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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.


Governing Body of St. Mary's Catholic Primary School September 2023


Associate Governors (appointed by the Governing Body):


 Karen Higham


Headteacher Governor:


Ann Kowalska


Chair of Governors:


Philip Higham - c/o St. Mary's Catholic Primary School, London Street, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FY7 6EU


Parent (elected by the parents):


Marc Whittaker

Andrea Terpet


Staff (elected by the staff):


Naomi Whittaker


Foundation Governors (elected by the Diocese)


Andrew Cafferkey

Father Michael Murphy


LEA Governor (elected by the Local Authority):


Philip Higham


Membership of Standing Committees:


Teaching & Learning and Curriculum Committee:


Chair: Philip Higham

Members: Andrew Cafferkey, Ann Kowalska, Marc Whittaker


Resources and Finance Committee:


Chair: Philip Higham

Members: Andrew Cafferkey, Ann Kowalska, Marc Whittaker, Father Michael Murphy

Governor Information


Local Authority Governor - Chair of Governors- Philip Higham - term of office 02.04.22 to 01.04.27 - Meetings attended in past twelve months - 6 No business interests - appointed by the diocese - committees - Resources and Teaching and Learning - spouse of School Business Manager  - Chair of both Resources and Teaching and Learning Committees


Parent Governor - Vice-Chair of Governors - Marc Whittaker - term of office 01.04.2022 to 31.03.2027 - Meetings attended in past twelve months - 5 No business interests - appointed by the parents, spouse of Admin Assistant - Resources and Teaching and Learning Committees


Headteacher Governor - Ann Kowalska - term of office 25.03.2019 to 31.10.25 - Meetings attended in past twelve months 7 - No business interests - appointed by the diocese - committees - Resources and Teaching and Learning


Foundation Governor - Andrew Cafferkey - term of office 28.03.2019 to 29.03.27 - Meetings attended in past twelve months - 5 No business interests - appointed by the diocese - committees - Resources, Teaching and Learning, Staffing Review, Pay, Complaints Review, Staff Attendance, Discipline and Dismissal


Staff Governor - Naomi Whittaker - term of office 23.02.24 to 22.02.28 - Meetings attended in past twelve months 1 - No business interests - appointed by the staff, spouse of Vice-Chair of Governors, committees - Resources


Foundation Governor - Father Michael Murphy - term of office 24.03.2019 to 25.03.2027 - Meetings attended in past twelve months - 2 - No business interests - appointed by the diocese - committees - Resources, Teaching and Learning, Pay, Staff Attendance, Discipline and Dismissal 


Associate Governor - Karen Higham - Meetings attended in the past twelve months - 4 No business interests - no voting rights - appointed by the Governing Body - no committees


Parent Governor - Andrea Terpet - term of office 23.02.2024 to 22.02.2028  -  Meetings attended in the past twelve months -  3    No business interests - appointed by the parents - 






