Prayer, worship and liturgical celebration are central to our Catholic tradition and form an integral part of the school day. Prayer is encouraged in a variety of methods; – private individual prayer, group prayer, and whole school prayer.
Each child takes part in a daily act of worship (5-10 minutes) and formal prayers are used to open and close the school day sessions. The children also plan and lead acts of worship within each of their classes. Collective Worship across every class uses the same structure. We gather, using prayers or actions or music. Then, we listen to scripture, readings and / or poems. After that, we respond by doing something or saying a prayer together. Finally, we go forth by reflecting on the scripture and taking this forward into our work throughout the day. It is wonderful to see the children excited, enthusiastic and deepening their faith through prayer and liturgy. In each class, there is a prayer and liturgy book where pictures, planning templates and powerpoints are kept as a reminder and record of the acts of worship.
We look forward to our Thursday morning liturgies, which are planned and led by each class in turn. These are usually centred around global issues, British and Catholic values. The children always relate these themes to scripture references and they write their own prayers and choose their own songs to celebrate and worship together. It is wonderful for the children to leave us all with a reflection, mission idea or practical response to our celebration, enabling all to deepen faith, learn from the teachings of Christ and become the very best we can be for ourselves and for others.
We also recognise and celebrate children’s achievements, both in and out of school, during our weekly Star Award Celebration.
Amazing things can happen when people come into agreement.
Matthew 18:19 says
“I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
The children and staff will be delighted to pray for you or a loved.
As soon as we receive your request, the children and staff will keep your request in our hearts and minds as we pray throughout the day and week.
Each week we share the Wednesday Word via our school app to share the Sunday gospel which is shared with the children in their Key Stage Liturgy.
To begin our new year and the Epiphany, the Mini Vinnie led the liturgy to the whole school to share and remind people the coming of the three kings to visit baby.
Advent Liturgies
All classes invited parents in to participate in an Advent liturgy with their child. We had readings, prayers, crafts, songs and role play with the key message of the meaning of Advent being that we are preparing for the coming of the Lord.
Flute Class - Class Liturgy
Father Stephen came to Flute Class to join them in our Advent Liturgy this week. The children shared prayers and their learning in class about how Christians prepare for Advent.
Pilgrimage to Ladyewell Shrine
On 17th October, Piano Class (Year 4/5) took a visit to Preston, to Ladyewell and had a beautiful, reflective and reverent day visiting the white house, exploring the gardens, visiting the statues, the well and celebrating Mass with Fr Augustine. The children were complimented on their manners and respect during our visit.
Emmanuel Church - Prayer Stations
On the 3rd October, Year 4/5 visited Emmanuel Church with church leader Rob and some of the other volunteers, where the children had the experience of visiting different prayer stations and interacting with them about themselves, others and our world. We discussed how prayer is so powerful and a mystery, but it allows us to deepen our faith, relationship and communication with God.
2023 - 2024
Signing the Hail Mary
The Mini Vinnies filmed their version of signing the Hail Mary, this was shared amongst the classes who practiced for our assembly. To end the month of May - the month of Mary. We shared worship together about Mary, listening to the Word of God and shared the Hail Mary, using sign language together.
Signing the Hail Mary
Mini Vinnies - Lenten Liturgy
The Mini Vinnies did a great job at speaking in Star of the Week assembly, by starting with their own liturgy in preparation for Lent.
Chalking the Door - Epiphany Liturgy
On Friday 5th January, we celebrated the Epiphany by revisiting the story of the Kings visiting Jesus and what this meant. We discussed the Christian tradition of 'Chalking the Door' and writing the year and the letters of the names of kings in chalk, then putting it above the door, at the start of a new year, to bless and welcome people to their home or school.
Mini Vinnies
In assembly today (15th December), we announced our Mini Vinnies. Mrs Sewell has set up a Mini Vinnies (Liturgy Leaders group) with children who applied from Year 4 and Year 5. Congratulations to Poppy, Maria, Molly, Dominic, Lucas and Jacob on being our first Mini Vinnies. Mini Vinnies is a group set up in schools to support the charity SVP (St. Vincent de Paul). They will be fundraising, leading worship and coming up with ideas of how we can help our local community.
Posada Box
An example of some photographs taken my our parents of their child participating in the posada box activity of providing Mary and Joseph a home on their journey to Bethlehem. The children light the candle, share a prayer and give Mary and Joseph a home for the night.
KS2 Liturgy led by Cardinal Allen
Some of the young people from Cardinal Allen's school mission team came to led us in liturgy to celebrate the first Sunday of Advent. They shared the Gospel, it's meaning, Advent promises and prayers.
Year 2-In worship we have been reflecting upon how we can be selfless like Jesus.
Prayer and Liturgy in 2021 - 2022
Easter Boxes
Easter is the greatest celebration of the Christian faith. On Easter, we celebrate the event that sets Christianity apart from all other religions and cultural traditions of the world. It is the day that our God rose from the dead. And He’s still alive today!
But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.
- Matthew 28:5-6
Each class has a Easter Mystery Box. They read the leaflet inside to understand how during Lent we prepare for celebrating Easter. Inside there are special items, which they can use and set out as their own mini worship area. They share the Easter Story (using the book), reflect on what Easter means to you and share in the prayer (on the leaflet).
Preparing child-led liturgies
Today, Shackleton class have continued their worship planning. Their worship session themes range from hunger, to justice, love, music and peace. They are so excited to deliver these sessions to their peers in their class and across the rest of the school.
Child-led Prayer and Liturgy
Well done to Jessica who was the first person in Year 4 to plan and deliver her own worship session. She chose her theme of 'Peace and Nature' and chose the Creation Story and focused on forgiveness after the actions of Adam and Eve. The children had to reflect on what they'd ask God to forgive them for and why they want God's forgiveness. Jessica wrote her own prayer and chose someone to read it.
Posada Box
Here are a selection of photographs taken at home of some of the children who took their class posada box home during Advent. The children provided Mary and Joseph a home for the night, lit a candle and shared an Advent prayer.
Year 4 - In November we remember
Once a week, throughout November, our worship time was dedicated to 'In November, we remember'. We shared the gospel of Mark where Jesus tells us he is preparing a place for us and we said prayers to help us remember the people we have lost and all that they were. We finished with saying the Eternal Rest prayer together which the children have now learnt.
STOP and pray - Year 4 prayer wall
In the Year 4 classroom their is a prayer for the children to use to add a prayer. Each coloured ribbon represents a different themed prayer. STOP - sorry, thanks, others and peace. We also have a multi-coloured ribbon, which the children have the opportunity add, to remember someone who has passed away and pray for them and their life.
Prayer and Liturgy in 2019 - 2020
Hobby class Lenten assembly was about working together as a team.
Our worship/RE areas - Spring Term
Our lovely, reflective worship/RE areas in our classrooms celebrating our faith and being a focal point in our classrooms our around school during the start of our Spring Term.
Year 6 lead worship in Kestral Class
The girls from Peregrine Class offered and lead their worship to Year 3/4, which they planned from their chosen theme and taking the children through being gathered together, listening to the scriptures, responding to the Word of God and being sent forth with a message.
KS1 worship area - Goshawk Class
We have really enjoyed spending our worship time in our KS1 worship area. The children have had the opportunity to lead their own worship by saying their own prayers and engaging within hymns and songs familiar to them. The children are aware why we light our candle during worship. Evelyn said, 'because Jesus is the light of the world and leads us out of darkness and into light'.
Generosity and Hunger - Child-led Worship Yr6
Dzhuliya and Tia led prayer and liturgy with a theme of generosity and hunger. During the session the girls shared 'The Story of The Lonely Widow' which illustrated their chosen theme perfectly. And linked in the scripture reading of 'The feeding of the 5000'.
After leading worship in their own class, Year six visited Hobby class for worship to tell us the story of 'The poor widow who gave everything'. The children passed around the rosary beads and thought about whom they would give their last possession to. The children then joined in with the ‘Year of the Word’ prayer responses.
Prayer Writing - Goshawk Class
Goshawk Class have now added a prayer jar to their worship table. Children can write a prayer when they want and add it to the collection. These will then be chosen during worship times for the children so they can lead aspects of their class worship.
Year of the Word - Hobby Class
Hobby Class used the new KS1 'Year of the Word' display for their collective worship this week. They have started to learn the special prayer and reflected upon how God speaks to us through the Scriptures.
Response from ACN regarding our support
We received a lovely letter and certifcate from Bridget on behalf of the charity ACN, which as a school, in November, we supported in their #RedWednesday campaign, to raise awareness and support for those who have been tragically persecuated because of their faith.
Child-led worship on Creation - Osprey Class
Annabelle, Harry, Maxi and Francis led our first worship planned and organised by the children in Osprey Class. They chose the theme of 'creation' and used the Creation story to be the Word of God listened to. Before this, they gathered the children on the carpet, chose someone to light the candle and had the song 'All things bright and beautiful' playing as they got their pocket crosses and prepared to participate in worship. The children focused on endangered animals within their worship, after reading from the Bible. They asked the children what they can do to show respect and love to God's creatures.
Posada Box - preparing for the birth of Jesus
Here are a selection of photographs taken at home of some of the children who took their class posada box home during Advent. The children provided Mary and Joseph a home for the night, lit a candle and shared an Advent prayer.
Our Advent worship areas/displays
Our Advent displays around school as part of a our preparation for the coming of Jesus and on our countdown to his birth. Each class has their purple cloth on, with decorations and an advent calendar to help countdown to Christmas.
Red Wednesday - supporting Aid to the Church in Need
On Wednesday 20th November, in the month that we remember those who have died, as a school we supported the charity, Aid to the Church in Need. They hold a special campaign each year called Red Wednesday, which thinks about Christians, as well as those of other faiths, who have been persecuted because of their beliefs. We wore red, lit a red candle and prayed together in our classes. Each class now has a red candle on their worship table as reminder, that once lit, we remember the meaning of Red Wednesday.
Planning and delivering Worship - Peregrine Class
The Year 5 and 6 children in Peregrine have been planning their own worships on their chosen theme, thinking about what they've learnt in RE and what connections they can make, as well as what bibical stories they can use. The children plan and deliver worship to their peers every week and are now sharing their worships with younger pupils too.
Worship on Kindness - Buzzard Class
Buzzard Class have been reflecting on kindness as a theme in their worship. They have learnt that God wants us to be kind to each other and the children prayed to God to as Him to help them speak and act the way he wants them to.
Qualities of being a friend - Hobby Class Worship
Hobby Class had worship on the theme of friendships and what the qualities are that make a good friend.
Osprey Class' Prayer Wall
In Osprey Class, we have our own prayer wall as part of our worship area. The children are welcome to add a ribbon to represent a prayer at a time they wish but in particular during our prayer and liturgy time. We have STOP and pray theme - S is for sorry, T is for thanksgiving, O is for others and P is for peace. They choose the ribbon to match their prayer and add it to our wall whilst having reflection time with God.
Prayer and Liturgy in 2018 - 2019
Corpus Christi Worship - Year 6 led
The children in Year 6, worked in small groups to plan and prepare a worship on the theme of Corpus Christi (The Body of Christ) to all classes across the school. They did this as part of our preparation of us attending church on Thursday 20th June for the Feast of Corpus Christi, which is very significant, especially as we celebrate the Year of the Eucharist.
New Beginning Worship - Van Gogh Class
Lily and Molly planned and delivered their worship to the rest of their class on their chosen theme of 'New Beginnings'. They concentrated on a time when the children may have experienced a new beginning and how they feel about their upcoming transition to high school. The children were given the opportunity to listen and respond. The children finished with some reflective music and given the opportunity to visit the prayer wall in the classroom.
Peace Be With You - Banksy Class
When learning about what happened after Jesus' resurrection, we discovered that he turned up in a locked room with his disciples! They were shocked, so Jesus gave them a blessing; he shook their hands and said 'peace be with you'. We had a go at saying it too and shaking our friends' hands. We talked about how we say this at mass and the children now know to expect this at our Corpus Christi mass and the Year 6 leavers' mass.
Following Jesus' Commandments - Cassatt Class
During one of Cassatt Class' worship, they listened carefully to a short reading from the Gospel. The reading talked about the commandments and how we can teach people to follow them. They discussed how we could teach someone to follow rules and the children suggested that if they follow the rules then others will too.
Being a good friend - Hokusai Class
In worship, the children have been reflecting on what makes a good friend, we used role play to act out a story, then discussed how the character could change his ways for the better, like God would like him to.
Prayers about Loss - Van Gogh
As part of one of our stations for our school's reflection day about the events of Good Friday, Year 6 thought about station 8 - Jesus meets the women of Jersalem. We thought of Jesus' words from the Bible and how he did not want them to weep for him; they were because they were losing him. Here are some examples of the thoughtful and personal prayers that Year 6 wrote on the theme of loss which we displayed with the station.
Guided by a star - Hokusai Class
Today in worship we thought about qualities which make others happy. We used stars with words of qualities on to show how these can guide us in life as the star guided the wise men.
Hokusai Lenten Liturgy
Hokusai shared their Lenten liturgy with the rest of the school during the 3rd week of Lent with their own role play, story and sang two hymns - this little light of mine, which reminds us of Jesus being the light of out world and one more step along the world I go to remind us of the journey in Lent that we are in.
Mother's Day 2019 liturgy - Banksy Class
Banksy Class invited their Mothers to our assembly to share a special liturgy about how special they are, what their job is and why they love them. They said the Hail Mary to the rest of the school with actions. Below is a video that was made to show the parents about why the children love their mummy.
Lenten Liturgy by Michelangelo Class
Michelangelo led the Lenten liturgy in our third week of Lent by sharing a worship about being patient. They shared a role play with the whole school, led us in prayer and sang Be Still for the Presence of the Lord, in candle light.
Hokusai Class celebrated World Day of Prayer on Friday 1st March by the children reading out their own prayers in class that were brought in by the children. They also reflected on praying for people around the world as that is what gave to us, for all to share and have in common - our world.
Child-led Worship - Ringgold Class
Tia and Rosie planned and delivered a worship session on the theme of school life and shared this to the rest of their peers (Year 4/5).
True Friendship Child-led Worship
Lily, Wyatt, Eli and Kiera planned and delivered their worship on the theme of 'True Friendship'. The children welcomed the others to share a quality they have that makes them a good friend, this followed after sharing a story and verse from The Book of Proverbs. The class were then invited to reflect in prayer at our class prayer wall.
Remembering the Holocaust - Assembly Anniversary January 2019
Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem - Posada Box
As part of our preparation for the birth of Jesus, during the season of Advent, each class had a Posada Box with their own Mary and Joseph figurines, some Advent Prayers, a candle and a diary to write in. They provided a home for Mary and Joseph, lit the candle and said a prayer with their family. Read some of the children's extracts below that they wrote in their class Posada box diary.
Red Wednesday - Supporting Aid to the Church in Need