Today we enjoyed a trip to the Science Museum in Manchester. We loved exploring about how science has progressed since hundreds of years ago as well as enjoying some practical science activities. We all learnt something new and had a great day!
Science -
Today we enjoyed learning more about the history of fossils. We explored the work on Mary Anning and her work on discovering fossils before answering some questions about her using information around the classroom.
Art -
Today we enjoyed practising our drawing skills! It was great fun and we even got chance to colour them in afterwards.
Computing -
Today in Computing we continued our new topic on 'Branching Databases'. We recapped the meaning of branching databases before using 2Question on purple mash to make our own branching database.
RE -
Today in RE, we llstened to the story of Saul and St Paul. We then wrote down two questions each we would like to ask Saul. Next, we then asked our questions to people around the room before writing down the answers to the questions we came up with.
Maths -
Today in Maths we learnt about right-angles. We discussed the meaning of this and how we can recognise them. We then practised finding right-angles in our names on whiteboards. Finally, we made our own right-angle checkers and tested them out around the classroom!
DT -
Today we looked at illuminated signs. We discussed what they are and why they are important. We then had a go at making our own electrical circuits!
English -
Today in English we looked at character descriptions. We looked at a good examples and discussed why. We then worked in pairs where one had to describe a character for the other to draw, using what we had learnt about a good character description.
Times Tables -
Today we enjoyed practising our times tables in lots of fun ways! We made times table fortune tellers, play dominoes and top trumps, it was great fun!
Computing -
Today in Computing we started our new topic on 'Branching Databases'. We spoke about the meaning of this before completing some Yes/No games, We tried to use questions which split the objects into two equal groups (or as close to this as possible!).
Queen's Jubilee Lunch -
The children enjoyed eating their lunches on the playground with the rest of the school to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee.
English -
Today in English we finished our topic on performance poetry by practising and then performing 'Goldilocks and The Three Bears' in groups to the rest of the class. We discussed what was important to include in a good performance, thinking about voices as well as adding in some actions.
The Queen's Jubilee Celebration -
Today in Garrido Class we celebrated that the Queen had been on the throne for 70 years! We had an afternoon full of arts and crafts, and some of us were even surprised with a visit from somebody at home!
Fleetwood Museum Trip -
Today we visited Fleetwood Museum to learn about past jobs in Fleetwood. We started by listening to an ex-trawlerman who spoke about his job as a fisherman. We then moved upstairs to look at a dolls house that had been decorated using names from the 1871 census and different jobs from around that time. We then finished by designing our own person (name, address, job etc.) using the information we had learnt throughout the day!
Art -
Today in art we learnt how important it was for drawings to be scientifically accurate. We then enjoyed observing different plants and attempting to sketch them.
Music -
Today in Music we continued our new topic on 'Bringing Us Together'. We started by listening to 'Ain't Nobody', thinking about whether the song told a story and discussing if we liked it or not. We then warmed up our voices before practising verse 2.
Computing -
Today in Computing we continued our new topic on 'Email'. We spoke about how to use email on purple mash and the different sections which needed to be completed. We then had a go at responding to an email before sending some jokes to our friends.
Art -
Today in Art we enjoyed researching about different oil paintings.
Music -
Today in Music we continued our new topic on 'Bringing Us Together'. We started by listening to 'Good Times', thinking about how the song made us feel and what different instruments we could hear. We then played some flexible games before practising the chorus to our song.
Science -
Today in Science we were learning about reflective materials. We made our own testing equipment and tested different surfaces around the classroom. It was great fun!
English -
In English we have been looking at poems and over the past couple of lessons we have looked at performing them. We have had to think about the tone of our voices, as well as the volume and adding some actions to go with it!
Worship -
Today in Garrido Class, we had an extra prayer about the current war in Ukraine written by Evelyn. It was lovely to hear and the children engaged well with her thoughts and questions. Well done!
Art -
Today in Art we started our new topic for this half term looking at plant art. In pairs we looked at and discussed different oil paintings, thinking about which ones looked the most and least realistic, the most and least colourful as well as the newest and oldest. We then moved on to talk about our favourite painting and gave reasons why, before learning about each painting in more detail.
Today we were acting like business men and women! In small groups, we researched different children's toys and thought about how we could make them unique to sell. We then worked out the costs involved and how much profit could be made.
Music -
Today in Music we started our new topic on 'Bringing Us Together'. We listened and appraised the song, explaining how the song made us feel. We warmed up our voices with some singing games and then had a go at learning the first verse to the song.
Computing -
Today we started our new topic for this half term which is 'communication'. We spoke about the meaning of this and the different ways we can communicate. Next, we then played a game of Chinese whispers to show how clear communication is key. Finally, we then used purple mash to list the advantages and disadvantages of different types of communication.
History -
Today in Garrido Class we discussed and researched all about the history of the Fleetwood Docks. We enjoyed using iPads to find out about many interesting facts including when the docks were built and how many trawlers there were.
Science -
Today in Science we started our new topic on light. We learnt about what light and darkness are as well as watching a short video. We then enjoyed sorting different objects depending on whether they were light sources or not.
Church visit -
This morning Garrido Class attended St Mary's Church. We enjoyed learning more about Easter and visiting Father Michael again!
Major Visit -
We were very lucky to welcome the Major to St Mary's yesterday! She told us about her job and we had the opportunity to ask any questions. It was very interesting!
Today in PSHE we discussed the meaning of the word 'stereotype' and what is meant by it. We watched a video which talked about gender stereotypes before looking at some different job stereotypes. In pairs, we were all given two character cards which we discussed and had to decide who we would prefer to spend the evening with. Little did we know they were actually the same person until all was revealed!
Emmanuel Church Lenten Visit -
Year 3 were invited to the Emmanuel Church to talk about Easter. We talked about what it means, had the opportunity for reflection, designed some tombs, and even ate some as well! We learnt about when Jesus was crucified on Good Friday and then rose on Easter Sunday, as well as having so much fun.
A wonderful celebration -
Our key stage 2 children took part in a lovely celebration ceremony this morning. Over the last few months each class has worked closely on various art projects, lead by the spectacular Henry Iddon, focusing on a fantastic Fleetwood landmark - The Mount. The ceremony showcased all the work the children have produced and culminated with flags depicting their artwork being hoisted up for all to enjoy. It was a wonderful occasion.
Music -
Today in Music we listened to a Turkish traditional tune and discussed how it made us feel. We then warmed up our voices before practising the full dragon song.
Worship -
After worship today, we used our worship wall 'Stop and pray', where each letter in the word 'Stop' stands for something - sorry, thanks, others and pray. We were invited out to tie ribbons on our worship wall to symbolise our prayers for one of these things.
Worship -
Today our Worship was led by two children from Year 6. We learnt about the meaning of justice and how we can help those in need.
Art -
Today we practised taking photographs in groups around different locations on The Mount. We then took these images and watched them as they changed from a blank white sheet into a black and white picture using some special solutions. It was like watching a magic show!
Maths -
Today in Maths we were learning about fractions of amounts. We discussed the meaning of the numerator and denominator. Afterwards, we then worked in pairs to solve fraction of amount questions on sugar paper using blocks to help us!
Science -
Our science focus for this half term is STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Today, we read the book 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' before designing and constructing our own bridges for the goats to cross the stream using. It was great fun!
Art -
Today we started by talking about the weather and how we can forecast it. We studied weather forecasts for land, at sea and in space! We then went to The Mount to take some pictures of the weather.
Maths -
Today in Maths we started our new topic on fractions. To begin with, we discussed wholes and parts. We then completed numerous practical activities like building towers and folding paper into both equal and unequal groups as well as grouping counters. It was great fun!
Art -
Today we started by discussing the international flags and pennants, and talked about why they are important. We then ventured to The Mount and looked at the clocks upstairs. Finally, we picked some flowers and brought them back to school to print onto fabric.
English -
Today in English we read more of The Iron Man before looking at our new focus of instructions. We started by learning about verbal commands. First, we practised listening to instructions before having a go at giving clear ones ourselves!