatory System Project Homework

The children enjoyed making their own creations for the circulatory system homework!  We had a range of projects from game show quizzes, 3D models, fact files, leaflets and practical equipment!  A huge well done to everyone involved!  We loved showcasing these in class today!

Year 2/3 - Waterproof Investigation

Year 2/3 children completed their Science topic on Materials by planning and conducting an investigation on which materials are waterproof. We tested tin foil, felt, nylon and cling film. We discussed the need for a fair test, what we would keep the same and what we change.

Voltage Experiment 

In science, we experimented with voltage.  We wanted to find out whether the bulb would be brighter with a higher voltage and whether the buzzer would be louder with a higher voltage.  

RAF Challenge Day - STEM

Today, we took part in a rocket builders challenge which was presented by the RAF.  During the STEM challenge, we designed, built and tested our rockets before taking part in a sustainability for the future challenge.  Take a look at some of our hard work!  Thank you to the Royal Air Force for sponsoring this challenge; we had lots of fun. 

Year 2-Identify and Classifying food - As well as a little taste of some fruits and veg.

Maurice Sendak - Electro LEGO Builders workshop

We had so much fun today starting off our electricity topic with a WOW starter.  Stephen from LEGO builders came in to help us build LEGO cities which included lights and circuits.  We added moving trains and put all of our buildings together to make one big city!  Look at our creations...

What you should know about H20 

Today, the whole school took part in an assembly presented by United Utilities who work in conjunction with Mad Science.  The children talked about the water cycle, saving water, hygiene and much more!  Take a look at our pictures - we even had audience participation!


During this term we have been looking at Diet and Nutrition. We have started by how we can group food and the meaning of different words. We have looked at a balanced diet and how we need food from different categories to have a healthy diet. 

In science Lionni Class have been learning all about animals and how they survive.

Hughes Class


This half term our lovely year 1 / 2 class have been learning about the human body. We know where different parts of our body are located and what the different parts of our body are used for. We have been particularly busy thinking about our five senses. We know that our five senses are smell, taste, sight, hearing and touch. We have enjoyed some practical lessons learning about our senses.

Feathery friends


Our lovely little school had some special, feathery visitors today. The Bird Man came for his annual visit with his spectacular birds of prey. As always, it was a fantastic, informative experience for the children. 

Sendak class - classifying animals


Our science topic for this half term is classifying animals and their habitats. We began the topic by having a think about what me already know about classifying animals and what we might like to learn. After this, we read through our knowledge organisers which will be our reference point as we move through the topic.  

King Class have been learning about different materials and what they are used for.

Can you see the light? 


Shelly Woods class are seeing the light this week. Our Science topic is light and refraction and our writing task for this week will be creating an explanation text outlining how we see and the work by Isaac Newton.  

Understanding the World

In Daley Class we have been talking about growing up and how we change as we grow up. We can do lots of things now that we couldn't do when we were toddlers!

As we grow up...

In Pelé class today we have been looking at the difference between weight and mass. We have spoken about Issac Newton and his discovery of gravity. We then measured the weight and mass of different objects around the classroom and compared our findings.

King Class had a visit from the dentist today to teach them all about looking after their teeth.

Science Day in King Class-We wanted to help the 3 bears by designing a chair strong enough for all of them to sit in, We investigated which materials to use, made the chairs, tested them and evaluated them.

Our UCLAN adventure


Today was an extra special day for Shelly Woods class. We visited UCLAN for a morning of forensic science/policing activities. The children took fingerprints, examined CCTV footage for clues about a robbery, analysed footprints and looked at facial recognition techniques. As if all this wasn't enough, we then enjoyed a spectacular tour of the campus. It was a memorable day,  the children will never forget having visited a university.  After such a great visit, our hope is that they may even have been inspired to go to university themselves! 

Today in EYFS we chose Floating and Sinking as a theme, and did our learning both indoors and outdoors. First we predicted whether some objects such as coins, cotton wool, pencils and wax crayons would float or sink. Then we tested each object and compared results. We were correct on every prediction!

Then we went outside and investigated for ourselves some other objects which float and sink. Indoors we made boats out of recycled plastic and cardboard.  We had lots of fun! Tomorrow we are going to test our boats on water to see if they float or sink.

EYFS Floating and Sinking

Science Day!


Today our school is celebrating Science. Each class will be completing various STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and each key stage will enjoy a spectacular science assembly. 


Woods class were tasked with creating a 20 second timer, based on the idea of helping Cinderella to tell the time so that she can leave the ball on time. The children worked in small groups to complete the challenge. It wasn't easy and they did a fantastic job, the winning team managed to produce a 22 second timer (impressively close to the target time). 

KS1 science day assembly

Fairy tale Stem engineering in King Class-evaluating our bridges to see if they are strong enough to hold 'Fred Frog' and discussing how we could make them better next time.

In our STEM engineering today King Class started to investigate which materials were the strongest to use to make a strong bridge for the Billy Goats Gruff. When we have completed our bridges we will test them and evaluate them.

King Class-Today in science we started our engineering fairytale topic. We watched the story of 'The Billy Goats Gruff' and then discussed the problem we had to solve. We decided that we needed to make a new bridge so the goats could cross safely.. We discussed what equipment we could use to make them, then in pairs designed our bridges and labelled them.

LEGO Builders Workshop - Science Circuits

We LOVED our morning with the LEGO builders workshop - we built a LEGO city, made circuits and lit it all up!  We even made the train move forwards and backwards!

Creepy Crawly Roadshow 2023

We loved our session with the creepy crawly roadshow!  We learnt about different creatures and then did a question and answer.  Some of us were lucky enough to have a snake around our neck!

Blackpool Gazette

In the Autumn term, some children attended a science project at Blackpool Football club.  We have just received news that the day has received a write up in the gazette.  Well done!  You can find the link below. 

Is there anybody out there? 


Today was a unique and interesting day for our children. The Planeterium was in school and each class enjoyed a session, in which they learnt all about the delights of the solar system. It was a fabulous experience for our children, both fun and informative. It was mesmerising and the children were enthralled! 

Parental Engagement & Science Celebrations

Thank you to our parents who celebrated our science success with us and stayed behind after assembly to look at our projects.  

The ‘Road to Riat Challenge'


Our class took part in a special challenge today. The ‘Road to Riat Challenge’, delivered by the RAF, allowed us to create and test our own rockets.  We planned our design, made it and tested it with different ‘loads.’  This challenge enabled us to work as a team, work individually and work scientifically. The ‘Road to Riat Challenge’, delivered by the RAF, allowed us to create and test our own rockets.  We planned our design, made it and tested it with different ‘loads.’  This challenge enabled us to work as a team, work individually and work scientifically.

Building bridges 


Our enhancement week activity for today was bridge building. The children looked at various famous bridges and discussed features of their design. We then worked in small groups to design and build a bridge – each group working with different materials.  Teamwork and communication were the highest priorities, as well as a sturdy bridge design.

Science STEM Enthuse Project - Shelly Woods Class

Saving Blackpool sea front!  We were lucky enough to take part in Blackpool's Enthuse project at Blackpool Football Club.  The children had to come up with innovative ideas that would eventually become a reality in the future.  We came up with a salt water sensor, turbines on the tower and an illuminator app and device that created kinetic energy.  The judges were very impressed and we had a great day presenting our ideas, watching a science show and then working as a team on two STEM activities. 

King Class had a visit from a vet today to help us learn how to look after our pets.

In King Class we have been learning all about predators and prey in food chains. We know that a food chain starts with a producer and that some animals are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.

King Class described different habitats around the world and the animals that live there.

STEM Enthuse Partnership - The planning stage!

We have the opportunity to take part in the STEM Enthuse project at Blackpool Football Club.  We are currently in the planning stage but our project ideas are top secret!  We will keep you informed along the way!  We cant wait to take part in the science project in a few weeks!

King Class

This half term the children have been learning about mini-beasts and their habitats and the life processes that animals and living things need.

Pele Class

In Pelè Class, they have been learning about space and earth. During their science lessons, they have talked about the planets, how the earth orbits the sun and how the moon orbits the earth

STEM challenge


Exciting news! Some our year 5/6 children are taking part in a STEM challenge next month, to be hosted at Blackpool Football Club. The challenge is to design future, renewable ideas to help Blackpool avoid flooding and maintain electricity supplies - hence keeping the illuminations shining. We have already started thinking about our ideas but, owing to the competitive nature of the challenge, we are unable to divulge anymore information at this stage.  Watch this space for more information in the coming weeks...

Bird Man

In assembly this morning, we listened carefully to the bird man as he told us all about his birds of prey.  He told us all about adaptation and survival, key learning that links to our science!  Take a look at our pictures to see how much fun we had. 

World Heart Day 


Shelly Woods class acknowledged World Heart Day by having a discussion about how best to keep our heart healthy. The children did a poster containing information. We also combined this with a practical experiment to replicate blood and all it's components. 

Testing materials to see if they are reflective!  Look how much fun we had!  We made predictions and then tested them out! 

Science in King Class-We have been learning about life processes for living things and hunting for mini-beast in the school garden.

How does the heart work? 


Our focus on the heart continued this afternoon. We looked at a diagram of the heart and labelled the various parts. We also discussed the function of each part. 

The lungs


We also continued our exploration of the circulatory system with an in-depth look at the lungs. We drew a diagram of the lungs and discussed the parts and their function. I think you'll agree they did a fantastic job.  


Heart and Lung Dissecting 

Our science lesson took an exciting turn today when Mr Harding, from Cardinal Allen High school, came to visit us.  He brought with him heart and lungs for us to dissect.  We spoke about the different elements of the heart, lungs and the windpipe and then worked together as a team to dissect different parts.  Take a look at the fun we had - what a fabulous way to start our science topic!

KS2 Manchester Science Museum 2022

What a wonderful trip to the Science Museum we had in KS2 - fun, shows, experiments and lots of exploring. 

Growth of seeds and bulbs

In year 2, we have set up our own experiment to find out how seeds and bulbs grow.  We are going to compare them. 

LEGO building in year 4

Organising organisms based on their features

Which materials are magnetic?

Bly class Dentist Visit

Today we had the lovely Dental Nurses from Ideal Dental Care Fleetwood visit Bly class. They taught us all about taking care of our teeth. We listened to a story, played a game and learnt a song to help us clean our teeth for 2 minutes. We loved it! 

Year 5 S.T.E.M activities

Year 5 - Science week

Healthy bodies, healthy minds - year 5 focused on how our mental health is just as important as our physical health and how exercise could also help to improve our mindset as well as our physical fitness.


Alexander Flemming and his discovery of penicillin - here are a few example of the fact sheets year 5 created after their research on Alexander Flemming and how his discovery changed the world.

Garrido Class Egg Experiment

Garrido Class carried out an egg experiment where they placed five eggs in five different liquids and left them for seven days. A week later, they examined the results and observed how the different liquids damaged the egg shells. This linked to their topic 'Teeth and digestion', representing the enamel on our teeth and showing which drinks are better for our teeth.

Garrido Class Femur Investigation

Garrido Class enjoyed recording the results to their femur investigation. They wanted to find out whether people with longer femurs would jump further. They had lots of fun!

Shackleton Science - Planning our own experiments.

We have enjoyed planning and carrying out our own experiments today in science.  We worked as a group to come up with a question, we planned our prediction, we discussed the variables and the method and then we carried out our experiment.  We selected our own equipment and then came up with our own way of recording our results!  What fun we had! 

Shackleton Class STEM RIAT challenge 

Delivered by The RAF

Today we were lucky enough to take part in the STEM Riot Challenge.  We made our own rocket launchers, planned for them, tested them out and learnt how STEM is involved in the process. 

We also talked about the following:  What the RAF does in society and jobs associated with it, different aircrafts, space and gravity, rockets and gravitational forces, satellites, payload and testing, how to launch a rocket the furthest it can go, scientific method, what needs to stay the same to make it a fair test, variables, what are you changing each time, predictions and having lots of fun!

Escape Room Game


In year 5, we were told that we were to imagine that we were stuck in a high-tech kitchen that needed an access code to override the locks. We were asked to read the 10 clues and find out the numbers that could be used for the access code. All the clues were questions regarding materials and their properties. The children had to answer questions on changes of state, material properties, dissolving and magnetics.

Plaque Attack!


On Tuesday 5th October, Year 4 discussed the structure of a tooth, what oral bacteria is and how we can help our mouths and teeth stay clean and healthy. The children brushed their teeth and then used a disclosing tablet to see, if and where we have new or old plaque on their teeth. We discussed what responsibility we have in looking after our teeth and to attack this plaque.  

The Blood

In Year 6 Science today, we looked at the different components of the blood and made these from different foods!  We talked about the red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma!

Healthy Eating Week 2021 in Year 1!

Today, as part of our Science lesson we used magnifying glasses to look at different fruit. We discussed similarities and differences between each piece of fruit such as number of seeds, shape, size and texture. We spoke about how important fruit is as part of our healthy diets and even got to try fruit that we haven't had a lot of before, such as pomegranate and cherries!  

Heart & Lungs

We were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr Harding from our link High School Cardinal Allen.  We learnt all about the heart and the lungs and even had the opportunity to dissect them both in order to have a closer look at the different components. We had so much fun!

Our STEM Morning

We had a special delivery in Griffin Class today... a golden egg! We were set the task from Jack to design and make something that could carry the special egg. It had to be strong and it had to keep the egg safe from cracking! Take a look at our creations...

First Aid Training

RAF Challenge


Wren class took part in a very special and unique challenge today. The Royal Air Force want young people who are into science, technology, engineering and maths to live in a world that celebrates their passion and supports their vision for the future, so with this in mind they hosted a Rocket Challenge.  

It was a superb challenge! The children were enthralled and fully engaged in navigating all the complexities of building a successful rocket. They worked phenomenally hard, well done children!

In Wren class we are seeing the light...


Wren class are seeing the light this week, quite literally. Our science focus is how light travels and how we see things. Today we conducted an experiment to investigate this. 



Our light focus continues in Science this week. Today we have looked at how light rays can change direction when blocked by objects and how visions can be distorted. We did the straw and arrow experiments to explore this. 

Exploring colour


We also looked at how refraction can change the colours we see. We used a prism to make a rainbow on the ceiling and talked about why this happens. We concluded our experiment by making a colour wheel and spinning it at speed to see how this altered the colours. 

Science in Year 1 - Autumn Term

In year 1, our Topic is ‘Animals including Humans’, we have been spent time identifying the features of different animals, as well as identifying different types of animals (such as mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish). We have also discussed what different animals eat. During this activity, we are identifying animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Science Week


Our Science week began today. Each class will do different Science based activities throughout the week, ranging from visiting farms and parks to seeing how metals are disposed of at the scrap yard - and everything in between. It's going to be packed week of all things Science.  

Science week in Peregrine class 


Our week began with a whole school assembly to launch our Science week. In the assembly we talked about careers involving Science and some of the activities that the different classes will do this week. We watched a video of some wow Science experiments to remind and inspire us as to how fascinating Science can be. 


A special visitor


Our two upper key stage 2 classes had a very special visitor today. Sarah Powell, a doctor from Lancaster University, came in to talk to us about anatomy and how her and her team support athletes in giving their best performance. It really was a fascinating insight into the medical science that supports the footballer, gymnast, tennis player and so on. We learnt that many well known sports people have existing medical issues that are carefully managed to enable them to perform to the best of their ability. We even got to try out a clever gadget that measures athletic performance, in this instance we measured jumping height. The whole class had a go and the winner was Kian who managed to leap a staggering 32.8cm. The children learnt a lot from the session, it was very inspiring. I think we may have even planted a few seeds with regard to future careers.  

As if all that wasn't enough for one day, Peregrine class also did an amazing experiment to replicate blood and it's various components. We used various sweet treats to represent the plasma, platelets, veins and red/white blood cells. 

Engineering fairy tales


Day two of science week is focusing on ‘Engineering Fairy tales' throughout the school. Each class has a different fairy tale to explore using a scientific perspective. In Peregrine class we are looking at Cinderella, with a particular focus on the time aspect. As Cinderella had to be home before the clock struck midnight, our task was to design a stop watch. Equipment allocated for the task was deliberately basic and limited, forcing the children to think outside the box. Each group also had a budget to work within as all equipment they needed for the task had to be ‘purchased’.  

A day of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)


Peregrine class have enjoyed a fabulous day of all things STEM today. The first task was to build a weight bearing bridge using paper tubes and cable ties. We looked at different designs first, before carefully constructing our own. The challenge was to see how much weight the bridge could hold and the results were impressive.


I can proudly confirm that the amazing children of Peregrine class now hold the world record for this challenge - a staggering 28 kilograms! Well done children, you were incredible!

Science club


Our science club focus for this week was electricity and circuit making, with a sprinkle of chocolate. The children made circuits and experimented with different wires and varying number of battery and bulb combinations. As if this wasn't exciting enough, the children then conducted an experiment to explore their sense of smell using melted chocolate.   



Some of our Key Stage 2 children enjoyed taking part in an after school science club this week. The focus of the first session was the human body. The children explored the roles of joints, tendons, muscles and bones. They also did a pulse test, before and after exercise. The main activity was making their very own replica arm, to help them understand how joints work. It was a fun and informative session.   

Applying our Science,Technology, Engineering and Maths skills 


Four of our Year 5 children attended a STEM event at Fleetwood High School today. Our task was to build a bridge that was both sturdy enough to hold a 1KG truck and tall enough to allow a boat to pass underneath. The wood had to be cut to size by the children, using a hack saw, and the holes drilled independently. The children worked tremendously hard to build a bridge that more than met all the requirements. Well done team Blue Bridge! 

Peregrine class - What is evolution?


Our Science focus for this half term is evolution. We started our learning by thinking about inherited characteristics and the variations that can occur. This led on nicely to a group activity looking at how humans, plants and animals can adapt to their surroundings. 


Hokusai class-Science day-We used a carousel of activities to show the journey of materials. We mad lava lamps, bath bombs, play dough and played with static electricity.

Ringgold Class - Science Day - A visit from the Science Man, creating slime and creating lava lamps.

Science day



Today has been a particularly special as, across the school, we have been celebrating Science. Our day began with a spectacular Science assembly, during which the children were entertained with a variety of experiments and awesome scientific facts. Each class then conducted their own Science based activities. It has been an incredible and exciting learning experience for the children, involving everything from constructing catapults, making ice cream, propelling rockets, producing slime, creating volcanic eruptions, and making lava lamps -  to name just a few of the wonderful activities. The children have been enthralled and it's been a truly memorable day.  

Science Day for Year 6 (making ice cream, testing metals and making 'sweeties' blood)

Steve Rossington, a science lecturer from Salford University, came in school to launch our Science day with a literally BANG! He demonstrated to the children the effects that certain gases have on different items, for example he froze apple, banana and flowers all using carb ice (dry ice). He then visited each class for short workshop, when visiting Year 6 he made ice cream, which the children got to eat. He used cream, sugar, milk and carb ice and mixed it altogether which almost instantly it transformed into crystals of ice cream.

Year 6 had the opportunity to visit Mrs Hoy, head of Science, at Cardinal Allen for a chemistry lesson. The lesson focused on testing different types of metals and their reactions with hydrochloric acid.

Back in the classroom for the afternoon, Year 6 used their knowledge of the circulatory system and made their own blood - with sweets. We recapped on the components of blood, the function of each part, then made our own representation using honey for the plasma, Haribo strawberries for the red blood cells, white chocolate buttons for the white blood cells and rainbow drops for the platelets. 

Michelangelo class - learning about how the digestive system works


This afternoon we did an experiment to examine the digestion process in more detail. We used various substitutes - such as orange juice, a plastic bag and so on - to replicate the elements of the system and see how the food is broken down and processed in detail. It was an engaging, fun and informative lesson as you can see from the pictures below. 

Banksy class have been learning about light and dark as it is becoming darker earlier, the closer we get to winter! As the children were interested in the puppets in the reading area, we learned about shadows by creating shadow puppet theatres and by blocking the light from the projector so a shadow formed on our interactive whiteboard. 

This week -13th November- Ringgold Class performed a series of experiments using different substances to see if they would dissolve in water. We used the following: salt, sand, coffee, gravy, chalk, flour and rice. As a result we were able to identify those that were soluble and documented our results.

Ringgold class performed a science experiment to see which material would make the flood lights burn brighter. The children made circuits using different materials including; a coin, a metal spoon, tin foil and a nail. Which do you think would be the brightest?..........................

Hokusai searching for mini-beast in their habitats in the school garden. Then looking at and describing different animals and habitats around the world using adjectives.

Reception Autumn 1 - Seasons

The topic in Michelangelo class this half term is 'How do you use electricity?

We're going to pick up the pieces and build a lego house...


Michelangelo class enjoyed a Science session with a difference today. The children took part in a lego workshop which incorporated the electricity topic we are currently studying. The session began with the children building a structure of their choice which they then added to with windows, doors, trees etc. The final stage was to align all the creations to form a lego city, complete with roads. Electrical components were then added to the buildings to make them light up. It was amazing and I'm sure it was a lesson the children will never forget! 

Circuit making

Our focus on electricity has moved onto electrical circuits. We used practical equipment  to make circuits and experimented with different battery sizes. 

Science role play


Solids, liquids and gases are our Science focus for this half term. Yesterday the children began this topic by thinking about the properties of each state and how the particles are structured. Working in small groups, the children role played how the particles of each state of matter might behave. 

Listen carefully


This week Year 4 have been experimenting with various materials to test how effectively they absorb sound. The children conducted the experiment independently using an i-pad for sound and a selection of materials ranging from cloth to bubble wrap. The children thought carefully about how to make it a fair test in terms of what variables could be changed and what must stay the same.   

Curie class investigating which surface needed the most force to push the car.

Museum of Science and Industry

Lovelace Class visited the Museum in Manchester to bring their recent learning to life.  They joined in the various exhibitions and activities, with particular reference to Forces and Robots.  They were also lucky enough to see the new exhibit about Space Travel and the artefacts donated by Tim Peake.

Year 5 - Spring 2

Lovelace children have been learning about different forces.  They designed parachutes and boats to investigate the effects of air and water resistance on objects.

Reception Spring 1

Year 1 Spring 1 - Growth and Green Fingers!

Year 5 - The Solar System

We're mad about Science!

Einstein class - Year 4



How does our digestive system work?


Our focus for this half term is the digestive system and how it works. We began our topic by thinking about our different teeth and how they help the digestion process. This included the importance of looking after our teeth and possible food choices to support this. As you can see, the disclosing tablets were a real hit with the children.

Exploring our teeth


We conducted an experiment to see what functions our individual teeth play in the role of digestion. This involved eating an apple and stopping at various stages to think about which teeth we were using at each stage. 

The digestion process


To examine the digestion process in detail, the children conducted an experiment to replicate each stage. This involved using a plastic bag to represent the stomach, orange juice to represent stomach acid and various other items to replicate each step of the process. It was a practical, fun filled experiment which the children learnt a lot from.


Sparks might fly


Einstein's topic for this term is electricity. Over the coming weeks the children will consider how electricity is used and create their own circuits with varying components. We will link electricity to our English and Design Technology lessons too, by using electricity themed comprehensions and designing an electrical object of our own. 

Circuit Work in Year 4

We are Bright Sparks!

In Einstein class this half term we have completed so many science activities!  We are now amazing at making circuits, talking about circuits, adding buzzers and motors into our circuits and even building Lego houses that include circuits!  We have answered lots of scientific 'SATs style questions' that link to our learning, we have completed many practical experiments, we have evaluated our learning and even created an assessment poster of all the wonderful things we now know!  We were also lucky enough to have a visit from 'Creative Builders Workshop' whereby we took part in a Lego workshop; we built Lego houses that included circuits that lit up.  We had so much fun and worked amazingly hard as a team.  We all shared the Lego, supported each other and praised each other for our wonderful work!  We hope you enjoy looking through our work from Autumn 1.

Lego Workshop - Our Circuit Work!

Today we took part in a Lego workshop.  We built our own Lego city which included a working circuit.  We worked so well as part of a team and we even got to make a car move.  We put into practice all the wonderful things we have learnt in science this half term.  We really enjoyed it!

Year 6 - Evolution 

This half term Year 6 have been doing research about evolution.  Here are a couple of pictures of us at work!

Year 2 - Growth and green fingers. 

We visited the community garden at the Memorial Park and planted our own sweetcorn! We can't wait to go back and harvest it in the Autumn.
