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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Shirley Hughes Class

Welcome to Hughes Class.


Mrs Cross and Mrs Halloran

In DT the children have learnt all about windmills and made their own wonderful windmills. 

Thank you to Father Alf for visiting Hughes Class. The children had a very interesting time and took the opportunity to ask Father Alf lots of interesting questions…they now know that his favourite breakfast is bacon and eggs! The children enjoyed sharing their favourite bible stories with Father Alf.

Can we grow cress in a plastic bag?

In science we have set up an experiment, by putting wet cotton wool and cress seeds in a small, transparent plastic bag. We then stuck the bags in the classroom window. Some of us predict that the cress will grow because the seeds have water, sunlight and carbon dioxide. Some of us predict that the cress will not grow because there is no soil in the bag for the roots to take nutrients from. We are excited to see what will happen.

Mrs Cross brought her sons 1 week old Chinese painted button quails into school. They were so tiny! We were all very gentle with them.

We enjoyed some well deserved ‘golden time’. We were very excited to play with some of the ‘new’ toys that used to belong to Mrs Cross’ little girl.

To celebrate the sun shining we enjoyed a picnic lunch outside. Thank you to Mrs Ashworth and Mrs Ward, this was such a treat and we loved it.

Maths this week has been very practical, lots of fun and all about positional language. We used our knowledge of fractions (halves and quarters) to describe turns and then added in words such as left, right, forwards, backwards, above and below. We tried to direct our friends to different parts of the playground using these words. We have also started to learn ordinal numbers, we secured our understanding of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc by having lots of fun races.

Mrs Halloran and I are so incredibly proud of all the children this week. On Thursday and Friday they did their Phonics Screening Check and I have no doubt that they all tried their absolute best. The children have worked so hard on their phonics this year and it has really started to pay off. As a treat we enjoyed yummy chocolate biscuits, whilst designing our house for a mouse in design technology and listening to music. Year 1 you are all superstars! 

Thank you to Mrs Squires who joined us for our PE session this week. We enjoyed a brilliant PE lesson, did lots of running and had lots of fun.

In maths we have started to learn about position and direction. We have been able to use our existing knowledge of halves and quarters to help us.

Thank you to Mrs Wright who visited our class this week to share a religious story with us. We all sat and listened whilst Mrs Wright told us the story of Noah and the ark, using beautiful wooden props. The fantastic listening and behaviour of the children was commented on by Mrs Wright… well done Hughes Class!

Not only have had so much fun with our class ducklings, but we have also learnt a lot too. Mary, Frappe, Little Dude and Chloe have loved all the attention they have been given.

In maths we have been learning about fractions. We now know all about halves and quarters of objects, shapes and quantities. Super work Hughes class!

In PE we have been working on our underarm throws and athletics. 

In English we have been developed our own superhero. We have thought about what they would look like and what their special powers would be. We thought about what questions we would like to ask a superhero and learnt how to use a question mark instead of a full stop. Here are some of the questions that some of us constructed on our Mighty Writer board. We have also learnt about using exclamation marks. This week we will be creating our own comic strip, complete with our very own superhero. The children have some very imaginative ideas and I can’t wait to share their finished work with you all.

In maths we have continued to work on our multiplication skills and understanding. We have learnt how to count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, we can confidently identify equal groups and we can independently complete repeat additions (2+2+2+2 =8) to find a total of equal groups.

The children have been working very hard in maths. They have been starting to learn about multiplication. To do this we have been thinking about counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and finding totals using repeated additions. The children have shown great understanding. 

Mrs Halloran and I were incredibly proud of the whole class today when they performed a loud and cheery song for the rest of the school during assembly. The children have all worked so hard to learn the words and actions to ‘spring chicken’ and they were absolutely fantastic.