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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other


Year 2 seaside senses poetry.

In science we tested and compared whether materials could be twisted, squashed, bent or stretched.We had lots of fun, then wrote our findings and evaluations.

Hokusai beach fun! It was lovely to hear the children using the materials vocabulary they had learnt from their science lessons to describe the natural objects whilst they made beach art.

For our seaside topic in English we predicted and acted out the end of the story. 'Winnie under the sea'.

We have been learning the vocabulary for position, direction and movement in maths this week. We have practised moving around the classroom using the vocabulary and then played a practical game with partners to help Wally find the objects he had lost.

In science we are learning about materials, we first thought of questions we would like to find out about materials during our topic then looked at the different uses of materials around the playground.

Our Chinese afternoon was amazing, lots of parents, our governors Mrs Tew and Mrs Thomas, and Mrs Kowalska joined us to taste Chinese food, write our names in Chinese, try to use chopsticks and write a good luck message for our families.

Fractions. We made 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4 in the playground then found fractions of amounts.

We made Paschal candles in class and made one for each class' collective worship table.

This week during SAT’s week we have completed a topic week linking to our China and Extreme Weather topics. We have looked at the different seasons of the year, made seasons plates and used role-play to act out a weather forecast. We then designed, our own sea creature puppets for EYFS, thinking about how we would attach it together and decorate it, next we made it and evaluated our puppet. We discussed the different weather and looked at how tornadoes are formed and how schools in America used tornado drills to stay safe. We then practised our own tornado drill. We next looked at Extreme weather art and recreated Hokusai’s ‘Great Wave’ painting. Finally we made Chinese dragons and lanterns ready for our Chinese afternoon for parents at the end of half term.

Park Fun! We had a fun morning at the Memorial Park, first we started with a scavenger hunt to look at plants and other spring features. Next we enjoyed an Easter egg hunt and finally played in the park.

We decorated Easter eggs today and made Easter cards for our families.

Hokusai worked really hard to create their Stations Of The Cross. Our stations are; the 3rd-Jesus falls for the first time and the 13th-Jesus' body is taken down from the cross.

Joyeuses Pâques

The children have been learning about Easter celebrations in France.  They learnt that it's not the Easter Bunny who delivers the eggs, but the church bells, which fly to Rome to be blessed before returning laden with eggs for the French children.  We shared a story of an egg hunt, focusing on colour vocabulary and made an Easter card to take home.

We performed our Lentern assembly today for the school, we shared a message about working together through role-play. Then we sang 'This little light of mine' and 'One more step'.

Today in worship we thought about qualities which make others happy. We used stars with words of qualities on to show how these can guide us in life as the star guided the wise men.

Science day-We used a carousel of activities to show the journey of materials. We made lava lamps, bath bombs, play dough and investigated static electricity.

World Book Day - Mr and Little Misses.

In science we have been looking at the parts of the plant and what they need to grow. We then planted our own bulbs and seeds and set up a fair test to see which seeds would grow the best in different conditions.

We have been learning about fractions today and played a game in the classroom, half of the class were a fraction and the other half had to draw the fraction they saw.

We visited the church today to look at the items Father Michael uses in mass. The children were very well behaved and handed around the objects really carefully, we even tried the communion bread.

We celebrated World Prayer Day on Friday by reading out our own prayers in class brought in by the children.

We celebrated The 1st of March today as Bulgarians celebrate this as their traditional holiday Baba Marta. Some of the children gave traditional bracelets out to the rest of the class to wish great health, good luck and happiness to family and friends.

Body Parts

In our French lessons Year 2/3 children have been learning all about the names for parts of the body.  In addition to learning a French version of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, they worked in small groups and labelled the body parts using 'post-it' notes.  Finally, they made a 'human body train'  where they were connected to the person in front of them.  

We had a visit from BK Fitness today as part of our healthy bodies topic. We learnt how important it is to warm up our bodies before we exercise, we then did some cardiovascular exercise and then a cool down. We had so much fun and some parents came to join in too.

Internet safety day. We talked about how to stay safe on the internet and made posters to help other people stay safe.

We have been calculating money this week and we used a shop in class to help us.

Nursery came to visit our class for Chinese New Year.

Today in english, we worked in groups looking at the features of non-chronological reports and also looked at interesting facts about the body which links to our science topic.