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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Kere Class

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A picture paints a thousand words, check out our learning...

Summer Term - Mrs Sewell/Miss Wade

Kere Class Sports' Day

As we couldn't have a normal sports' day, each class have completed their own. Kere Class completed different activities such as an egg and spoon race, a relay, penalty shoot out and an obstacle course. 

Life-Saving Skills

In our last session with Mrs Mellow, the children did a range of activities, applying everything they've learnt over the last 4 weeks related to life-saving skills - recovery position, CPR, knowing hazards and using bandages.

Our New Playground

Kere Class loved exploring part of our new additions to the playground. We now have a stage and seating area, plus a storytelling chair. The children are already planning a Kere's Got Talent for next week.

Bandage Time

As we continue our work with Mrs Mellow on life-saving skills, we had a session on bandaging. The children had a really good go working in partners and completing bandaging different parts of the body.

The Sacrament of Baptism

As part of our RE topic, we have been learning about being a Christian. As part of our work, we have been discussing the 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church and how one of them is Baptism. This is when we enter into the life of Jesus and become a member of the Church. Check out our Guess Who game of the children, as a baby/toddler who were baptised. We discussed what happens, the importance of baptism and facts about their baptism.

Life-Saving Skills - CPR

In continuation of our work with Mrs Mellow, and learning life-saving skills, today the children used dummies to practice how to perform CPR.

Praying the Rosary

During one of our worships this week, we shared out the rosary beads and prayed a decade of the rosary together. We discussed what rosary beads are, their importance of guiding someone through prayer and to hold, to feel closer to Jesus because of the crucifix. 

Life-Saving Skills

This half term we are being joined by Mrs Mellow who has her own company, that supports first aid at events. Last week, we discussed keeping safe, how to help others and who is there to help us. This week, we worked in partners to practice how to put someone in the recovery position and then played a team game, all about teamwork and communication - two qualities which are vital in a life saving situation.

Healthy Heads

This is out second week of 'Healthy Heads' with Rob. We have been spending time in the classroom for the first half our session talking about our mental health - last week was character and this week was respect. The second half of the session has been outside, enjoy practical games, linking with the focus, teamwork and how important physical health is, as well as our mental health.

The Big Sing - Young Voices

On Tuesday 15th June, the whole school sung together for the first time in over a year! We joined in with the Big Sing which was organised by Young Voices, a choir event that happens yearly and our children have attended in the past. We learnt the song 'Lovely Day' and sang together outside at 2pm, along with other children across the country, aiming to achieved a Guinness World Record too!

PE - Rugby

The children have continued their learning about rugby by trying to see how many tries they can get by getting through the opposition.

Roman Battle

The children have been learning about the Romans this half term, as part of our learning we have designed and made our own shields and then used them to role play a battle.

Science - Healthy food plates

In science, this half term, the children have been learning about keeping their bodies healthy. As part of their learning, the children designed their own healthy plate of food, making sure they had all the food groups, then they created it using clay and paint.

R.E - Celebrating Easter posters

In RE this week, we have created Easter posters to share and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with others. The children included facts and symbols that they have learnt and read about. The posters will be displayed in church, in our classroom and in the school office for any visitors. 

P.E - Rugby Time

Superb defending skills shown in rugby this week whilst the sun was shining, with the children working as a team to see how many tries a team can make and how many the other team can defend.

Maths - dividing

As part of our work on knowing 3 and 4 times tables, we have completed work on division too, learning that it is the inverse operation of multiplication. We used counters to prove our reasoning for questions and help solve problems.

Paying our respects to Mrs Lofthouse

The children from KS2 and staff from school stood on London Street to pay their respects to Mrs Lofthouse and her family as the funeral procession passed by school on 20th April. Mrs Lofthouse worked hard to support Fleetwood and it was lovely to see the community, including our school, come together to say thank you to her and show her family we are thinking of them.

Bunny Hop - raising money for Brian House

The children completed a bunny hop course on the playground, wearing their Easter themed mask, to support and raise money for Brian House. The children and Mrs Sewell discussed what Brian House is and the importance of raising funds for them as a class and school. The children were asked to donation £1 each, which would have contributed £25 to our school donation but the children wanted to give extra and raised £53.

Spring Term - Mrs Sewell/Miss Wade

Jelly Bean Prayer

During Lent, Kere Class gave up the Dojo prize box and earnt Jelly Beans from my box into their jar. Each Jelly bean colour from the prayer represented a good action/quality: completing homework, showing forgiveness, recognising their mistakes and saying sorry, helping others, improving in their work or consistent effort in their work. The children each received their own tube of Jelly Beans after successfully earning  beans and following the prayer through their actions.

6x Tables' Champions

Kere Class are smashing their times tables! Here are a few of them who said their 6s in front of the class, in order and answered questions fired at them in random order. Big well done to Jackson, Kayson and Florence!

Stations of the Cross - reflecting on the events of Good Friday

In St. Mary's tradition, all of the school contributed to creating our own 3D representations of the The Stations of the Cross to remind us and reflect on the events that happened to Jesus on Good Friday and him making the ultimate sacrifice for us. 


Below are pictures of us creating our two stations: Jesus being condemned to death and the weeping women of Jerusalem seeing Jesus. We discussed how Pontius Pilates' hands were tied in the situation of deciding whether Jesus should be crucified. The children imprinted their hands on a red sheet to show we will try not to judge and to listen to ourselves about decisions we make. For the weeping women, the children wrote their own pray about someone they have lost or about those who have lost a loved one.

Our 4 Times Tables' Champions

Well done to these 14 superstars who have earnt their 4 x table certificate. They join another 5 children in the class who have it already. They had to recite their 4s in order up to 12 x 4 and then answer questions at random and had to have rapid recall. Now it's time to learn their 6s...

Mylo comes to visit Kere Class

Mylo came into class this week to be introduced properly to the whole class. They will be having more time with him as time goes on and Mylo has had the training he needs to be a therapy dog. The children entered a competition to design a door sign for when Mylo is in our room so other staff and children in school are aware. Well done to Violet, who was the winner, chosen my Mylo himself!

PSHE - role play

This week we have been discussing ourselves and the relationships we have with different people. In one of our lessons the children worked in pairs or threes to role play a scenario where there was a problem. The other children had to watch and guess what the friendship problem was and come up with ways to resolve it.

Our First Week Back

It has been lovely to welcome the children of Kere Class back to school this week. They have settled back in really well and I know they've been excited to see each other. We have done lots of PE, PSHE, Computing, Art and Craft activities to settle back into school life, especially after being away from school and their friends for so long.

Beach Park Visit

With our last day of just being key workers, we took a trip down to the Beach Park to have a play. We can't wait to have the rest of the class back so we can do fun things outside of school like this together.

Virtual Visit from Author Dan Worsley

In celebration of World Book Day on Thursday 4th March, the children had a virtual lesson with author Dan Worsley who shared information about his past, why he wanted to be writer, the books he already has published and that a new one is out later in the year. He read from one of his books as well as told a story he wanted to share. The children showed how well they listened by answering questions and we just had enough time at the end for a Q and A session at the end. We are looking forward to inviting Dan into school as soon as possible. 

Science Week - Wk Commencing 22nd February

Science Week has been great fun! Here are pictures of different activities the children have done in school and at home. With our theme being inventions the children have: researched inventors, completed a fair test, designed and created their own rob-bot for the future, designed and made a stew, been on a walk in the local area to see what inventions they can find and meet Mylo, our new school therapy dog - see pictures below.

Pancake Time

Pancake Day might be in half term but that didn't stop the girls enjoy preparing, cooking and eating pancakes in preparation for Shrove Tuesday and the start of Lent. A great way to end a very different type of half term.

R.E - Understanding what happens at Confession

To end our RE unit on The Sacrament of Reconciliation the children at home and in school made information leaflets about what the Sacrament is, why it's important to us as Catholic and what happens before, during and after. Here are some great examples from Lily, Ruby, Michaela, Daisy and Alex.

English - The BFG

Here are some examples of the BFG story work from some of our home learners - Molly, Ruby, Michaela and Jason.

English - The Lighthouse

Here is an example of some the stories the key worker children based an a silent animation clip we watched called 'The Lighthouse'. Click on the picture to get a better view of their story. Read and enjoy their fantastic efforts.

More examples of Home Learning

An example of some home learning work completed this week from activities completed in worship, maths, topic, science and handwriting.

Visiting St. Mary's Church

The key worker children had the opportunity to visit church today after our work on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The children participated in a short reconciliation service; we explored church and the children asked questions about specific candles, paintings and artefacts. After that, we looked at where people go to confession with Fr Michael and how private and special it is. We finished our visit by lighting a candle and saying a prayer for someone they chose.

Stone Age - Cave Drawings

The children in school and at home have created their own stone age inspired art work, sketching some of the animals and landscapes found in stone age cave paintings.

R.E - What is the Sacrament of Reconciliation?

The Key Worker children have been working on their understanding on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, as well as the home learners. Here are examples from Jessica and Yoana, who with the rest of the children, looked at the image of children on the playground and thought carefully about the wrongs that happened, what they think a teacher would say and why they might want to go to confession.


Below is work from some examples from the Home Learners doing the same lesson we did in class.

Examples of Home Learners' Work

Well done to all Kere Class children who are working incredibly hard accessing their learning from home. It wasn't exactly the start of the term we expected for myself and Miss Wade taking over the class, but through messages, phone call conversations and sharing work we are all keeping in touch, the children are taking on feedback and continuing with their learning. Keep it up!

P.E - Netball

The Key Worker children have started a new PE unit of Netball with Mrs Atkinson and even managed to get outside to enjoy the fresh air. The children started with ball skills of passing to each other in different ways to begin with, before starting to play.

Science - testing rocks

The Key Worker children, as part of their science topic on Rocks, have been using the scientific vocabulary to describe different types of rocks they have explored and handled. In this lesson, the children tested the different rocks to find out what type they were using a nail, sandpaper and vinegar.