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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other

Sustainability Event 2024

On Monday 23rd September 2024, Key Stage two took part in a Sustainability Event where they learnt about an artist who visited the Artic on a plastic expedition where she gained an understanding of the impact of plastic pollution.

They then heard from an artist who works for Colgate (for 22 years), designing toothbrushes but also is an artist, reusing plastic to create art pieces. His work is on display in local art studios in New Jersey where he is based. He shared how he walks on the beach to collect his plastic and he shared some of his creations – one sold for $800.

The children reflected on their own responsibilities after learning some facts from a plastic quiz. They will now take on the challenge of creating their own plastic art, after completing their littering picking in the coming weeks.
