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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Kestrel Class

Kestrel Class Home Learning Timetable - Week Commencing - 13th July

Kestrel Class Home Learning Timetable - Week Commencing - 6th July

Kestrel Class Home Learning Timetable - Week Commencing - 29th June

Kestrel Class Home Learning Timetable - Week Commencing - 22nd June

Kestrel Class Home Learning Timetable - Week Commencing - 15th June

Kestrel Class Home Learning Timetable - Week Commencing - 8th June

Kestrel Class Home Learning Timetable - Week Commencing - 1st June

Kestrel Class Home Learning Timetable - Week Commencing - 18th May

Kestrel Class Home Learning Timetable - Week Commencing - 11th May

Science Week Day 4 - Lego Workshop

Science Week Day 3 - United Utilities

Science Week Day 2 in Kestrel Class -STEM

Science Week Day 1 in Kestrel Class

Our Class Lenten Liturgy Assembly about the Temptation of Jesus

Drawing the Iron Man

Le Chandeleur et Mardi Gras

In French the children have compared Shrove Tuesday in Britain and in France.  They learnt that in France there are two celebrations; Le Chandeleur (Candlemas - 2nd February) when families eat pancakes (crêpes) and Mardi Gras (25th February) when across the country, towns and cities celebrate with grand parades, wearing fancy dress and promenading through the town.  To join in the celebration, Kestrel children have made their own carnival masks.

We have been researching facts about Stonehenge. We have made posters about Stonehenge.

We have been learning about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We have created our own booklets on 'How to go to confession.'

Kestrel Class are really enjoying using the laptops and Ipads to practice their times tables.

During RE, we have been looking at reconciliation. We have read the story of Zacchaeus, The Parable of the Lost Sheep and we have used paintings to explain what God's forgiveness looks like.

MFL - Saying what I am good at

The children have been practising new verbs to show what skills they have.  They have recognised new vocabulary and matched images with the words.   

Retelling the story of Zacchaeus

Celebrating the Year of the Word 2019/2020

PE - Dance - using percussion instruments to create dance moves and routines

Posada Box - Kestrel Class have been remembering the journey that Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem where Jesus was born. The children gave welcomed the family into their homes, offered them some hospitality for the night and said some prayers to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Year 3/4 Christmas Party 2019

Christmas Craft

KS2 Horrible Histories Christmas Performance - Trip to the Winter Gardens

KS2 Carol Concert 2019

KS2 Christmas Dinner - Year 3/4 enjoying their Christmas Dinner!

Joyeux Noël

In French, the children made their own cards and learnt about the Christmas traditions followed by French children in preparation for the Feast of St. Nicolas on 6th December.

Advent Promises - We created our advent promises and added them to the Christmas Tree to decorate it.

Visit to Emmanuel Church Fleetwood - We were invited to spend a morning at Emmanuel Church. We spent the morning reflecting on being thankful. We read a story about ‘The Giving Tree’, which showed us that when we give things to other people, we feel really good. We also read a story about Jesus healing the Leapers. This showed us that we should always say thank you when someone has helped us with something. We had a great morning! We all enjoyed talking about being thankful for what we had and we have all come away reflecting on what we have to be thankful for.

Red Wednesday - Aid to the Church Charity

Anti - Bullying Week

Remembrance in Kestrel Class

Healthy Heads with Fleetwood Town

Multicultural Food Festival

Dancing the Tango!