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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

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Spring Term 2023 Enrichment & Enhancement Planner

Autumn Term 2022 Enrichment & Enhancement Planner

Read,Write Inc - Teaching of Phonics at St. Mary's

You can find MAGIC wherever you look.

Sit back and relax,

all you need is a book!

Dr Seuss

Academic Year 24-25

Accordion Class...

The children have really enjoyed practicing their phonics and being 'mini teachers' in the classroom. They have also enjoyed looking at pictures and labelling them.

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

We've been reading the book, 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' this half term.  It's been an eye opening read so far.  From the book, we've completed different pieces of writing for example a setting description and a small play script for a particular scene.  Next half term, we will complete the book before watching the film and doing a comparison between the book and the film.

Wonder Verse - Young Writers

Look at our wonderful work published in the Young Writers Wonder Verse book!  We are officially famous writers! 

Flute Class listened to the story of the lonely beast, they then predicted the ending and acted it out.

Accordion Class have really enjoyed exploring books to find sounds and words they have learnt during their Read, Write Inc sessions

Learning through role-play.

The children in Accordion class made posters during PSHE (cross curricular) to discuss how they can save the world.

Piano Class-Our story of Alma - the chilling doll story.

Harp Class have based their writing on an animated clip. They have written in the first person to turn the story into a diary entry and used their imagination focusing on different spellings, punctuation and grammar they have learnt.

Bodhran Class had an unexpected visitor in our classroom and they left snowy footprints. Following our in-depth investigation, we discovered that a penguin had got lost and found himself in St Mary's. We are now starting to read Lost and Found.

Flute Class have been writing instructions and describing Stone Age settings.

Using the 'Mighty Writer' board to write instructions.

Persuasive Writing Examples

Take a look at some of our wonderful head boy and head girl speeches!  Well done to everyone who took part! 

Academic Year 23-24

The Briggs Friday morning Reading Cafe

Year 2 National Poetry Day workshop-Coach Matty came to our class to talk about our ambitions and dreams, the children then thought of rhyming words they could use to write or draw about dreams for themselves and others.

KS1 Reading Nook-The parents were invited to come and read their favourite book to their children in class.

Young Writers 2024 Competition Winners

Live Q&A with Malorie Blackman - Maurice Sendak Class

This morning in English, we had the chance to take part in a live Q&A with Malorie Blackman, the author of the book were reading - Pig Heart Boy.  She gave us an insight into what it is like to be a successful author and she also talked to us about where her inspirations came from and the challenges she has faced.  A very informative and enjoyable session.

Young Writers Competition

We entered a Young Writers Competition and here are our winners!  Congratulations!  We are proud of you!

In Lionni Class the children have been using the 'Mighty Writer 'board to make silly instructions with time words and bossy verb.

EYFS & KS1 had a Christmas Storytime from Lancashire Library.

Maurice Sendak Class LOVE Reading

Some of our Blue Peter badges have arrived!  We sent off our thoughts on our favourite books and other authors and we have been awarded our first badge!  I wonder which one will be next?

Mrs Kowalska came to read a story to year 2 today, as you can see they really enjoyed it.

Goldilocks in Daley Class

What happened in Daley Class over the weekend? Someone had been in our reading area and been eating porridge and breaking Baby Bear's chair! 

A selection of writing from Maurice Sendak Class

I 'WONDER' what features need to be included in a play script?

In English, we are studying play scripts.  We have started working together on our own play script from a scene in the book we are reading, 'Wonder.'  Keep a look out for our final performances and written scripts. 

Merckx class story planning

The children in Merckx class have been planning their own story following a plot. Our story focus has been ‘Stone Age Boy’ and have been learning how to structure a story. 

Shelly Woods Class Young Writer's Competition - Big Green Poetry Machine 

Look at all of our wonderful winners - very well deserved!  The children have worked extremely hard on their writing and deserved to be recognised.  Watch out for our published book!

English in Daley Class - from writing fortune cookies, to name writing, to wonderful work in our English books.

World Book Day in Daley Class! We used 'green screen' technology to bring our characters to life!

World Book Day 


Take a look at our World Book Day celebrations. Each class enjoyed a parade in the hall, during which we admired each others costumes and discussed our costume choices.  It was great fun and, as you can see, the children made a huge effort.

Thank you so much to all the lovely parents/guardians in Holmes class for attending our first Book Nook session! The children really enjoyed sharing their favourite books with you and reading with you!

It was our first 'Book Nook' session with the parents today in King Class and what a success it was! The parents came into class to read to their children and share their love of reading.

Today KS1 visited the library bus to exchange our school books and enjoyed reading some while we were there.

Holmes Class have been looking at pronouns in our English lessons, ahead of writing our own story next week!

Congratulations to the winners of the 'Young Writers competition'.in King Class.

Young Writers Competition 

Here are our wonderful winners of the Young Writers Competition we entered in 2022.  A Twist in the Tale and Through the Magic Door.  Well done - we are so proud of you!  Watch out for the next one!

The 'Hobgoblin' theatre company came to St Marys today to perform The Wizard of Oz.

Thank you so much Lancashire Library Services for sharing your love of reading. The KS1 children really enjoyed the Christmas stories you read to them.

The author Nathan Parker came to talk to us today he showed us his books and he talked about how he become an author and how we should never give upon something we believe in.

Nathan Parker in Shelly Woods Class

We were fortunate enough to work with Nathan Parker all day today.  He is a spoken poet and worked closely with us to create our own poems.  He spoke to us about the features of poetry, confidence, spoken word, rhymes and performance.  He also read some of his own work to us!  Safe to say, we were inspired!  Check him out on Instagram!

Year 4/5 Class have been looking at traditional tales. We have been learning about what features make up a traditional tale and we have written our own version of a traditional tale, focusing on uplevelling our vocabulary. 

Rama and Sita

Today, in Year 1, we listened to the story Rama and Sita, in our English lesson. 

We made our own bridges, like Rama did in the story. We used these to help us re-tell the story.