Home Page

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Our Learning

Welcome to our class page! We hope you enjoy looking at our learning, environment and progress. 

In EYFS we have Miss Thomas (Class Teacher), Mrs English (Teaching Assistant), Mr Blair (Student), Coach Chris (PE), Mrs Atkinson (PE/Phonics), Mrs Halloran (Music) and of course our lovely children. As Miss Woods is currently on maternity leave, I am teaching the class until the end of the current school year. 



Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Work We Go!

Lights, Camera, Action!


Old Holly Farm

Easter Egg Hunt

Stations of the Cross

Our Mother's Day Lent Liturgy

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Each class has taken it in turns to perform a Lent Liturgy to the whole school. As ours was about Mother's Day, we invited our mummies in to see what we had put together. We talked about how our mums or special ladies in our lives are not just mummies, they are builders when things need fixing, vets when our animals need looking after, police when there is trouble or we are arguing with our brothers and sisters, hairdressers when we need our hair doing, storytellers when we want a bed time story, detectives when something goes missing, teachers when we learn at home and nurses when we are hurt. We also discussed why we love our mums and created a video for them. After that, we said the Hail Mary which we have been learning with actions. The children did a fantastic job which I am very proud of!

Happy Mother's Day!


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Science Day

To celebrate Science day, we carried out various activities. As we have been learning about different food and being healthy, we looked at food and natural resources under microscopes, make a Victoria sponge cake to see look at change, planted our own sunflower seeds and created a vegetable patch in our outdoor area! It was a great day made even better by a visitor who came into our classroom to make ice-cream! 

Clay Fish

As a school we are creating a display based on the story 'Rainbow Fish' for an area in our local community. To help us create this, we had a visitor from an artist to show us how to make a model correctly using clay. He taught us the skills we needed and the steps we needed to take to create a sea life creature. The children had a great time and loved using the pottery wheel !

British Food Week

Following our successful 'World Food' topic, we focus on what people in Britain typically eat or drink. We created a bread and butter pudding, sampled fish, chips and mushy peas, practised making cups of tea with cold water and a Victoria sponge cake. 

Young Writer's

Every half term the opportunity arises to participate in Young Writer's competitions. This half term was 'Poetry Patrol', so the children had to create their own poems which then get sent off for judges to read and they decide if their story will be published in a book with many other children's stories or poems! We were delighted when I received a letter to say that 6 of our children are going to have their fantastic poems published!

World Food Buffet

As we have been learning about food this half term, we thought we would test the taste buds and try new flavours! We look at different countries around the world on Google Maps, in Atlases and on a globe, then chose a few countries that we would focus on. We asked our Bulgarian parents which traditional dishes they eat and kindly asked if they could make any for us. Mrs English and I then created dishes and platters from around the world. We created a restaurant role play which had the flags of the countries and pictures of traditional dishes then brought this to life with our 'World Food Buffet'. Most children loved all the different textures, flavours and tastes and had seconds or thirds!

World Book Day

Ash Wednesday

Shrove Tuesday