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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Maurice Sendak Class

Welcome to Sendak Class

Year 6 Leavers Meal 2024 

Look how beautiful our wonderful year 6 children look!  What an amazing evening! 

Bullseye Maths Competition

We had the opportunity to take part in a 'Bullseye Maths Competition.'  We answered maths questions and linked this to playing darts.  We even had the opportunity to meet a professional darts player.  What a successful day!

Leavers 2024

Sports Personality & Progress Prize Winners 2024

Magic Maths

Our wonderful year 6 children created some board games for the year 1 children.  We had so much fun playing our games and improving our maths skills! 

Blackpool Pleasure Beach 2024

Careers Day

Our wonderful careers morning was supported by some amazing people.  We had talks from the following job areas: police, army, boxing/sport coach, Fleetwood Town football club, a radiographer, a climbing instructor, an artist, education, the dentist and the vet.  It was great to hear all about their jobs and how they got to where they are.  Hopefully they will help to inspire the next generation.

Blackpool Tourist Day - Blackpool Tower, The Sealife Centre, Blackpool Dungeons


We enjoyed bowling together today!  We worked as a team and then played rounders and football on the field before having a picnic!

Fleetwood Town Stadium Tour & a Training Session at Poolfoot

The Great British Bake Off 2024

Our annual Bake Off took place this week; the theme was Paris/Sport/Olympics.  What an amazing event!  We had the best morning!  Thank you to all parents and support networks at home for helping to create this wonderful event!

Art & DT

We've been sculpting our own memories from year 6.

KS2 Sports Day

Thank you to all children who took part - you were incredible!  A huge thank you to Cardinal Allen for hosting our sports day!

Rugby & Reading Trip

We were lucky enough to attend Fylde Rugby Club today to take part in three workshops.  One workshop was tag rugby, another was a key motivational speaker and the third was a Q&A session with an author.  We thoroughly enjoyed our day!

The End of SATs!

We're celebrating the end of SATs week with a whole class star of the week award and a Dominos Pizza on the Mount followed by a game of football!  Thank you, Year 6, for working so hard!  We are so proud of you! 


In RE, we are learning about Pentecost.  We worked in groups to understand what happened at Pentecost and we reflected on how the Spirit transformed the Apostles.  We created our own 'Breaking News' report to showcase this to the rest of the class. 


We've enjoyed doing yoga for the last few weeks - we've worked on our breathing techniques ready for SATs. We've learnt how to calm ourselves down if we need to as well as how to fully relax!

Chair Yoga

As part of the preparation for SATs, we've been doing some chair yoga to support our mental health and wellbeing.  What a success!

Athletics in PE

We are focusing on Athletics in PE this half term and we are off to a flying start!  We're focusing on our shot putt skills, javelin, long jump, sprints and relay!  We're already making fabulous progress!  

Giving during Lent

Today, our head boy and head girl delivered our clothes donations to the charity shop.  They also went to a nursing home to deliver the lovely Easter cards that we made during our stay and create session for Lent.

Stations of the Cross

We observed the stations of the cross today.  Our station focused on when Jesus met his mother – we explored all the things we loved about the female role models in our lives.  We also focused on when Jesus was stripped of his clothes; we brought in clothing donations for the clothes bank to depict this station.  We also wrote a reflective prayer

Fleetwood Town Player Visit

Today, two Fleetwood Town players visited our class to talk about resilience and overcoming challenge!  We had a wonderful afternoon - thank you for your support.

World Book Day 2024

For World Book Day, we enjoyed parading our costumes in the hall - it was lovely to see what everyone chose to be!  We then worked with the year 1 children; we read them our favourite story and then planned our own activities to go alongside it!  What a successful World Book Day!

Science Day 2024

To start science week off, we took part in a carousel of activities across KS2.  We made slime, lava lamps and explosive rockets!  We talked about the chemical reactions taking place in each experiment.  In the afternoon, we worked on our Engineering Fairy Tales STEM knowledge and created a 20 second timer so Cinderella could get home from the ball on time.

International Women’s Day 2024 


Today, the girls had the opportunity to take part in an International Women’s Day workshop at Fleetwood Town. The aim of the event was to empower and engage women in employment and talk about opportunities available in the town.  We spoke to: the police, a midwife, girls footballer/coach, hair and beauty specialist, the civil service, mental health worker, Victrex, Postcards Community Trust, a physiotherapist and then we did some little exercises. 


Thank you for Fleetwood Town for inviting us; we’ve had a lovely afternoon.

Stay and paint

Thank you to our lovely parents who came to our stay and paint session today.  We made lovely cards to distribute to different nursing homes for Easter.

Stations of the Cross

We've started our Stations of the Cross journey - a few children will attend Church this week to take part in stations.  You are all welcome to join each Thursday if you wish.

ECO Team Planting

We've planted some new flowers in the peace garden.  We can't wait to watch them grow!

Crucial Crew – YMCA

Today, we had the opportunity to take part in a Crucial Crew workshop at YMCA Lofthouse building. It was ‘crucial’ to take part in this workshop to help support our transition to high school and the wider world.


We took part in CPR delivered by the ambulance service; we learnt all about carbon monoxide in the home (we even received our own detector to take home!). We also learnt about drugs, alcohol, and vaping, we spoke to Lancashire fire and rescue service about road safety including E-bikes and E-scooters.


We moved on to speaking to the police and our session was about anti-social behaviour. We even got the opportunity to try on some handcuffs, police hats and try out the baton! Finally, we listened carefully to a talk from the national coast watch before taking part in a boxing session with Sean! We’ve had a great day!

Mindful Yoga

We started off the half term with some relaxing Yoga - it helped us to think about how to tackle the next few weeks with calm.

Live Q&A with Malorie Blackman

This morning in English, we had the chance to take part in a live Q&A with Malorie Blackman, the author of the book we're reading - Pig Heart Boy.  She gave us an insight into what it is like to be a successful author and she also talked to us about where her inspirations came from and the challenges she has faced.  A very informative and enjoyable session.

Internet Safety Week

This year the theme is 'Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online'  We created our own TV adverts to mark the occasion.

Swimming Gala 2024

Come Dine With Me - Homework Project

What an amazing turnout for our Come Dine with me homework project!  Thank you to all our wonderful families who took part.  We loved looking at your home come dine with me experiences and we loved tasting some of the dishes!

French Day

During our French day, we visited the French Cafe and asked for food, we learnt different colours and played bingo, we sung, 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' in French and we also learnt all about clothing!  Thank you for taking part! 

Young Writers Competition

We entered a Young Writers Competition and here are our winners!  Congratulations!  We are proud of you!

Come Dine With Me - Our DT Topic

Our DT topic this half term is cooking!  We have carried out some research on different recipes for starters, main courses and desserts.  We then decided as a class which dishes, we were going to make before gathering the ingredients to make them!  We split into three different groups and worked as a team to prepare each individual dish so we could then sit down and share our hard work.

Pig Heart Boy - Writing a Balanced Argument

In English, we are reading the book Pig Heart Boy.  Throughout the book, we notice that the main character needs an organ transplant.  We have discussed what this means and the question, 'Should organ donation be compulsory in the UK?' arose.  We decided to write a balanced argument to debate this.

Indoor Athletics Competition 2024

We took part in the 2024 Indoor Athletics Competition and we performed to the best of our ability.  We showed resilience and determination and great leadership skills.  We supported each other and had fun along the way!

Stress & Coping Strategies - Fleetwood Town


In todays HeadStart session with Fleetwood Town, we talked about different things that cause us stress and how we can use coping strategies to support our mental health.


The Planetarium visited school today to engage us further in science.  During the session, we learned about the sun, Earth, the moon, and space.  We learnt about the NASA space mission to the moon and how the space rockets are built and sustained. 

Maths Challenge

Today, we worked in partners on our fraction problem solving!  We challenged ourselves with different level questions and highlighted the important parts before even attempting it!  We worked so hard!

Rugby & Reading

Today, we started our Rugby & Reading scheme.  We started off by taking part in a reading session followed by a game of Rugby.  We can't wait for our skills in both areas to be developed.  

Science - Heart & Lung Dissecting

Thank you to Cardinal Allen for coming into school this morning to support our science topic.  They were able to lead a session on heart and lung dissecting.  This enabled the children to see up close the components of the heart and the lung!  A very interesting, practical session.

The Miracle of the Loaves - Jesus the Bread of Life

In our lesson today, we spoke about our spiritual and physical needs and how Jesus can support us with these.  We conducted a TV interview with a person from the crowd when they witnessed Jesus turning three loaves and two fish into food that could feed the 5,000 gathered to worship him. 

Mad Science TV Performance!

In Science, we've created our own Mad Science TV show that teaches children all about the circulatory system!

The Circulatory System Project Homework

The children enjoyed making their own creations for the circulatory system homework!  We had a range of projects from game show quizzes, 3D models, fact files, leaflets and practical equipment!  A huge well done to everyone involved!  We loved showcasing these in class today!

Random act of Kindness

Thank you to Alex for his random act of kindness - at home, he has taken it upon himself to give back to the community by making reindeer food and giving it away in return for food for the foodbank!  What a wonderful thing to do!  We are so proud of you Alex!

Fleetwood Town 

Thank you very much to Fleetwood Town for our Christmas selection boxes!

Glow in the dark dodgeball 

Voltage Experiment 

In science, we experimented with voltage.  We wanted to find out whether the bulb would be brighter with a higher voltage and whether the buzzer would be louder with a higher voltage.  

Christmas Breakfast & Secret Santa

Children of the World Nativity 2023

Our Posada Journey 2023

A Celebration of our Writing from the Autumn Term

PALS Training

We have started our three week course on becoming a playground leader.  We have already learnt so much and some of us are born leaders!

We LOVE Reading

Some of our Blue Peter badges have arrived!  We sent off our thoughts on our favourite books and other authors and we have been awarded our first badge!  I wonder which one will be next?

RAF Challenge Day - STEM

Today, we took part in a rocket builders challenge which was presented by the RAF.  During the STEM challenge, we designed, built and tested our rockets before taking part in a sustainability for the future challenge.  Take a look at some of our hard work!  Thank you to the Royal Air Force for sponsoring this challenge; we had lots of fun. 

The Division Competition! 

Fleetwood POLICING team

Today, the Fleetwood Police visited our class to talk about antisocial behaviour.  Our session was very informative and taught us about what antisocial behaviour is, where we might see this and who it impacts.  Thank you to Fleetwood police for giving your time to support our young children with their learning. 

Electro LEGO Builders workshop

We had so much fun today starting off our electricity topic with a WOW starter.  Stephen from LEGO builders came in to help us build LEGO cities which included lights and circuits.  We added moving trains and put all of our buildings together to make one big city!  Look at our creations...

Antibullying Week 2023

To start off our Antibullying week, we watched a video of celebrities who were bullied when they were younger and where they are today.  We then linked our activity to our English reading book, Wonder.  We made fortune tellers and tested them out on each other.

We Will Remember Them...

Supporting our local community

Huge thanks to everyone who supported our Harvest donations.  Our heads and deputies, along with our headteacher, visited the food bank this morning to donate all of the offerings. Thank you so much. 

Harvest Mass

Geography - Which countries make up Europe?

In Geography, we reflected on where we are in the world and our continent. The children worked in partners to research key facts about a specific country in Europe and then the children went round to one person in the pair to collect facts from others.

We Will Remember Them

In Maurice Sendak Class, we have created our own Remembrance Day poems to remember our fallen service men and women.  We have also sold poppies and other items for the Poppy Appeal.  

What you should know about H20 

Today, the whole school took part in an assembly presented by United Utilities who work in conjunction with Mad Science.  The children talked about the water cycle, saving water, hygiene and much more!  Take a look at our pictures - we even had audience participation!

Gymnastics 2 - 

In our gymnastics session today, we worked in partners to come up with a routine that included a start and end position, an action and a movement.

A Maths Carousel - Prime numbers, square numbers, cube numbers and order of operations 

In maths today, we worked with our talking partners to work on our problem solving skills involving prime, cube and square numbers.  

I 'WONDER' what needs to be included in a play script?

In English, we are studying play scripts.  We have started working together on our own play script from a scene in the book we are reading, 'Wonder.'  Keep a look out for our final performances and written scripts. 


Today, we started talking about what justice was and what are human rights are.  We then worked as a group to gather ideas for a debate about refugees.  The children came up with some very interesting points and it gave us lots of discussion points. 

Finding Factors and Common Factors 


We have studied Maya Art throughout our topic where we've 'made our voice heard' and used different shading, tones and techniques.  We've also been learning and experimenting with chiaroscuro.

Computing - Coding 



The votes have been counted and the results are in. This morning we announced our new Head Boy and Head Girl and their deputies. Well done to all the children who took part, you are all winners in our eyes. Warmest congratulations to:


Hristiana Atanasova - Head Girl

Sophia Hearn - Deputy Head Girl 


Alex Hardie - Head Boy

Eden Webster - Deputy Head Boy

PSHE - Coram Life Education 

Our session today was about making decisions - we talked about legal and illegal drugs, looking after our mental health and the impacts of all of these. 



More congratulations were in order this morning as Sports Captains were announced. The children delivered a speech to their colour house and then the rest of their team voted for who they wanted to be their leader. Well done children, you are all leaders! 

Breaking News from the Sky Newsroom 

Warning - contains miracles!  Our children reporting live from the scenes of Jesus' miracles.

Ancient Greek Pottery Painting 

Today, we painted our Ancient Pottery in orange and black, colours used to on the original Ancient pottery.

PSHE - Being Assertive 

The Dogs Trust


Sendak class had a very special visitor today. A representative from The Dogs Trust came into school and gave an assembly on the work of the trust and how the children should interact with dogs in a safe way. This was followed by a workshop during which we discussed the body language of dogs and how this helps us predict a dogs mood and behaviour.   

I have a dream...


This morning was extra special for Sendak class. The year six children gave their Head Boy and Head Girl speeches. They have worked tirelessly to write and perform their speeches in the hope of being awarded the prestigious role. Despite the inevitable nerves, the children spoke with confidence and it was a pleasure hearing the fruits of their hard work. Well done children, we are extremely proud of you. The results of the vote will be announced on Monday. 

Ancient Greek pottery


Sendak class harnessed their pottery skills this morning to create a pot or bowl with an Ancient Greek theme. The aim was to use intricate patterns and markings to represent an aspect of Ancient Greek life that we have explored earlier in the topic. The designs are outstanding and we can't wait to show off the painted, finished pieces later next week.  

Feathery friends


Our lovely little school had some special, feathery visitors today. The Bird Man came for his annual visit with his spectacular birds of prey. As always, it was a fantastic, informative experience for the children. 

Life in Ancient Greece


The children worked in groups to explore an element of Ancient Greek life. They then presented their fact files to the rest of the class.  

Classifying animals


Our science topic for this half term is classifying animals and their habitats. We began the topic by having a think about what me already know about classifying animals and what we might like to learn about topic. After this we read through our knowledge organisers which will be our reference point as we move through the topic.  

We have spent the day getting to know one another, discussing what we did in the holidays and taking in our learning environment. Our class is named after Maurice Sendak so we have also chatted about his work. 

Parlez vous Francais?


Sendak class have been researching interesting facts about France. Did you know it's illegal to throw out burnt food in France? The children worked in pairs to do their research and found many interesting facts.   


Team work makes the dream work 


Our PSHE focus this afternoon is team work and the various aspects of a successful team. The children were tasked with a fun activity for which they had to nominate a leader to lead them to success. 

Creepy Crawlie Assembly


We had some very interesting guests in assembly today. The Creepy Crawlie Roadshow paid us a visit and, as always, it was fascinating and the children were enthralled.  

Outdoor PE


Sendak class enjoyed some tennis coaching this week. The children worked in pairs on various tennis skills.  

Settling in 


Take a look at our lovely new year 5/6 classroom...
