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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Griffin Class

'The future of the world is in this classroom'. 

Griffin Class Summer II

A truly, lovely day!

Today we took part in the Young Voices BIGGEST Sing as part of the Guinness World Records™ title attempt! 

Griffin Class Summer I 2021

Our STEM Morning

We had a special delivery in Griffin Class today... a golden egg! We were set the task from Jack to design and make something that could carry the special egg. It had to be strong and it had to keep the egg safe from cracking! Take a look at our creations...

Miracles: Today, the children heard about Jesus calming the storm. After hearing the story we had a go at retelling it through roleplay. The children found out that Jesus showed his great power when he calmed the wind and waves. They also learnt those who turn to God in faith, will be granted what they ask.

Today, we were learning to play a range of musical instruments which we played as we sang along.

Summer 1 Newsletter - Griffin Class

We love cross-curricular learning in Griffin Class. In our science lessons, we have been learning all about the Human Body. Today we looked at our 5 senses and as part of our Goldilocks text in English, we used our senses to describe the Three Bears porridge! 

We can count in 5's!


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In our Maths lessons, we have been learning to count forward and backwards to 50.

Griffin Class Spring II 2021

Today was a special end to our Spring term... we met Mylo! 

I wonder who has been in Griffin class... 

In art, we have been looking at print making using different objects in our environment. Just look at our fabulous creations!

We enjoyed walking around the 15 'Stations of the Cross' completed by the whole school. We discussed each station and talked about how Jesus must have been feeling at the time and we had time to reflect and pray. 

We have been working on our Computing skills this week in Griffin class. The children have successfully logged onto their own computer and had a go at mark making!

In our Maths lessons, we have been looking at place value of numbers 1-100! 


We are so excited to welcome the children back to school on Monday 8th March! Please see below a letter for all parents/guardians regarding the return to school. 

Science Week 2021

Our science week this week has been based around our new school therapy dog, Mylo! He is so excited to meet you all. Take a look into our classroom and remote learning...

This week we have designed and made our own dog bed for Mylo! 


Today we spoke about different mini beasts. We talked about what mini beasts are and where they can live. We then went on a science walk around the school grounds to see if we could observe any mini beasts in their natural habitat. We used magnifying glasses to observe the structure of different mini beasts then sketched them.

Today we had a very special visitor in school! Our new school therapy dog, Mylo came into school to meet us all! We watched a presentation all about Mylo, delivered by Mrs Hampson and discussed how we need to look after Mylo in order to keep him safe, healthy and able to complete his job in school.

Here is our Griffin class vet, Sonny, telling us all about how to care for our pets!

Sonny how to look after a pet.MOV

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Griffin Class Spring I 2021

Friday 5th February 2020

Home learner of the week - Amelia!

for producing some fantastic work this week and trying her very best in everything she does. Keep it up Amelia, keep challenging yourself because you are doing amazing and we are so proud of you! smiley

Families and Celebrations


Today, the children heard about how Jesus helped his mother Mary, and father on earth, Joseph as he grew up. Joseph was a carpenter and Jesus would have helped him carve items from wood. After hearing today's story the children created wooden stools and tables using wooden blocks and then decided to re-create a Temple made from wood as they had enjoyed hearing about the Presentation in the Temple the week before.

Joseph the carpenter, was an important figure in the early life of Jesus. Jesus would have enjoyed helping his father and making items from wood. Yasmin 's thinks that Jesus may have made a wooden box to put his schoolwork into.

Charlotte and Lucas - Jesus working with his father Joseph in their workshop.

Growth and Green fingers!

Throughout our topic lessons this half term we have been talking all about fruit, vegetables and food preparation. We have designed, made and evaluated our own fruit salads! Take a look at our fabulous creations...

Friday 29th January 2020

Home learner of the week - Lily!

for being incredibly enthusiastic with her English work this week. We have been looking at instruction writing and Lily was able to orally re-tell her instructions on how to make a magic hat so well! Well done Lily, you are a star! laugh

Griffin Class Potato Patch!

We have been learning all about plants in our science lessons. We have planted our own potatoes and talked about what we need to do to ensure our potatoes grow and produce more potatoes! We have made sure our potatoes have access to water and sun light every day! Stay tuned for potato progress...

Sonny reading his final piece of English work to his baby sister! Our English has been based on the story, 'The Enormous Turnip'. Sonny created his own innovative story called 'The huge carrot!!' 

Sonny reading his story.MOV

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The Presentation in the Temple. Skye and her mum shared the story and Skye was able to retell The Presentation in the Temple in her own words.

Jacob's retelling of the story of the Presentation in the Temple

Friday 22nd January 2021

Home learner of the week - Jacob!

for consistently engaging with home learning and creating a fabulous piece of independent, English work! Well done Jacob, keep up the great work! yes

Jacob Magic

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Take a look into Skye's home learning!

Skye PE video.mp4

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PSHE - Knowing and understanding our feelings

Take a look into Sonny's home learning!

Amelia has been finding half of shapes during throughout her Maths home learning this week. Well done Amelia, keep up the great work! laugh

Skye has been working on finding 'half' of shapes and quantities today. Skye and her family have used food around the house to demonstrate half of an object, a fabulous idea and a brilliant way of embedding knowledge and understanding! Keep up the fabulous work, team! yes

Friday 15th January 2021 

Home learner of the week - Yasmin!

for really pushing herself with her writing this week and for consistently reading using the Oxford Owl eBooks! Well done Yasmin, you are producing some fabulous home work! 

Lucas, your RE work on Families and Celebrations is wonderful! Your drawings are beautiful and it is clear from your writing that you are loved and love your family very much.

Our key worker children in school have been busy making castles today using 3D shapes! What 3D shapes can you spot?!

Friday 8th January 2021

Home learner of the week - Skye!

for engaging so well in her home learning and producing some excellent work. Well done Skye, we are so proud of you!


Super Skye and her 3D shapes!

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Skye and her dad working together to recognise 3D shapes.

Griffin Class Autumn II 2020

Santa Dash 2020!


Today we took part in the school games, 'Santa Dash' - we had so much fun, with the rest of our bubble cheering us on!

We have been learning to measure using non-standard units of measurement.

Today we interviewed Zog!

Welcome Advent! Let the preparations for the birth of Jesus begin!

Red Wednesday 2020 - Aid to the Church in Need


Harrold and Steven visit the Griffin class to discuss keeping healthy.

Healthy Heads - Teamwork

Anti-Bullying Week began in the Griffin class with Odd Socks Day.

Agree or disagree!


God wanted Mary to be the mother of his Son. He sent an angel to ask her. Mary said "YES!"  Mary loved God very much. During our RE lesson today, the children and Mrs. H! retold the story of the Visitation. Together, we explored how Mary might have felt and discussed how important Mary is in the life of Jesus.

The Visitation

Remembrance Day 2020

Healthy Heads is a cross-curricular PSHE initiative that focusses on "whole-child development."  Throughout this half term the children in the Griffin class will access learning through storytelling and topical games to promote; Self-esteem/Kindness/Teamwork/Resilience/Positivity.

Year 1 & 2 Healthy Heads programme

Healthy Heads Week 2 - Kindness

Taking care of God's wonderful world. Today, in the Griffin class we have been finding out about the impact of pollution and not taking care of God's world on God's creatures.

We know all the seven continents!

Every day we are taking part in Funky Fingers to improve our fine motor skills. Look at the challenges we have been completing...