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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other


Computing Curriculum Vision:


In preparation for PSHE becoming statutory in September 2020 under the Children and Social Work Act 2017, including Relationships Education at key stages 1 and 2 and Health Education in Primary 

we began by reviewing our current PSHE and Computing curriculum.  We decided that a more structured comprehensive programme that integrated the statutory content and included a broader programme covering economic wellbeing, careers and enterprise education, as well as education for personal safety, was required.


It was important for our children to have opportunities to reflect on their learning, especially when that learning relates directly to their individual identity – their personal qualities, attitudes, attributes, achievements and influences. We felt that it was important for teachers to feel confident that learning within this subject had taken place, to be able to demonstrate progress and to identify future learning needs.


It was also essential that all those invested in our children could see the impact Computing education would have on our children and for whole-school outcomes. In conjunction with our PSHE curriculum, we decided to remap our entire curriculum and place PSHE at the heart of our foundation.



The purpose of our curriculum is to inspire all children to acquire knowledge to ignite a lifelong love of learning. We celebrate the cultural capital that our community brings to learning and build on this to broaden children’s understanding of the world. Our commitment to providing equality of opportunity ensures that rich experiences and enhancements are embedded throughout the curriculum.



EYFS - In the Foundation Stage, Computing is taught as an integral part of topic work and is embedded throughout the curriculum. The objectives taught are the Understanding the world statements from ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ and the Early Learning Goals.


Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 – 

At Key Stages 1 and 2, Computing is personalised, planned and illustrated through our Computing and Purple Mash Curriculum Maps. Lessons are supported using the Purple Mash scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum.  Assessment outcomes and questionnaire findings have helped mould our curriculum priorities and focus on the needs of our children.


Children are taught Computing supported with ‘Purple Mash’ materials, along with a range of enrichment and enhancement opportunities planned throughout the year that provide a more practical and realistic setting to support children’s understanding.


Impact on Children:

  • Children apply knowledge across all subjects
  • They understand that the knowledge they learn and develop will help them in their future.
  • Children are able to approach a range of real-life situations and apply their attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life.
  • They will be on their way to becoming healthy, open-minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, and active members of society.
  • Children appreciate difference and diversity.
  • The children have respect for themselves and others.


Impact on Attainment and Progress

  • The curriculum demands the best possible outcomes in Computing from every child
  • From each individual child’s starting point, progress is evident


Evaluation and Impact on our Curriculum

  • Subjects are taught discretely and cross curricular to ensure specific concepts are the focus.


Evaluation of our Impact on our World

  • Our children are inspired to achieve their full potential; have their voices heard and effect change.

Lionni Class learnt how to ask yes/no questions to sort information into groups.

Lionni Class collecting data to create pictograms with Purple Mash.

Safer Internet Day 2024

Year 5/6 

For internet safety week, Sendak class talked about 'Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.  We came up with our own feelings logos, designed an online safety advert and we talked about how different technology has changed over time.

Year 4/5

Year 4/5 have been looking at how we can stay safe online. We have watched some videos to see the types of ways that we can stay safe online and we talked about how we can make the internet a better place. We talked about the SMART rules and how we can use these when we are using the internet. 

Year 4

Year 4 watched Newsround to see the article they did on Safer Internet Day, we completed a quiz and created internet safety posters.

Year 3

We have learnt so much from Coach Corey, he has taught us that our words online have the potential to hurt the people we are playing with. We know that we should never give out personal information to people we don't know. 

Year 2

During Internet Safety Week year 2 listened to the story of Smartie the Penguin which taught the children who to tell if they saw something online that made them feel uncomfortable. It then covered the topic of strangers online and that personal information should never be shared. The class then sorted personal information into groups.

Year 1


In Hughes Class we had a huge class discussion about all of the devices and objects we have at home or in school which have internet access.  Mrs Cross then set us all a challenge... to think of and remember some rules that will help keep us safe online. Some of the rules we thought of were:


Speak to an adult if we see something online that makes us feel uncomfortable.

Never speak to strangers online.

Always ask our trusted adults before we download apps.

Always ask our trusted adults before we watch anything online.  


Hughes Class have been training hard and we have all successfully become 'Cyber Superheroes' . 


In class we have been looking at a story about Buddy the Dog- he helps children who are unsure about things online. He teaches a song to children to help them be safe....

'Ask your grown-up,

Ask your grown-up,

Ask for help!

Ask for help!

Use your tablet safely!

Use your tablet safely!

Woof, Woof, Woof!

Woof, Woof, Woof!'


We talked about what to do online, how important speaking to grown-ups are and also things we should do to try and help wind down before bedtime instead of screen-time. 

In Computing the year 4/5 children have started looking at spreadsheets, how they work and ways to use them. They have had a go at inputting data into a spreadsheet as well as creating their own spreadsheet using the 2Calculate system on Purple Mash. They also used the How Many tool to count the variables in a spreadsheet such as counting vowels.

Year 1- Hughes Class

Online safety and exploring Purple Mash.

Year 2 making music with purple mash.

Protecting your privacy.

The year 4/5 children have been lookin at ways to protect their privacy online and the importance of this.

This included looking at safe passwords and different features that are best to include to create a secure password. They have also looked at image manipulation and why it is important to not trust everything you see online. They had a go at editing a selfie of their own to see how easy it is to change an image online. 

Year 4/5 have been learning all about how to stay safe online. Using this information they created their own comin book on Purple Mash, to share with others the key points to online safety.


Autumn 1 - Year 4/5

This half term year 4/5 have been learning all about coding using different resources via Purple Mash such as a traffic light system and a football game.

Sendak Class - Coding

Lionni Class -creating pictures with purple mash.

Lego Builders in Year 1

Following a set of instructions to ensure a correct outcome

Merckx class have been using the laptops to research famous volcanic eruptions as part of our geography topic. 

King Class have been researching for their explanation texts in their English lessons.

This week during ICT King Class have been learning about impressionism, pointillism and Piet Mondrian's line art and creating our own using purple mash. What do you think?

Safer Internet Day 2023

This week, Holmes Class have been creating pictograms in computing.

This week King Class have been looking at how stories can be represented in different ways. We looked at different types of quizzes and tried to make our own story of Goldilocks and the three bears.

Year 4/5 have been looking at how to stay safe online. We have been focusing on the SMART targets and how these can remind us how we should be using the internet.

Year 2 have been learning how to log into Purple Mash independently. They have been searching and navigating their way around the website. They learnt about internet safety and how we can share safely on the internet.

Using purple mash to sort objects into different groups

After their Scratch competition at Fleetwood High School on Friday, the Digital Leaders taught their classmates how to animate their names using the Scratch programming.

Today some of the year 5 children took part in a Computing Competition at Fleetwood High School. We were asked to create a Scratch game about saving the environment and present it to the other schools. We've had a great day and can't wait to teach the children back at school some of the things we have learnt today!

Year 1 have been using BeeBots for position and direction in Maths.

Year 2 have been researching 'The Big Five' animals to create fact files.

This half term, Year 2 have been using 2paint on purple mash to create, impressionism and pointillism art. 

In Year 5, we have been creating our own games. We have set the scene, created our own gaming environment, added a game quest and shared these games with our classmates.

In Polo Class we have been looking at databases. We have been learning about the icons, what they mean and what we use them for. We created our own avatar and created a class database as a group.

Our new unit is Lego Builders. This week the children in year 1 completed a task where they had to use verbal instructions only, to tell their partner what to make using Lego! The children learned that by following the instructions correctly, they will get the correct result.

Safer Internet Day 2022



Year 6 have been coding this week in computing.

Reception class have been using the iPads to explore Purple Mash. They practised logging in using their password and then played some number games on MiniMash.

Year 2 have been playing 'Guess Who' to separate data and they have been asking questions to create binary trees.


Year 1 have been linking their computing to their maths work this week and sorting shapes.

Year 2 have been using Purple Mash to collect data about where they live and they have made pictogram charts of their findings. 

Today, Year 5 have been learning how to create a spreadsheet. We used 2Calculate to create a spreadsheet that converted cm into m. We needed to add a formula to the cells in the spreadsheet so that when you entered the numbers, the formula would calculate what the cm/m would become once it is converted.