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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Nellie Bly Class

Bly class at the beach!

Sports Day

Keeping cool!

July Fun!

The Queens Jubilee Celebrations

To celebrate the Queen’s jubilee we invited our grown ups to come and play! We made crowns, threaded necklaces, painted faces, played hopscotch and hook a duck. We shared cakes we’d made and decorated, and sang a song we’d learnt together. We had a lovely afternoon, and thank you to all the grown ups for supporting us and coming to spend the afternoon in our class. 

Teddy bear story time and tea party

Today we had Caroline from the Lancashire Library Service visit us. She came with some special stories to share with the class to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. The children enjoyed listening to the stories with their teddy bears that they brought from home and taking part in some fun activities. 


We have been learning all about money. We have learnt that we need money to buy things from shops and began looking at different coins. We have used our superstore role play to buy groceries using 1p coins. 

Stations of the Cross

Dentist Visit

Today we had the lovely Dental Nurses from Ideal Dental Care Fleetwood visit Bly class. They taught us all about taking care of our teeth. We listened to a story, played a game and learnt a song to help us clean our teeth for 2 minutes. We loved it! 

Easter Activities

St Patricks Day

The children in Bly class have been learning about Saint Patrick and why we celebrate St Patricks Day. They enjoyed joining in with some lovely activities. 

We love the outdoors!

World Book Day

Ash Wednesday

Some children from Bly class joined the rest of the school and went to church to participate in Ash Wednesday Mass to celebrate the start of the season of Lent. We all received Ashes on our forehead and celebrated Mass together. We reflected on how we make a Lenten promise and prayed to God to help us in the next 40 days as we prepare for Easter.

Mr Wolf's Pancakes

We listened to the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’. Nobody would help Mr Wolf make his pancakes so the children decided it wasn’t fair to get to eat them. We talked about fairness and why it is important to be fair. The children were asked what we could do to be 'fair' when making our pancakes. 

They made a list of ingredients we needed to make pancakes and then helped each other to make them. Everybody helped and all enjoyed eating them!

Spring II Newsletter

Science Week

The children have enjoyed some science activities in our continuous provision today. They have explored our dark tent with torches and planets and talked about the planets they know the names of and how big or small they are in comparison to one another. They have explored teeth and learnt how to take care of them. They have used magnifying glasses to observe different rocks and fossils. They used microscopes to look at leaves and some fruits and vegetables closely and draw pictures of what they could see. 

Lava Lamps

The children have enjoyed making lava lamps today. They have learnt and observed how oil and water do not mix and added a fizzing tablet to their mixture to create bubbles which gives a lava lamp effect. 


We have been learning all about seeds and what they need to grow. We listened to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and then we found some magic beans in our class. We decided to plant the beans and our plan is to watch them grow and see who has the biggest beanstalk. We talked about what our beans need to grow and how we will take care of them over the next few weeks. We can't wait to plant them in our outdoor area once they are ready!!

Change of matter

The children have been exploring ice and what happens when it melts. Today, we looked at how ice is formed and we made our own ice cream and saw the change from a liquid to a solid. The ice cream was delicious, we really enjoyed eating it!

Chinese New Year

Tuesday 2nd February 2022 was Chinese New Year. The children in Bly class have enjoyed participating in lots of fun activities linking to the celebration. 


This week, the children in Bly class have been exploring Purple Mash on the Ipads. They practised logging in and exploring the different games on the Purple Mash website. 

Merry Christmas

Posada Box

The children in Bly class have enjoyed taking turns to take the Posada box home. They used the resources in the box to talk about the journey Joseph and Mary took to get to Bethlehem and then said a prayer. 

Creepy Crawly Roadshow

Today we were lucky enough to have a special visit from Jungle John. 

He came to school to teach us about animals. We learnt some interesting facts about how animals survive and how they might scare off preditors. He brought along some special friends too! Some children were brave enough to hold them. 

Post office

This week, our role play area was a post office as we have been reading the story 'The Jolly Postman'. 

The children have been writing letters and pretending to post them in our role play area and learning how a letter gets to our houses. 

We all made a letter for our families and then went to the post box to post them. Keep a look out for the postman- when will you get your letter? 

We have been enjoying our PE lessons

Happy Diwali

We have been celebrating the festival of Diwali. 


The children have enjoyed taking part in a range of activities around the festival. They have made Rangoli patterns using salt and powder paint, making Diya lamps using salt dough and retelling the story of Rama and Sita. The children have also listened to a story from the indian culture similar to 'The Gingerbread Man' called 'The Runaway Chapati'. They created their own story maps to show what happened. They experimented with different materials and resources to pain and create firework displays. 

Life Education

Bly class enjoyed their visit from the Life Education Bus. They met Harold the giraffe who taught them how to take care of their bodies. They learnt the different body parts and explored what we have inside our bodies. 


The children in Bly class have been learning about their bodies. They talked about the things they could see on the outside of their bodies like their eyes, ears and nose and then they learnt some of the things that are on the inside of their bodies like their heart, brain and bones. The children made their own skeleton and learnt some of the names of the bones such as spine, jaw bone, skull, toe bones. See if they can tell you about them or point to the part of the body they would be found. 

Halloween Learning

Take a look at some of our learning....

The Little Red Hen

In Bly class, we have been reading the tale 'The Little Red Hen' in Literacy. The children completed lots of different activities linking to the story over the week. On Friday, the children made bread like the Little Red Hen did in the story. They also chopped vegetables and helped make vegetable soup when learning about harvest. On Thursday, the children enjoyed eating the bread they had made and dunking it in the vegetable soup. It was delicious! 

The children have enjoyed Healthy Eating Week! 


They completed lots of activities this week linking to healthy eating and our story of the week 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.


Their favourite by far was tasting lots of different fruits like the caterpillar did in the story. The children were then encouraged to talk about their likes and dislikes. 

Gross and Fine Motor Skills

This week we have been developing our gross motor and fine motor skills through participating in a range of activities. This week we have been focusing on building our muscle strength in our hands which will help us to hold our pencils when we start writing. The children have really enjoyed our 'Dough Disco' sessions where they each have a ball of playdough and they manipulate the dough in a range of ways whilst dancing along to music. 

British Sign Language

We have been learning sign language in Bly class this week. Ask your child to show you what they have learnt. 

Our First PE Lesson

This week we had our first PE lesson. We practised freezing when the whistle was blown and and moving in different ways. 

Outdoor Learning

Meeting Mylo

Mrs Hampson and Mylo came to visit Bly class to meet the new children. They listened carefully as Mrs Hampson explained some rules they need to follow when they see Mylo around school. They all had the chance to give Mylo a treat and have a little cuddle. 

Our first week at school
