At St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education is embedded within our
overarching curriculum that prepares our children for many different aspects of their lives.
Our overall goal is to help our children to become well-rounded individuals with strong character, who will eventually go out into the world of adults and be actively and positively involved in society. In order to do this, we are striving to create a conducive environment around the school and this year we have created our own specific Personal Development Curriculum that is entwined with our academic curriculum.
Our curriculum aims to provide engagement and enrichment and through this, we aim for all children to have equal opportunities to thrive together.
What does Design and Technology look like at St. Mary's?
Our Design and Technology curriculum provides children with a real-life context for designing and making products with a purpose. Through our innovative curriculum, we encourage the children to aim high and engage with the wider world. Children at St. Mary's will develop skills, knowledge and understanding of designing and making functional products. They will learn to use a range of tools with confidence and will view evaluation as a way to improve their initial pro-types. Design and Technology and St. Mary's encourages children's creativity and innovation through engaging with important, current issues by exploring the designed and made world in which we live.
Our DT topic this half term has been to create our own park structures. First, we took pictures of parks and discussed the structure we would like in our own park. We then designed our park and gathered our resources. After that, we worked as a team to assemble our structures. The outcomes were amazing and everyone worked so well as a team.
DT Project - Making our own Park
Today, we went on a little DT field trip to take pictures of different structures on the park in readiness for our own DT 'Park Building Project.'
Bodhran Class- Autumn 2
In DT we have started to think about sliders as a mechanism. We can’t share too many pictures as the finished products will be a lovely little Christmas treat to take home for our families.
Bodhran Class
We used our DT skills in Geography to create a Fleetwood landscape from junk.
Junk-Model Making in Accordion Class...
DT in Harp Class
We have adapted a recipe in our DT lessons.
Accordian Class
Academic year 2023 - 2024
Sendak Class Come Dine With Me - Homework Project
What an amazing turnout for our Come Dine with me homework project! Thank you to all our wonderful families who took part. We loved looking at your home come dine with me experiences and we loved tasting some of the dishes!
Come Dine With Me - Our DT Topic
Our DT topic this half term is cooking! We have carried out some research on different recipes for starters, main courses and desserts. We then decided as a class which dishes, we were going to make before gathering the ingredients to make them! We split into three different groups and worked as a team to prepare each individual dish so we could then sit down and share our hard work.
DT Potter Class
During this term we have been looking at pneumatics. They have all enjoyed doing practical science experiments. We are looking at how the pressure of air can move things and how we can make our own item move.
Ancient Greek Pottery Painting
Today, we painted our Ancient Pottery in orange and black, colours used to on the original Ancient pottery.
Ancient Greek pottery
Sendak class harnessed their pottery skills this morning to create a pot or bowl with an Ancient Greek theme. The aim was to use intricate patterns and markings to represent an aspect of Ancient Greek life that we have explored earlier in the topic. The designs are outstanding and we can't wait to show off the painted, finished pieces later next week.
Expressive Arts and Design in Daley Class
We have been planning, designing and making models, and pictures. Enjoy looking at our gallery of photos...
Lifeskills! Prepping and handling food in Holmes Class!
In King Class this week in DT we have investigated the different pizzas, toppings and how we can make a healthy pizza. We then made our pizzas, ate them and evaluated them.
After designing a bridge last week in our STEM engineering, today King Class started to investigate which materials were the strongest to use to make a strong bridge for the Billy Goats Gruff. When we have completed our bridges we will test them and evaluate them.
Ancient Greek Pottery Painting In Shelly Woods Class
Seasonal Stockings - Day 2
Building bridges
Our enhancement week activity for today was bridge building. The children looked at various famous bridges and discussed features of their design. We then worked in small groups to design and build a bridge – each group working with different materials. Teamwork and communication were the highest priorities, as well as a sturdy bridge design.
Seasonal Stockings in Pele Class!
We are working on our DT topic this half term. We have been looking at Christmas Stockings and their designs. We have been talking about the function of the stocking and what is important to consider when making a stocking. We have also been looking at the visual appeal of the stockings and what we would like to include on our own Christmas Stockings.
Ancient Greek Pottery
Today we got all messy and created our very own Ancient Greek pottery. We researched some designs, created some of our own, practised different patterns and then used clay to create our own masterpieces! When they are dry, we will use black and orange (the colours the Ancient Greeks used) to paint our creations!
Making puppets!
King Class have been, planning, sewing and evaluating their puppets this week in DT.
In Year 2, we have designed and created our own animal habitats from around the world, next we will evaluate them!
This week in Year 4, we have been food tasting in preparation for designing and making our own Autumn Harvest Stew. The children tried harvest vegetables in preparation for their design. By making our stew, we are linking our Science (the digestive system) and History (Life after the 1600s - The Great Plague), learning together to complete this DT project. More photos to follow next week when their designs become out for them.
Our STEM Morning
We had a special delivery in Griffin Class today... a golden egg! We were set the task from Jack to design and make something that could carry the special egg. It had to be strong and it had to keep the egg safe from cracking! Take a look at our creations...