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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other




At St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education is embedded within our overarching curriculum that prepares our children for many different aspects of their lives.  

Our overall goal is to help our children to become well-rounded individuals with strong character, who will eventually go out into the world of adults and be actively and positively involved in society.   In order to do this, we are striving to create a conducive environment around the school and this year we have created our own specific Personal Development Curriculum that is entwined with our academic history curriculum.

Our history curriculum aims to provide engagement and enrichment and through this, we aim for all children to have equal opportunities to thrive together.  


Academic year 23-24

Year 2 had fun at the zoo, they participated in an animal habitat workshop and looked at all the different animals in their habitats.

In year 2 as part of our geography, the children made posters on how to look after our natural habitats.

In Geography, year 4/5 have been learning about deserts and what their climates are like.

In geography Potter class have been learning about Antarctica. We have learnt about latitude and longitude, Northern and Southern Hemisphere. Physical and Human features. We also learnt about Shackleton's expedition and plotted his route. We have navigated N,S,E,W around our own map of the school. This topic has been fun for everyone.

In EYFS the children have been learning about Italy and Indian, we have looked at the countries flags, the culture and special events they may celebrate and we have also made and sampled some Italian and Indian foods.

Lionni Class started off their unit 'Our Wonderful World' by using atlas' to find the countries of the United Kingdom.

Children of the World disco

Lionni Class have been learning about African animals on safari and writing facts about what they have learnt. They then used pointillism which they learnt in ICT to create animal masks.

Academic year 22-23

Understanding the world in EYFS

Daley Class have been learning about our local community and the people who help us, through their understanding the world topics.

Geography in Year 1

Chinese New Year - thank you so much to Samuel's mum for providing us with these lovely gifts. We have loved speaking about each zodiac sign and the origins of Chinese New Year.

Geography in Year 2/3

Billie Jean King Class have been learning about hot and cold countries, where they are in the world, how the equator affects them and what animals adapt to live there.

For 'Oceans of plastic' week King Class learnt all about how plastic pollution spoils our oceans and how it endangers the sea wildlife. We then made posters about it.

King Class have been learning about the continents and oceans of the world.

Geography in Year 3/4

In Geography this half term, Merckx class have been learning about volcanoes and earthquakes. We have been researching famous volcanic eruptions and recording key facts to create a news reports.

Merckx Class have learnt about North America.

Geography in Year 4/5

Pele Class have been learning all about rainforests this half term. Where they are in the world, the different layers and the living things found there.

Geography in Year 5/6

Comparing our four nations


Woods Class - Our geography focus is the wonderful United Kingdom. This afternoon, the children used i pads to look at similarities and differences between our four nations, such as landmarks, national dress etc. 

Tower Wood Residential Trip y5 & y6

Children Of The World Disco KS1

Children Of The World Disco KS2

Academic year 21-22

Drake Class have been learning all about the Maasai Tribe in Kenya and their cultures. We then made our own interpretation of African necklaces.

Drake Class have been creating art work based on the African plains.

Drake Class- In geography we have been learning about 'The Big Five' of Africa by researching the internet and creating fact files about the animals.

Columbus Class-In Geography/ Science, we have been looking at the different seasons. Today we went on a Spring Walk and made our own, ‘Spring in a bottle’ full of leaves, buds, flowers etc...

Drake Class-In geography today we have started to look at Kenya in Africa, we used Google Earth to find out where Kenya was in relation to Fleetwood and then we used atlases to find the capital city, Mount Kenya and other landmarks.

Before you finish eating breakfast this morning, you’ve depended on more than half
the world.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Fair Trade assembly Cardinal Allen Catholic High School came to deliver an assembly all about Fair Trade and why it is so important for the farmers and workers to receive their fair pay. People all over the world earn their living by growing food or making things to sell. Their food and products are shipped to other parts of the world and sold in shops. Many products in our supermarkets are made from things imported from less developed countries. However, unless they are paid a fair price for what they have produced, they will not have enough money for food, schooling, medicine or clothing. A huge thank-you to Mr Harding and his wonderful team for putting on such an engaging and informative assembly.

Drake Class designed Fair Trade posters.

Marco Polo Class learnt about Fairtrade, how important it is and designed posters.

Sir Francis Drake Class and Ernest Shackleton Class both had very important visits from our community Fire Brigade to discuss how to stay safe at home. They discussed how to make a fire plan with their parents and how to use the ‘stop, drop and roll’ technique. The older children were also given tips on staying safe when out and about by themselves.

Merian told Drake Class all about 'Baba Marta Day' which is celebrated in Bulgaria on the 1st March. It celebrates that Spring is coming, trees are in blossom and everyone exchanges good wishes and red-and-white threads.

Tower Wood Residential Trip -On our tour of the lake district today, we learnt all about the Romans and the Vikings and how settlements have changed. We also spoke about different rock types and how the weather has changed them/how caves have evolved over time.

Year 4 using the atlases to locate and identify the countries in Europe.

KS1 had a special assembly today with 'The Creepy Crawly Roadshow', they learnt about minibeasts and their habitats and the children sat beautifully and asked really thoughtful questions to find out new amazing facts. They even held the snakes and mini beast, they were so brave!

To start our new topic of 'Our Local Area' in Drake Class we used fieldwork skills to locate features in the school grounds. We split into groups and took photographs of locations around school then we came back to the classroom to create maps of the school grounds with symbols and keys. We then discussed the compass points to give directions to each place we photographed. The groups then showed the class their maps and discussed the symbols that they used to represent their key locations in the school grounds.

We couldn't go to the beach today so we brought the beach to Drake Class! We have been writing a story about 'The little monster who saved the ocean' in English, have discussed how to stay safe on the beach and how to look after our environment. The children enjoyed different activities and watched a Punch and Judy show with ice-cream.

What happens when we can't go to the beach? We bring the beach to Columbus Class! 

In geography we have been looking at our local environment and today we spoke about Physical and Human features that we may see on our route to school. What a better way to think about this than to bring the beach to Columbus class! We also discussed how to keep safe at the beach and what our roles and responsibilities are in looking after our local area.