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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other


Reading at home parent booklet (Arabic 2)

Reading at home parent booklet (Arabic 1)

Reading at home parent booklet (Romanian)

English Curriculum overview

English Action Plan 2022.23

Spring Term 2023 Enrichment & Enhancement Planner

Autumn Term 2022 Enrichment & Enhancement Planner

Read,Write Inc - Teaching of Phonics at St. Mary's

You can find MAGIC wherever you look.

Sit back and relax,

all you need is a book!

Dr Seuss

Persuasive Writing Examples

Take a look at some of our wonderful head boy and head girl speeches!  Well done to everyone who took part! 

The Briggs Friday morning Reading Cafe

Year 2 National Poetry Day workshop-Coach Matty came to our class to talk about our ambitions and dreams, the children then thought of rhyming words they could use to write or draw about dreams for themselves and others.

KS1 Reading Nook-The parents were invited to come and read their favourite book to their children in class.

Young Writers 2024 Competition Winners

Live Q&A with Malorie Blackman - Maurice Sendak Class

This morning in English, we had the chance to take part in a live Q&A with Malorie Blackman, the author of the book were reading - Pig Heart Boy.  She gave us an insight into what it is like to be a successful author and she also talked to us about where her inspirations came from and the challenges she has faced.  A very informative and enjoyable session.

Young Writers Competition

We entered a Young Writers Competition and here are our winners!  Congratulations!  We are proud of you!

In Lionni Class the children have been using the 'Mighty Writer 'board to make silly instructions with time words and bossy verb.

EYFS & KS1 had a Christmas Storytime from Lancashire Library.

Maurice Sendak Class LOVE Reading

Some of our Blue Peter badges have arrived!  We sent off our thoughts on our favourite books and other authors and we have been awarded our first badge!  I wonder which one will be next?

Mrs Kowalska came to read a story to year 2 today, as you can see they really enjoyed it.

Goldilocks in Daley Class

What happened in Daley Class over the weekend? Someone had been in our reading area and been eating porridge and breaking Baby Bear's chair! 

A selection of writing from Maurice Sendak Class

I 'WONDER' what features need to be included in a play script?

In English, we are studying play scripts.  We have started working together on our own play script from a scene in the book we are reading, 'Wonder.'  Keep a look out for our final performances and written scripts. 

Merckx class story planning

The children in Merckx class have been planning their own story following a plot. Our story focus has been ‘Stone Age Boy’ and have been learning how to structure a story. 

Shelly Woods Class Young Writer's Competition - Big Green Poetry Machine 

Look at all of our wonderful winners - very well deserved!  The children have worked extremely hard on their writing and deserved to be recognised.  Watch out for our published book!

English in Daley Class - from writing fortune cookies, to name writing, to wonderful work in our English books.

World Book Day in Daley Class! We used 'green screen' technology to bring our characters to life!

World Book Day 


Take a look at our World Book Day celebrations. Each class enjoyed a parade in the hall, during which we admired each others costumes and discussed our costume choices.  It was great fun and, as you can see, the children made a huge effort.

Thank you so much to all the lovely parents/guardians in Holmes class for attending our first Book Nook session! The children really enjoyed sharing their favourite books with you and reading with you!

It was our first 'Book Nook' session with the parents today in King Class and what a success it was! The parents came into class to read to their children and share their love of reading.

Today KS1 visited the library bus to exchange our school books and enjoyed reading some while we were there.

Holmes Class have been looking at pronouns in our English lessons, ahead of writing our own story next week!

Congratulations to the winners of the 'Young Writers competition'.in King Class.

Young Writers Competition 

Here are our wonderful winners of the Young Writers Competition we entered in 2022.  A Twist in the Tale and Through the Magic Door.  Well done - we are so proud of you!  Watch out for the next one!

The 'Hobgoblin' theatre company came to St Marys today to perform The Wizard of Oz.

Thank you so much Lancashire Library Services for sharing your love of reading. The KS1 children really enjoyed the Christmas stories you read to them.

The author Nathan Parker came to talk to us today he showed us his books and he talked about how he become an author and how we should never give upon something we believe in.

Nathan Parker in Shelly Woods Class

We were fortunate enough to work with Nathan Parker all day today.  He is a spoken poet and worked closely with us to create our own poems.  He spoke to us about the features of poetry, confidence, spoken word, rhymes and performance.  He also read some of his own work to us!  Safe to say, we were inspired!  Check him out on Instagram!

Year 4/5 Class have been looking at traditional tales. We have been learning about what features make up a traditional tale and we have written our own version of a traditional tale, focusing on uplevelling our vocabulary. 

Rama and Sita

Today, in Year 1, we listened to the story Rama and Sita, in our English lesson. 

We made our own bridges, like Rama did in the story. We used these to help us re-tell the story.

Street Child - A letter to Mum from Jim Jarvis

Take a look at our lovely informal letters, written in first person, from Jim Jarvis (the main character) to his mum.  We have used plenty of grammar and punctuation in our letters.

Celebrating our writing success in Shelly Woods Class! 


Woods class received some wonderful news this morning. Before the half term break we entered two writing competitions and the winners have been announced. Amazingly, we have broken all previous class records and every child has won!  Our class was over flowing with winning certificates, stickers and bookmarks. Well done to the children, it is fantastic! 

King Class poetry, based upon 'The Magic box' by Kit Wright.

Autumn 1 Golden Ticket Winners in King Class for reading 3 or more times at home a week.

Drake Class descriptive writing for Dan Worsley's pirate writing workshop.

Drake Class- Young Writers competition winners. Well Done!

In Drake Class we have introduced a 'Golden Ticket Treat' for children who are reading 3 times per week or more. The tickets are put in a box and two are picked out each week. At the end of the half term the children get a treat. As you can see they had a great time!

Teddy bears story time for The Queen's Jubilee.

The children had a teddy bears story time today. They chose their own book to read, who they wanted to play each character and even asked their teddies what their favourite books were.

Columbus Class- Using adjectives to describe different settings

Drake Class had an amazing visit from the author Dan Worsley today! He came to do a writing workshop and told us a story about a pirate. The children then started to plan their own description of a pirate and then describe how they would feel when they saw him. They used some great description. Such as, trembling with fear and their feet were stuck to the ground with terror. Next they will write their own story about their pirate and edit it.

Congratulations to our children who have won the Young Writers 'Bonkers Monsters' writing competition. We took part in this as part of our English lesson and most of our children have won! Their work will be published in a book! Well done!

World Book Day Parade

'The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learn, the more places you will go!'

Dr Seuss

Drake Class- 'Young writers' competition winners.

Shackleton Class Tower Wood Recounts

We had so much fun at Tower Wood that we wrote a recount in our English lesson - it was lovely to re-live our favourite memories and activities!  Take a look at some of our beautiful (and very descriptive!) writing.  Enjoy!

Drake Class-Recounts about our trip to Fleetwood Museum.

More fabulous writing ...


Shackleton class have been successful in another writing competition. This time the children were tasked with writing a poem titled 'All about me'. This was a fun writing challenge and, unsurprisingly owing to the high standard of writing, many entries have been selected for publication in a young writers anthology. 

English Curriculum Map 2021-2022

Well done to the winners of the poetry young writers competition from year 2.

We had a visitor in Drake Class!' The Big Bad Wolf'. The children asked him questions and then acted out the about the story.

Celebrating writing success


Wren class have entered two writing competitions this year,  one titled 'A Wander in the Woods' and the other named 'Peculiar Pets'. The children were given some vague writing criteria but, other than that, they could be as creative and imaginative as they liked. The entries were excellent, so much so that we received certificates and bookmarks to reward their efforts. Well done children! 

Virtual lesson with Author Dan Worsley

In celebration of World Book Day on Thursday 4th March, the children had a virtual lesson with author Dan Worsley, who shared: information about his past, why he wanted to be writer, the books he already has published and that a new one is out later in the year. He read from one of his books as well as told a story he wanted to share. The children showed how well they listened by answering questions and we just had enough time at the end for a Q and A session at the end. We are looking forward to inviting Dan into school as soon as possible. 

The Winder Wind and Summer Sun

English Action Plan 2019/2021

Library visit feedback

Lancashire Reading Trail Award. Congratulations Francis for achieving your Lancashire Reading Award.

The 2019 Nativity - Children of the World.

EYFS and Year 1 phonic workshop - 12.12.19

Peregrine Class - celebrating writing success!


Once again our wonderful children have triumphed in their writing. We entered the Young Writers competition, for which the children were asked to write a poem about monsters, and lots of the poems have been selected for publication. This is amazing news, to have so many of our children's poems deemed worthy of publication is just phenomenal. Well done to all our wonderful writers!    


Here are some examples of the speeches the children wrote about answering the question: why it is important to learn about other cultures?

Multicultural Display

On Monday 14th October, Claire Ollett a specialist in Egyptian history visited St. Mary's and shared her wealth of experience and knowledge with the KS2 children. Please read the feedback that Claire provided for the school.

Visiting Fleetwood Library. Throughout the autumn I term, each class have had the opportunity to visit Fleetwood Library on a Friday afternoon. Each child across the school was issued with their own library card.

Year 5 Writing

Key Priorities for English 2019.20

Phonic Check Parents Meeting 29.3.19

World Book Day Parade and Celebrations 2019

Phonic Workshop for Parents. Wednesday 27th February 2019.

English Policy Updated January 2019

The 2018.19 Christmas Nativity - A wonderful performance by all the Infant children.

Creative writing workshop with local author Dan Worsley.

Reading for pleasure in our wonderful reading environments.

Today Dan Worsley, local author returned to sign some of his wonderful stories for the children.

The author Dan Worsley came into school to tell us about becoming a writer and his new book.

Hokusai's poetry- 'The magic box'.

Celebrating National Poetry Day - Saturday 6th October

Reception visit to Fleetwood library 19/09/18

Aristotle Word Book Day 2018

We were very lucky that two groups of Year 6 children came to read to us on World Book Day. One group used puppets to retell the story of The Gingerbread Man, they even allowed us to ask them questions about their favourite stories afterwards. Another group lead us around the outdoor area retelling the tale of The Three Little Pigs and used our resources in a fantastic way to keep us entertained! 

Einstein class - World Book Day


To celebrate World Book Day Einstein class were treated to a story  reading by some of our Year 6 children. The children read an extract from The 13 - Storey Tree House by Andy Griffiths. The class were completely hooked and this will hopefully encourage them to read more stories from this much loved series. A huge well done and a thank you to William, Harry and Shay who read and performed beautifully. 

World Book Day 2018 - Year 6 came to share stories with Year 5.

The children enjoyed a wonderful storytelling experience of The BFG this afternoon. They listened, observed and laughed as the story unfolded and the exceptional storyteller(Anthony Pedley) brought fiction to life.

Reading for pleasure in a stimulating environment.

The Beach Project - Encouraging and developing communication between schools.

World Book Day 2017

On Thursday 2nd March, it was national world book day, as a school we celebrated on Friday with our 'book on a hat' theme. Our children created their favourite book on a hat and could dress up too if they wished. We had a school parade and had winners from every year group chosen by our office manager, Mrs Tew and a school governor, Mrs Thwaites. 

Assessment Cycle 2016.17

Deputy Head teacher's interschool communication / teambuilding project. Children from the 6 Fleetwood Primary Schools joined together on Wednesday 30th November and experienced outdoor activities that encouraged communication and team building. There are two more events planned for later in the year.

Parents and friends of St Mary's enjoy World Book day with thier child/ren.

Local children's author Dan Worsley works with the children in Yr3.

World Book Day - A book in a box!

Roald Dahl celebrations.

St. Mary's Year of Reading Project

Children's writing displayed in Fleetwood Asda, March 2016.
