Our Year 5 and 6 classroom, now known as Peregrine Class, has had a refreshing makeover during the holidays in readiness for the year ahead. Take a look at the pictures of our lovely classroom.
Our fabulous, cosy reading den.
challenge corner
spelling support
Our class name.
presentation and spelling bee board
Our worship table and RE display.
Help with our grammar learning.
Our tree-mendous work board.
A warm welcome in many languages.
Settling in
The children have settled in brilliantly to our new class. Today we have been sketching and researching facts about the peregrine falcon. We then made a poster to display our work.
Where will your reading take you?
Peregrine Class are going to read their way around the world this year. We are completing the Oxford 'Reading Miles Passport' challenge. Each child has been issued with their own reading passport and for every half book read, the children can earn 500 air miles. As their miles accumulate, they will travel around the world to various countries. As they arrive at a new destination, the children will be given a postcard to take home to their adult in celebration of their achievement. They will also have the opportunity to learn about that particular country and it's culture; if desired, they can share what they have learnt in assembly.
Library visit
Today we were fortunate enough to visit the library. As well as looking at the books, the children learnt about how they are ordered, the various facilities on offer to a junior member and how to use the self service machine. It was a very enjoyable and informative visit.
Eagle heights
Our lovely little school had some beautiful, feathery visitors today. Mr Alan Ames, from Eagle Heights in Kent, brought along some birds of prey for the children to see and gave a fascinating talk about these delightful birds. This is especially relevant as, this school year, all our classrooms are named after a different bird. The children learned about the need for conservation, caring for injured birds, their habitats etc. It was a unique and memorable experience for the children.
Healthy Heads
Peregrine class are working with Fleetwood Town Football Club on a 'Healthy Heads' initiative. Each week we will talk about the qualities needed to be the best person we can be when playing sport, learning in school and when we're at home. After a class discussion, the children will play various games to try and apply the qualities they discussed previously.
Head Boy/Head Girl speeches and nominations
Today was an important day for our wonderful school. Our Year 6 children had the opportunity to run for the prestigious roles of Head Boy and Head Girl. The assembly began with each child giving a speech to the rest of the school as to why they would be perfect for the role. The children have been working on their speeches for the last week and they have really put their hearts and soles into them. They spoke eloquently, with their personalities shining through in their words, and it was lovely to see. After the speeches the voting slips were distributed and each child cast a vote. We are all waiting, with baited breath, for the votes to be counted. It takes a huge dollop of courage to stand at the front of the hall and speak; we are so proud of all the children who took part-well done!
Each Wednesday afternoon, Peregrine class enjoy a music lesson. The session involves singing (the songs chosen are current chart hits and very popular with the children), dancing and the chance to play various instruments within a Samba band. It's an enjoyable hour and the children really do get a lot out of it. The children will rotate instruments as the term goes on but take a look below at the pictures of our first session.
Teamwork makes the dream work
Our Healthy Heads session this week was all about team work. We discussed what teamwork involves and then had a go at putting it into practice. Our first challenge was to play dodge ball, but from a kneeling position. This required a lot more communication and passing than the normal version. After this, the children had to organise themselves into height order whilst standing on benches - without falling off. It was very entertaining to watch. There were moments where, from the expressions on their faces, you would have thought that they were passing each other on a sheer cliff face (not a low bench in the hall).
Look at our wonderful writing
Our first piece of extended writing is now complete. We have been working on a character description of August, the protagonist of our class read 'Wonder'. The children have worked hard to pack in all the features expected of Year 5/6 writers and the results are wonderful.
Head Boy and Head Girl announcements
This afternoon saw the arrival of the long awaited Head Boy and Head Girl announcements. The children voted in last weeks assembly and, after what feels like an age to the children, the winners were announced today. The vote was very close and counted twice, just to be sure. We are very proud to announce the following:
Head Boy - Lucas Randles
Head Girl - Molly Thomas
Deputy Head Boy - Kian McDermott
Deputy Head Girl - Dzhuliya Hristova
What a fabulous four!
A proud moment
Toasting our newly appointed Head Boy/Head Girl
Celebrating success
Congratulatory wishes
Healthy Heads
Our weekly Healthy Heads focus for this week was fairness. We discussed the concept of fairness first before going into the hall to apply fairness in a sporting context. One of the games we played involved the children standing in a circle and having to catch a ball that was randomly thrown to them by the coach who stood in the middle. The aim was to make it to 20 successful catches. Whilst this might sound straight forward, the game proved tense at times- especially as we grew closer to the magic 20 catches.
Democracy in action
This afternoon the children voted for who they wanted to elect as House Captain. All Year 6 children were able to apply for the role and if they chose to apply they gave a speech to the other children in their house. Well done to all the children who gave a speech, you did amazingly well. The speeches were well prepared and heart felt. Huge congratulations to the winners, we know you will do your house proud!
Climates and rivers
Our topic focus for this half term is climates and rivers. We looked at different types of climate and which countries they apply to. We then went to locate various rivers around the world using an atlas to help us.
River formation
Our topic lesson this afternoon involved looking closely at how rivers are formed and the various parts of a river. We constructed a diagram with labels to show the information we had learnt. As you can see from the pictures below, these drawings aren't far off the technical diagram quality you might see in a text book!
Vive la différence
During French, Peregrine Class have been learning how to tell the time for their work about school. After watching a short presentation, they have written about the similarities and differences between English and French schools. They used photos to play matching games on the IWB to practise their new vocabulary.
Raising the roof
This week the children enjoyed another fabulous samba lesson. After playing some rhythm clapping games, a dancing warm up and singing along to some much loved songs - the children each had a turn on the various instruments. As always, the children played wonderfully and they really did 'raise the roof'.
Lancashire Fire and Rescue
We were lucky enough to have a visit from the Lancashire Fire and Rescue this afternoon. The firefighters talked to the children about: smoke alarms, general fire safety, road safety (particularly planning a safe route to high school) and safe cycling. It was an informative visit and the children enjoyed asking questions. One interesting fact that emerged during the visit is that children under 135cm tall still require a full backed booster seat. Lots of us were surprised by this, particularly when the tape measure came out to demonstrate the required height.
Our Healthy Heads Finale
This week marks the end of our Healthy Heads sessions. The final session focused on self esteem and the importance of loving ourselves, as well as others. In our last game the children had to use their teamwork and communication skills to make human letters in their small groups. We had some letters that looked more like hieroglyphics than our alphabet but, for the most part, the children did very well.
Drumming to the beat
Our weekly Samba lesson had a slightly different sound this week. Instead of the usual instruments we use, this week we used drum sticks to drum along to the music. It was great fun and the children were incredibly focused, they didn't miss a beat!
Multicultural Week
The festival of light - Diwali
We began our multicultural week by looking at Diwali. Diwali is the five-day festival of lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world. The festival, which coincides with the Hindu New Year, celebrates new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. With this in mind, we used clay to make a Diya (a special lamp used in India). We will paint and decorate them later this week, before having our own mini Diwali on Friday when we will put a tea light in our lamps and light them.
Native American art
Peregrine class have looked at the legend of the Mikmaq, an ancient Native American legend about a wild goose. Legend has it that a long, long time ago little geese were dying on their migratory flight. The older birds became very upset by this and came up with a plan to lead and shelter the smaller birds so they survived the flight. Ever since then, Native Americans believe that the King of the wild geese, Kluskap, is the protector of all the small birds that fly into their country.
A taste of Italy
Italian cuisine was on the menu for Peregrine class this morning. We made pizzas and decorated them with various toppings. As you can see from the pictures, it was an enjoyable and tasty activity - a perfect addition to our multicultural week.
Aboriginal art
Our afternoon took on a rhythmical note today, in the form of Aboriginal clapper sticks. Clapsticks or clappers are a type of drumstick, percussion mallet or claves that belongs to the idiophone category. They are often used to maintain rhythm in Aboriginal voice chants. The children decorated their sticks with Aboriginal symbols before having a go at clapping along to an Aboriginal chant.
African dancing
The children had a unique and enjoyable dance lesson today. The theme was African dance and this complimented nicely with other activities we are doing in class this week. The children gave it their all and did very well.
Friendship bracelets
Peregrine class made friendship bracelets today. We researched the bracelets and discovered that the handwoven knots used to create friendship bracelets can generally be traced back to Native Americans, although knot-tying also has a history in China and other parts of the world. In China, some of the earliest forms of decorative knots date as far back as 481-221 B.C. The Chinese used knots for many reasons, including decorations for clothing and other things.
​​​​​​Indian fact file
There is barely a corner of the globe that hasn't been explored in our class this week. This time it was the turn of India. The children completed an Indian fact file, using I pads for research. Working in pairs, they researched information about Indian currency, industry, oceans and neighbouring countries. There were prizes for the best fact files completed. Look at our proud winners.
Seema Dalvi
We were extremely lucky today to have a special visitor in Peregrine class. Seema Dalvi, an award winning Indian cuisine chef and former secondary school Maths teacher, paid us a visit to talk to the children about all things Indian. Seema was fascinating to listen to, the children were enthralled. Seema talked about the many regions and languages of India and shared a story about being trapped on a bus in a monsoon flood for 24 hours. We discussed the caste system, the fact that the River Ganges is actually called the River Ganga and how to crack coconuts. These are just a tiny handful of the fascinating points that came out of Seemas visit. As if all this wasn't enough, Seema also brought some delicious Indian street style food for the children to sample.
We lit our Diyas this afternoon and had our very own Diwali. It was a lovely moment of calm after a very busy and enjoyable week.
History brought to life
Peregrine class had an extra special trip to the library today. We were invited to join in a history/drama workshop, based on the Ancient Egyptians. The theme was mummification and all the gory details, perfect for Halloween. It was informative and great fun, the children loved it.
What is evolution?
Our Science focus for this half term is evolution. We started our learning by thinking about inherited characteristics and the variations that can occur. This led on nicely to looking at how humans, plants and animals can adapt to their surroundings.
More writing success!
Once again our wonderful children have triumphed in their writing. We entered the Young Writers competition, for which the children were asked to write a poem about monsters, and lots of the poems have been selected for publication. This is amazing news, to have so many of our children's poems deemed worthy of publication is just phenomenal. Well done to all our wonderful writers!
Lest we forget...
Peregrine class represented our school at the remembrance service yesterday. It was a truly moving service.The memory of the sacrifices made by our armed forces can easily fade, in our busy world, which is why this event becomes more significant, and more moving, with every passing year. Many thanks to the children that managed to attend.
In addition to the service on Sunday, our Year 6 head and deputy leaders accompanied Mrs Kowalska to a special remembrance event at the Marine Hall today.
Lantern parade preparations
The annual Fleetwood lantern parade is fast approaching and preparations are underway. The children decorated a lantern this afternoon in readiness for the event. As you can see from the picture, the lanterns are very effective and will look fabulous in the parade.
Anti-bullying Week
This week sees the start of Anti-bullying week. The whole school is following the 'Hat not Hate' message and all the children will be wearing a knitted blue hat badge on their blazer to represent this.The hats were very kindly knitted by Mrs Thomas and Mrs Ashworth and the children are thrilled to be wearing them. In addition to the 'hat not hate' hats, tomorrow we will be wearing odd socks.
Each class will then mark the event in their own way. Peregrine class have made a 'chatter box' which links to our last class read, 'Wonder'. The chatter box is decorated with messages of kindness which the children will spread at break and lunchtimes.
Expressing an opinion
In French lessons, the children have produced posters to express their opinions on the subjects they learn in school. They are beginning to use simple positive and negative language and in their written work they can give reasons for their opinions.
The Kingdom of God
Our RE focus recently has been on the Kingdom of God. We have thought about what it means to be a part of the kingdom and the commitments that go with it. We are also looking at the concept of justice in a variety of contexts, as well as learning about people who have been persecuted for speaking out against in-justice.
Collective worship
Our class took part in a collective worship session today, which was led and prepared by two members of Peregrine class. The focus of the session was respect and compassion. This was a especially relevant to our anti-bullying activities and was a lovely, spiritual end to our week.
Junior journalists
A huge well done to Molly and Rosie who wrote an article to raise awareness about child abuse. Their fabulous article was published in the Junior Gazette. Well done girls, a career in journalism awaits you!
Role play
Play scripts are our English focus this week. Our scripts are based on our current class read, 'There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom'. The scripts feature the two main characters and the children are working hard to include all the necessary features as well as making them entertaining.
Lights, camera, action!
Red Wednesday
Acknowledging Red Wednesday is an annual tradition in our school. To mark Red Wednesday the children were invited to wear to an item of red with their usual uniform. Yesterday Peregrine class held a collective worship session where we prayed for all the people who are persecuted for their beliefs.
Applying our Science,Technology, Engineering and Maths skills
Four of our Year 5 children attended a STEM event at Fleetwood High School today. Our task was to build a bridge that was both sturdy enough to hold a 1KG truck and tall enough to allow a boat to pass underneath. The wood had to be cut to size by the children, using a hack saw, and the holes drilled independently. The children worked tremendously hard to build a bridge that more than met all the requirements. Well done team Blue Bridge!
Good and evil
The theme of this weeks collective worship session was good and evil. The session was led and delivered by the children and, as always, it was a spiritual and reflective session.
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree ...
The annual Fleetwood Christmas Tree Festival is fast approaching. Our school tree will have an eco theme this year. In readiness for this, the children have coloured a person and made an eco promise on the back.
It's HIIT step time
Friday afternoon saw a very different kind of PE session for some of our Year 5 and 6 children. We were lucky enough to be given the opportunity to enjoy a high intensity interval training session at the YMCA. The class involved doing various exercises, for set periods of time, using a step. The children did very well. It was tough at times but they persevered; we all left with sweat on our brows and a rosy glow. Well done to all who took part!
Advent begins
Today is the first school day of Advent. The children made an Advent promise last week in preparation for this. They thought hard about how their promise could make them a better person on the run up to Christmas. Carol service and nativity rehearsals are in full swing and the classrooms have all had a Christmas style makeover. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Prayer cards
Each child in school has been given a beautiful, handmade prayer card. They have been lovingly made by a parishioner at church, using a variety of colours, and the children can keep them in their trays to use during prayer or worship time.
The true meaning of Christmas
Peregrine class have been reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas this week. Our focus is the well known festive advert which shows the famous World War One truce, in which German and English soldiers played football on Christmas day. We are writing diary entries from the perspective of the soldier who initiated the truce. They are coming along nicely and we will put some extracts on this page when they are completed.
Some of our diary extracts...
We have seen the light...
Peregrine class are seeing the light this week, quite literally. Our science focus is how light travels and how we see things. We have conducted various experiments to investigate this.
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année
During our weekly French lesson, the children researched Christmas traditions in France and compared them with our own. They discovered that many things were the same, although they were quite jealous to learn that St. Nicolas visited French children on two dates in December, bearing gifts both times. To finish our lessons this half term, the children made their own cards, although in France, cards are traditionally exchanged at New Year and not Christmas.
Eco warriors
Well done to the children of Peregrine class who have been selected to join the Eco team. We have no doubt that you will work eco wonders for our little school. We'll look forward to hearing about your important work in the near future.
Christmas is a time for giving
Peregrine and Osprey class have joined together in the true spirit of Christmas. Both classes have done a reverse Advent calendar and the children have kindly donated food and gifts which will be given to the bank and Brian House. As you can see from the picture, we have collected lots of items. Many thanks to the children and their families for their support, we are very grateful.
Thank-you so much for your generosity.
Visiting the food bank.
It's show time!
What better way to begin the festive season than with a trip to the Opera House. Our Key Stage 2 children enjoyed a trip to Blackpool today to see the Horrible Histories Christmas show. It was a super show and the children had a fabulous time!
It's party time!
It was Christmas party afternoon across the school today. Peregrine class enjoyed an afternoon of dancing, games and treats. We opened our secret Santa gifts and enjoyed the festive vibe.
Posada journey
Our class Posada Box has been travelling around the families of Peregrine class. It's been lovely reading the entries in the Posada book and seeing the pictures of the children enjoying the box at home. Many thanks for your support in this.
Exploring poetry
Poetry is our English focus for the next couple of weeks. We have started by exploring a selection of poems and looking closely at the techniques the writer has used.
Circulatory System Projects
Our circulatory system projects are due in today. The project was set weeks ago in readiness for our science topic this half term. As you can see from the pictures below the children have done a fabulous job! The effort that has been put into the projects is incredible. A huge well done and thank you to the children and the adults who have supported them.
Collective worship
This weeks collective worship session was another spiritual experience.
The theme was jealousy. Well done to Tyler, Tia and Molly for putting the session together.
Circulatory project winners
Judging the projects was enormously difficult task but, after much deliberation, we have our four lucky winners. Our first place prize, a voucher for The Works, goes to Rosie for her fabulous model and booklet about the heart. Second place went to Daemon for his very life -like paper-mache heart model; third place went to Blossom for her turn table style heart information chart and fourth place went to Jack for his working lungs model. Well done to them all, enjoy your chocolate prize!
The Year of The Word
This year is 'The Year of The Word' on the religious calendar. This is all about examining the gospel, the word of God, and really thinking about what it means. In doing this, we will grow a closer relationship with Christ and be better able to follow and understand his teachings.
Peregrine class began their 'Year of The Word' celebration by studying a famous painting by Italian artist Masaccio. The painting shows John the Baptist and St. Jerome. For Catholics all over the world, St Jerome is a very important saint and Biblical scholar. In 2020, we’re celebrating the 1,600th anniversary of his death.We examined the picture closely and looked at what different parts of the painting mean.
Mirroring and balancing
PE focused on mirroring and balancing today. In pairs and groups, the children had to demonstrate balances and mirroring. It was challenging and enjoyable.
The Creative French
The children have been researching different types of French artist. They used the internet independently, then built a variety of sentences using a writing frame. Some children are now able to substitute pronouns for proper nouns.
Tower Wood 2020
Our Tower Wood adventure has well and truly began. We have packed so much in already, our feet haven't touched the ground! So far we have played team games including various challenges, helped each other scale a wall, lit a fire in a teepee, sailed around the lake (without an adult), bathed in the lake (without an adult), had a go at orienteering, experienced dry slope skiing (some children would rival Eddie The Eagle) and scrambled on rocks and through tight rock spaces. We've probably missed off a few things but we'll update you fully on our return. In the meantime, have a look at these...
Yet another full day today, jam packed full of adventure. Between the three groups we have had a go at dry slope skiing, tree climbing, caving and visited Cathedral Quarry. It was stunning, the views were incredible. We even turned off our torches in the cave and experienced total darkness! It was raining cats and dogs but it didn't dampen our spirits in the slightest.
​​​​​​Day 4
Another day full of adventure. Our three groups have been busy again. Today's activities included tree climbing, navigating an obstacle course, exploring a quarry and cave and sailing around (and jumping in) Windermere Lake. The sailing was definitely the highlight, some of the children were very competant and took to it like ducks to water. It's been truly lovely for both the adults and children to see themselves and their peers discovering new skills and having a go. They have all embraced every challenge offered to them, despite the wettest weather ever experienced by the Tower Wood instructors. I'm sure they will have lots of memories which they will carry for a many years to come.
Collective worship
Peregrine children will lead more collective worship sessions this week. The first session was led by Dzhuliya and Tia. The session focused on generosity and hunger. During the session the girls shared 'The Story of The Lonely Widow' which illustrated their chosen theme perfectly.
What does Mass mean to you?
This is the question that Peregrine class are thinking about this half term. To explore this further, we looked at two Bible stories - The Feeding of The 5000 and The Story of The Last Supper. We used the Bible to read these two stories before comparing them and making links to Mass.
Collective worship on tour
Peregrine class have been travelling around school to deliver collective worship sessions. So far they have visited both Hobby and Kestrel class. Each session had a different theme, and though they did differ slightly in terms of content, all the sessions involved prayer, the sharing of a story appropriate to the chosen theme and time for quiet reflection. Well done children for delivering and sharing such meaningful and spiritual sessions.
Lent begins...
To mark the beginning of Lent, Peregrine class began by leading a whole school assembly. The assembly explained the meaning of Lent and encouraged us to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.
Easter Mystery Box
To mark the beginning of our Easter preparations, each class will take home a very special 'Easter Mystery Box'. The box is designed to help the children and their families learn more about Lent and Easter and to encourage reflection. The idea of passing a worship box between families is of course very similar to our Advent Posada boxes.
A day of reflection
Peregrine class embarked on a day of reflection today. We journeyed to Xaverian Mission Spirituality Centre in Preston where we enjoyed a variety of religious themed activities.
During our day of reflection we explored the following:
Peace and the people of the past who have spread peace and been leaders of God’s word; Sadako (we made a crane to go with it)
Different religions of the world, what they stand for and what that religion looks like (we also spoke about countries where we may primarily find these religions)
The things we have done to support our community
Missionaries having visited Lourdes and the story of ‘God having no hands’
The word of St Teresa of Avila
A day of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)
Peregrine class have enjoyed a fabulous day of all things STEM today. The first task was to build a weight bearing bridge using paper tubes and cable ties. We looked at different designs first, before carefully constructing our own. The challenge was to see how much weight the bridge could hold and the results were impressive.
I can proudly confirm that the amazing children of Peregrine class now hold the world record for this challenge - a staggering 28 kilograms! Well done children, you were incredible!
The second task was to build another bridge, this time using wooden blocks. This time a particular bridge type was required, a cantilever bridge. In some ways this was harder than the first task but, as always, our children showed remarkable resilience and perseverance. The end results were very impressive. Well done children. You showcased the best of what our lovely school has to offer.
Science week in Peregrine class
Our week began with a whole school assembly to launch our Science week. In the assembly we talked about careers involving Science and some of the activities that the different classes will do this week. We watched a video of some wow Science experiments to remind and inspire us as to how fascinating Science can be.
A special visitor
Our two upper key stage 2 classes had a very special visitor today. Sarah Powell, a doctor from Lancaster University, came in to talk to us about anatomy and how her and her team support athletes in giving their best performance. It really was a fascinating insight into the medical science that supports the footballer, gymnast, tennis player and so on. We learnt that many well known sports people have existing medical issues that are carefully managed to enable them to perform to the best of their ability. We even got to try out a clever gadget that measures athletic performance, in this instance we measured jumping height. The whole class had a go and the winner was Kian who managed to leap a staggering 32.8cm. The children learnt a lot from the session, it was very inspiring. I think we may have even planted a few seeds with regard to future careers.
As if all that wasn't enough for one day, Peregrine class also did an amazing experiment to replicate blood and it's various components. We used various sweet treats to represent the plasma, platelets, veins and red/white blood cells.
Engineering fairy tales
Day two of science week is focusing on ‘Engineering Fairy tales' throughout the school. Each class has a different fairy tale to explore using a scientific perspective. In Peregrine class we are looking at Cinderella, with a particular focus on the time aspect. As Cinderella had to be home before the clock struck midnight, our task was to design a stop watch. Equipment allocated for the task was deliberately basic and limited, forcing the children to think outside the box. Each group also had a budget to work within as all equipment they needed for the task had to be ‘purchased’.
There's no doubt that the children found this a challenging task. However, rise to the challenge they did, and most groups managed to produce a successful timer. The most effective timer timed 13 seconds. All groups were able to say how their design could be improved for increased effectiveness. Well done children for your fantastic effort at engineering a fairy tale!
Day three of Science Week in Peregrine class
Another day, jam packed full of all things Science. Our main focus today was looking at parts of the flower. In order to explore this fully, we dissected some lilies. We talked about parts of the flower and other ideas that came up during our discussion such as hay-fever and the science involved in growing, preserving and transporting flowers.
In the afternoon, we continued thinking about the science involved in sport and the effects on the body. Some children enjoyed a taekwondo lesson whilst some of us went outside for a game of dodge-ball. Two prime examples of how the skeletal and cardiovascular systems work together to enable us to perform in sport.
Mad Science
Today was a mixed day of fantastic Science in our class. To begin with we used our knowledge from yesterdays lesson to sketch a detailed diagram of a flower. As you can see from the pictures below, the children did a great job of this.
We also did some experiments. We used lemons and baking soda to create mini volcanoes. Not only was this fabulous fun but it also made the classroom wonderfully fragrant. Also we used skittles and water to create rainbows. It was fun, hands-on science and the children loved it!
The afternoon was equally as lively. We started with a circuit session in the hall. This was heart pounding, sweaty activity. Following this, we had a go at some first aid in the form of CPR.
A science lesson with a difference
Peregrine class were lucky enough to visit Cardinal Allen this morning for a science lesson. The children used bunsen burners and various chemicals to change the colour of the flame. It was very different to anything they've done before and the children were enthralled.
Glow in the dark dodge ball
To round off our fantastic science week, Peregrine class enjoyed an extra special PE session in the form of glow in the dark dodge ball. It was incredible! Such a unique and memorable experience for the children.
En Ville - Around Town
In our MFL French lessons, Peregrine class have been writing descriptive paragraphs about their home town. They have used a variety of adjectives and simple conjunctions. To illustrate their writing, they have made their own trioramas.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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