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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other



If you have any safeguarding concerns you can contact the school office on 01253 878445 or email our Senior Wellbeing Manager directly via the below email address;


If you have an urgent concern about a child you should contact Lancashire Children's Social Care in the first instance on 0300 123 6720 or out of hours on 0300 123 6722 (5pm - 8am).


However, if a child is in immediate danger, call 999


Our Senior Wellbeing Managers' role


Our Senior Wellbeing Manager has a dedicated office, safe space and therapeutic area within school which can be accessed by any pupil who requires some extra space and/or support outside of the classroom environment.   


Kat is also the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for St Marys and will be the main point of contact for any families who are being supported by Children's Social Care or similar services.


There is an array of support available from our Senior Wellbeing Manager - some of which is detailed below; 


Social, Emotional, Mental Health or Behavioural Support for pupils

Family Support and Advice for parents/guardians

Signposting to other services

Making referrals to other agencies for further support

Attendance / Punctuality concerns


If you require any support or advice you can contact Ms Hampson via the school office on 01253 878445


Keeping our children safe from abuse




Teaching our children how to keep themselves safe from abuse can be a daunting prospect, however 'The Underwear Rule' launched by the NSPCC helps us tackle this important issue in a simple but effective way. The campaign encourages parents to talk to their children about how to keep themselves safe and what to do if something makes them feel uncomfortable. With the help of Pantosaurus the dinosaur, the NSPCC have found a way of tackling this sensitive subject in a fun and age appropriate manner. The campaign urges everyone to #TalkPANTS with their children aged between 5-11; to singalong with the video and to share it with three of their parent friends. Please see the attached link below to view the Pantosaurus singalong video or visit for more information.



 Privates are private

Always remember your body belongs to you

No means no

Talk about secrets that upset you

Speak up, someone can help.

School Safeguarding Events


 'Safer Internet Day' provides us with a great opportunity to talk to the children about how we can all help to make the internet a kinder place. 'Safer Internet day' celebrates the positive impact the internet can have and explores what we can all do to make sure young people have a positive time online. Parents and carers play a crucial role in supporting children to navigate the risks and make the most of the opportunities offered by technology and the most important thing you can do to promote this is to have a conversation and stay engaged with your children's digital lives. The link below provides a number of useful resources to support you in having these discussions at home. 





Visit from the NSPCC schools service


The NSPCC schools service deliver interactive workshops focussing on how to keep ourselves safe. The sessions focus on important safeguarding messages which ensure all pupils are able to identify what is and isn't normal behaviour; how they can keep themselves safe; and ensure all pupils are able to identify a trusted adult who they can speak to should they have worries.

The children always provide great feedback about the workshop and really enjoy the interactive nature of the sessions.  
