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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

St Mary's Catholic Church


St Mary`s Roman Catholic Church


Our School works closely with St. Mary's Church, our Parish Priest Fr. Michael Murphy is an integral part of the life of St Mary's Parish, supporting and promoting Catholic ideals and the example of Christ to be followed in all aspects of daily life. During the school year, pupils will attend St. Mary's Church for particular services and Mass is celebrated at the beginning and end of the school year, Harvest, Advent and for Holy Days of Obligation. First Communion and First Reconciliation pupils are regular visitors at Mass in preparation for receiving the Sacraments. 


St. Mary's Catholic Primary School enjoys close links with St. Mary's Church. Our school is an integral part of the life of St Mary's Parish, supporting and promoting Catholic ideals and the example of Christ to be followed in all aspects of daily life. 


Click here to go to the St. Mary's Church website.

 As it looks today - a painting by A M Stubenrauch.
