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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Faith Ringgold

A magical game of Quidditch 


Year 4/5 children from Michelangelo and Ringgold class enjoyed an outdoor games session with a difference today. They played a game of Quidditch and, given that the children are all avid Harry Potter fans, it went down very well. The children rode on 'brooms' and worked in teams whilst attempting to chase the 'snitch' and score points by successfully hitting the snitch through the hoop. It was a fun and enjoyable session.  

Sports Day 2019

French Day 2019

Beach Trip Friday 21st June 2019

Corpus Christi

Trip to Blackpool Zoo 12th June

Young Chef - Making Smoothies - Strawberry and Banana

P.E. Today we had a great lesson! We started by having some warmup games followed by indoor skiing. It was great fun!

R.E. - Creating our own prayer books and understanding the resurrection

NSPCC Workshop 4th June 2019 - the children worked in small groups, discussing different stiuations, and deciding if they were safe or not.

Rain forest project winners

2nd May 2019 Today we brushed up on our athletic skills in P.E. It was really FUN!

Fruit Tasting