Welcome to Kelly Holmes Class!
Miss Wade
Mrs Todman & Mrs Halloran
Our classes this academic year are named after athletes. Dame Kelly Holmes, DBE, OLY is a retired British middle distance athlete. Holmes specialised in the 800 metres and 1,500 metres events and won gold medals for both distances at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens.
Summer 1: Be Creative like a spider
Spring 2: Be curious like cat
Counting in 2s
In RE we have been listening to the story of The Good Samaritan. We spoke about what it means to be a 'Good Samaritian' and that loving your neighbour means loving everyone, that way that God loves us.
Thank you so much to all the lovely parents/guardians in Holmes class for attending our first Book Nook session!
The children really enjoyed sharing their favourite books with you and reading with you!
World Book Day 2023
'Reading is dreaming with eyes open'...
Making sculptures from natural resources, wool and play doh!
Rock painting in Holmes class as part of out Earth Art project.
In Maths we have been looking at place value to 50. Today we used art straws to make groups of ten to help us with our counting in 10s.
Spring 1: Be knowledgeable like an owl
STEM CHALLENGE in Holmes Class!
We have been set a task in our class this week from no other than Jack (he is good friends with Miss Wade apparently!)
Jack wanted us to design, make and evaluate something that would safely bring the golden egg down from the top of the beanstalk. We followed these steps:
- Initial discussions about what materials to use
- Designing and labelling our model
- Gathering of materials
- Making our models
- Testing our models
- Evaluation
We have loved becoming inventors for the day!