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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Working Together for the Good of Each Other


Briggs Class


Career Day at St. Mary's - Thursday 20th June 2024



In preparation for PSHE becoming statutory in September 2020 under the Children and Social Work Act 2017, including Relationships Education at key stages 1 and 2 and Health Education in Primary 

we began by reviewing our current PSHE curriculum.  We decided that a more structured comprehensive programme that integrated the statutory content and included a broader programme covering economic wellbeing, careers, and enterprise education, as well as education for personal safety, was required.


It was important for our children to have opportunities to reflect on their learning, especially when that learning relates directly to their individual identity – their personal qualities, attitudes, skills, attributes, achievements, and influences. We felt that it was important for teachers to feel confident that learning within this subject had taken place, to be able to demonstrate progress, and to identify future learning needs.


It was also essential that all those invested in our children could see the impact PSHE education would have on our children and for whole-school outcomes. In conjunction with our PSHE curriculum, we decided to remap our entire curriculum and place PSHE at the heart of our foundation.



The purpose of our curriculum is to inspire all children to acquire knowledge and skills and to ignite a lifelong love of learning. We celebrate the cultural capital that our community brings to learning and build on this to broaden children’s understanding of the world. Our commitment to providing equality of opportunity ensures that rich experiences and enhancements are embedded throughout the curriculum.



EYFS - In the Foundation Stage, PSHE and citizenship is taught as an integral part of topic work and is embedded throughout the curriculum. The objectives taught are the Personal, Social, and Emotional Development statements from ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ and the PSED Early Learning Goals.


Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 – 

At Key Stages 1 and 2, PSHE is personalised, planned, and illustrated through our PSHE/RSE Curriculum Maps. Lessons are supported using the PSHE & SCARF scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum.  Assessment outcomes and questionnaire findings have helped mold our curriculum priorities and focus on the needs of our children.

We ensure we cover the Health and Well-Being, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World Learning Opportunities set out in the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study, which also complements our RSE Dioceses scheme of work and covers the statutory Health Education and Relationships Education guidance. 


Children are taught PSHE supported with ‘Scarf and PSHE Association’ materials, along with a range of enrichment and enhancement opportunities planned throughout the year that provide a more practical and realistic setting to support children’s understanding.

Our aims are to prepare our children for life, helping them to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. There is a strong emphasis on emotional Literacy, building resilience, and nurturing mental and physical health. It includes mindfulness (Healthy Heads) to allow children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration, and focus.


Impact on Children:

  • Children apply knowledge and skills across all subjects
  • They understand that the knowledge they learn and the skills they develop will help them in their future
  • Children are able to approach a range of real-life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life
  • They will be on their way to becoming healthy, open-minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, and active members of society
  • Children appreciate difference and diversity
  • They recognise and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law, and Liberty
  • They are able to look after their mental health and well-being
  • They are able to develop a positive, healthy relationship with their peers both now and in the future
  • They understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age-appropriate level
  • The children have respect for themselves and others.
  • The children have a positive self-esteem
  • We encourage our children to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. We challenge all of our pupils to look for opportunities to show the school values of faith, hope, and love.                                                                                                                  


Impact on Attainment and Progress

  • The curriculum demands the best possible outcomes in PSHE from every child
  • From each individual child’s starting point, progress is evident


Evaluation and Impact on our Curriculum

  • Subjects are taught discretely to ensure specific concepts are the focus. Links are made across curriculum subjects so that skills can be applied in different contexts where possible
  • PSHE, including SMSC and BV, is an integral part of the whole school curriculum


Evaluation of Our Impact on Our World

  • Our children are inspired to achieve their full potential; have their voices heard and effect change
  • Assemblies are linked to PSHE, British Values and SMSC and are linked to our school Values

PSHE, BV and SMSC displays throughout school reinforce the PSHE curriculum




PSHE Summer Term 2024 Newsletter

Spring Term 2024 PSHE Newsletter

PSHE Autumn Term 2023 Newsletter

Enhancement and Enrichment Planner Summer Term 2024

Enrichment & Enhancement Planner Autumn and Spring Terms 2023.24

Fleetwood News celebrates St. Mary's Bake Off

Raising our aspirations, anything is possible!

Lionni Class

In year 2 as part of our PSHE, Science & Geography, the children made posters on how to look after our natural habitats and environment. The children thought of: making bird feeders, picking up litter and staying on paths in woodland areas so habitats are not put in danger.

International Women’s Day 2024 


Today, the girls had the opportunity to take part in an International Women’s Day workshop at Fleetwood Town. The aim of the event was to empower and engage women in employment and talk about opportunities available in the town.  We spoke to: the police, a midwife, girls footballer/coach, hair and beauty specialist, the civil service, mental health worker, Victrex, Postcards Community Trust, a physiotherapist and then we did some little exercises. 


Thank you for Fleetwood Town for inviting us; we’ve had a lovely afternoon.

Crucial Crew 

Today, we had the opportunity to take part in a Crucial Crew workshop at YMCA Lofthouse building. It was ‘crucial’ to take part in this workshop to help support our transition to high school and the wider world.


We took part in CPR delivered by the ambulance service; we learnt all about carbon monoxide in the home (we even received our own detector to take home!). We also learnt about drugs, alcohol, and vaping, we spoke to Lancashire fire and rescue service about road safety including E-bikes and E-scooters.


We moved on to speaking to the police and our session was about anti-social behaviour. We even got the opportunity to try on some handcuffs, police hats and try out the baton! Finally, we listened carefully to a talk from the national coast watch before taking part in a boxing session with Sean! We’ve had a great day!

Valentine's Disco

Valentine's Parent Craft in KS1.

Mental Health Week -Year 2

During Internet Safety Week year 2 listened to the story of Smartie the Penguin which taught the children who to tell if they saw something online that made them feel uncomfortable. It then covered the topic of strangers online and that personal information should never be shared. The class then sorted personal information into groups.

The children in Robinson Class have been looking at how online communication can be misinterpreted and accepting that responsible and respectful behaviour is necessary when interacting online as well as face-to-face. They have also demonstrated how to respond to a wide range of feelings in others. The children have given & shown some examples of some key qualities of friendship also reflecting on their own friendship qualities

Lionni Class - using role-play to show how babies are looked after and how they are becoming more independent in year 2.

Healthy Heads- Lionni Class-Why am I special?

Random act of Kindness

Thank you to Alex for his random act of kindness - at home, he has take it upon himself to give back to the community by making reindeer food and giving it away in return for food for the foodbank!  What a wonderful thing to do!  We are so proud of you Alex!

Our 2023.24 School Ambassadors

Sports Leaders 2023.24

The Life Education Service:

The Life Education Service visited St. Mary’s during Mental Health Week. The Educator-led workshops have been developed to deliver key mental health and wellbeing learning. The workshops build on the foundations of the Life Education Service online SCARF

SCARF: Stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, and Friendship and promotes positive behaviour, mental health, well-being, resilience, and achievement. It covers all of the DfE’s new statutory requirements for Relationships, Sex Education, and Health Education.

Life Education

In Lionni Class the children have been learning about personal space.

The Police visited the Maurice Sendak class to talk about personal safety

Fleetwood Remembrance Sunday – 12th November 2023

When you go home

Tell them of us and say

For your tomorrow

We gave our today


Mental Health and Well-being

Anti-bullying week 13th – 17th November

Odd Socks Day is typically observed on the second Monday in November each year. In 2023, it falls on November 13th. It is a day when schools, workplaces, and individuals join together to show that it's okay to be different and to stand up against bullying and discrimination. At St. Mary’s we wore our odd socks at the end of the week to stand united during our whole school assembly.

Anti-Bullying Week in year 2-The children created posters to explain bullying and what to do if they or one of their friends were bullied.

Anti-bullying posters by children in Year 2

Maurice Sendak Class

The Beatrix Potter Class celebrationg Odd Socks Day

Fleetwood Town FC V Stevenage FC - Saturday 25th November 2023

Mrs. Higham (First Response Emergency Care Medic) and our Office Manager talked to the children in the Quentin Blake class about Basic First Aid.

Briggs Class...

During the Autumn II term, the Briggs class enjoyed Healthy Heads with coach Rob. - The children learnt about the importance of keeping a healthy body and mind.

Revised PSHE Curriculum Map for 2022.23

PSHE NEWSLETTER NO5 - End of Spring Term 2023

Summer 2023 Enrichment & enhancement planner

Spring I 2023 PSHE Newsletter

Children's Mental Health Week 2023 - 6th - 12th February 2023

Spring Term 2023 Enrichment and Enhancement Planner

Spring Term 2023 Newsletter

PSHE Autumn II Newsletter

Autumn II 2022 Enhancement and Enrichment Additional Activities

Enhancement and Enrichment Planner Autumn I Term 2022

PSHE Autumn I Newsletter

Year 6 Mental Health Transition Programme - Lesson 1


Spring Term 2022 Planned Enjoyment and Enrichment Activities


Autumn Term 2021 Enrichment and Enhancement Planner

Fleetwood POLICING team

Today, the Fleetwood Police visited our class to talk about antisocial behaviour.  Our session was very informative and taught us about what antisocial behaviour is, where we might see this and who it impacts.  Thank you to Fleetwood police for giving your time to support our young children with their learning. 

Antibullying Week 2023 - Sendak Class

To start off our Antibullying week, we watched a video of celebrities who were bullied when they were younger and where they are today.  We then linked our activity to our English reading book, Wonder.  We made fortune tellers and tested them out on each other.

In PSHE in Lionni Class we have been discussing feelings, how we feel, what our expressions may be and how other people may react differently.

A visit from Harold! We know that our body is our own and we have choices. We know what makes our body healthy and how to keep it this way as we grow up.

Lionni Class had a visit from Harold from the Coram Life Education. They discussed feeling and how to be a good friend.

Sendak Class - Coram Life Education Session

Today, we talked about different decisions and how these can affect our lives.  We spoke about legal and illegal drugs and looking after our mental health. 



The votes have been counted and the results are in. This morning we announced our new Head Boy and Head Girl and their deputies. Well done to all the children who took part, you are all winners in our eyes. Warmest congratulations to:


Hristiana Atanasova - Head Girl

Sophia Hearn - Deputy Head Girl 


Alex Hardie - Head Boy

Eden Webster - Deputy Head Boy

Sendak Class being assertive


In our PSHE, we used role play to show assertive skills and peer pressure.  We then talked about how we could deal with these situations in real life. 

The Dogs Trust


St. Mary's had a very special visitor today. A representative from The Dogs Trust came into school and gave an assembly on the work of the trust and how the children should interact with dogs in a safe way. This was followed by a workshop during which we discussed the body language of dogs and how this helps us predict a dogs mood and behaviour.   

I have a dream...


This morning was extra special for Sendak class. The year six children gave their Head Boy and Head Girl speeches. They have worked tirelessly to write and perform their speeches in the hope of being awarded the prestigious role. Despite the inevitable nerves, the children spoke with confidence and it was a pleasure hearing the fruits of their hard work. Well done children, we are extremely proud of you. The results of the vote will be announced on Monday. 

Sendak Class - Team work makes the dream work 


Our PSHE focus this afternoon is team work and the various aspects of a successful team. The children were tasked with a fun activity for which they had to nominate a leader to lead them to success. 

Careers Event


Shelly Woods class hosted a careers event today. Lots of local professionals were invited to attend and talk to the children about their career and aspects such as: training, qualifications, inspiration etc. The children were also given the opportunity to ask questions and look at tools/equipment necessary for the various jobs. It was a fantastic morning, the visitors were fabulous and the children loved hearing from them. You never know - maybe we have planted some seeds for the future?    

An afternoon of friendship making and football


Ten year 6 children were chosen to represent St. Mary's at the Headstart Transition Tournament at Poolfoot this afternoon. The aim of the event was to bring year 6 children together from across local primary schools to help them get to know one another in readiness for high school. The children played several matches, on mixed school teams. It was a fabulous afternoon and the children benefitted greatly. A huge thankyou to the Fleetwood Town Community Trust for organising such a fantastic event. 

The King's Coronation lunch

Eid al-Fitr


To celebrate Eid, the celebration to mark the end of Ramadan, Shelly Woods class enjoyed some special treats. 

Respect and Responsibility


Our PSHE topic for this half term is respect and responsibility. Today we looked at two different articles about the same topic to compare fact, opinion and bias. We discussed how bias might effect what we believe when looking at information online for example. 

Fleetwood's Footballing Finest 


We had some very special visitors in our class today. Two Fleetwood town players, Callum Dolan and Dylan Boyle, came in to talk to the children about their football careers. The children were able to question them about overcoming challenge, being resilient and highs and lows of their profession. The children were hooked, really taking on board everything they were saying. A huge thank you to Rachel, Callum and Dylan for giving up their time to make our afternoon extra special.   

Happy International Women's Day!


To acknowledge International Women's Day, Woods class has a discussion about the importance of embracing equity - for all people (whatever their gender) around the world. We then wrote a note of appreciation to an inspirational woman in our life. 

You can find MAGIC wherever you look.

Sit back and relax,

all you need is a book!

Dr Seuss

It was the 1st 'Reading Nook' for KS1 today and what a success it was! The parents came into class to read to the children and to share their love of reading.

In PSHE King Class have been reflecting upon their own self-belief and thinking about all the things they are good at.



To mark the end of Children's Mental Health Week, the children were invited to wear their scarf to school today. This represents the SCARF PSHE scheme that we follow in school. 

Valentines disco

Mental Health Week 2023 in Holmes Class The theme for this Children's Mental Health week is 'Time to Talk' and that is why Holmes class created an environment where talking is always welcome. The children took part in different activities that encouraged them to talk; creating gratitude flowers, making friendship bracelets for their peers, sharing and enjoying shared stories between teachers and their peers including popular fables and quite simply, just chatting with their teachers! Something that is often missed but incredibly vital. What a beautiful session.

King Class had a yoga class today where they stretched, balanced and relaxed.

Chinese New Year - thank you so much to Samuel's mum for providing us with these lovely gifts. We have loved speaking about each zodiac sign and the origins of Chinese New Year.

Healthy heads in King Class-The children learnt about the different feelings we have and what makes them unique .

The Christmas Nativity- It was a joy to see the children's confidence grow as they practised their play, we are so proud of them all.

The joy of giving


The true meaning of Christmas has been deeply felt in our class this morning. To start our day, the children enjoyed a magical graze breakfast. They sat together and shared an abundance of delicious treats and nibbles. We then opened our much awaited Secret Santa gifts. It was a truly beautiful moment. Many of the children were overjoyed to see the gifts they had chosen being so well received, before even opening their own gift. The smiles on their faces said it all, there is nothing like the joy of giving.   

FTFC Charity Mission 

We are proud to support Fleetwood Town in their mission to make 500-1000 food hampers for our community this Christmas.  We hope we can make a slight difference in transforming someone's Christmas. 

Christmas jumper day.

A big well done to King Class Eco Warriors, William and Emilia who will help Mrs Higham and the team keep our school eco friendly.

Congratulations to our new Eco-Warriors, Buster & Roman. They have been voted by the whole class to represent Year 1 at the upcoming Eco-Warrior meetings!

Shelly Woods Class - FTFC - Mental Health

Our lesson today was about giving back to the community and helping others.  We spoke about how good it feels to give back to society and how we are going to support FTFC with their charity collection mission - creating hampers for our local environment for Christmas.

Fleetwood Lantern Parade - St Mary's families joined the Fleetwood community with other schools as the Christmas lights were switched on.

This week for 'Anti-Bullying Week' King Class worked with Mrs Koro discussing how we are all different but we are are also all equal.

The Fire Brigade came to visit King Class today to tell us about having a safety plan at home. They got called away on a real emergency call near the end of our visit and we could hear their sirens as they bravely drove to help someone.

In King Class we have been reflecting upon why we wear poppies on Remembrance Day and how we remember the soldiers who fought for us.

We Will Remember 

In PSHE this week King Class have been discussing different feelings, different words to describe them and helpful ways we could help with other's feelings.

King Class had a visit from a vet today to help us learn how to look after our pets.

For 'Oceans of plastic' week King Class learnt all about how plastic pollution spoils our oceans and how it endangers the sea wildlife. We then made posters about it.

L'est we forget 


In preparation for Remembrance Day, the children have been selling poppies at break time. This will be discussed in the coming days and members of Shelly Woods class will be asked to represent our school at the remembrance event this Sunday. 

King Class have been learning about who helps us in and out of school.

Fleetwood Town PSHE in Shelly Woods Class

During our session with Fleetwood Town today for our PSHE lesson, we have focused on 'The 5 ways to wellbeing.'  Throughout this session we talked about how important it is to show ourselves some self-care as well as sharing our time with others. 

The life bus and Harold came to visit King Class today to talk about their feelings and friendships.

King Class celebrated Black History Month this week by listening to the story 'Coming to England' by Floella Benjamin which was a true story of how she travelled from Trinidad to England when she was a child and what experiences she had. We then discussed how unique we all are. how we should be kind to everyone and drew ourselves and our friends differences.

Shelly Woods Class - Coram Life Education Bus - Decisions 

Our session with Coram life education was about decisions.  We talked about decisions we might have to make in life, peer pressure and some consequences related to decisions we make.

PSHE - Fleetwood Town FC

Today's session was all about stress and how we can manage it.  We spoke about what might make us stressed then talked about stres management techniques.  

Drake Class-Healthy Heads PSHE lessons-The children learnt about teamwork, resilience and self esteem.

A visit from The Mayor of Wyre

We had a lovely visit today in Year 1 from Andrea Kay, the Mayor of Wyre. The children were in awe and had the opportunity to ask her some questions.

Staying healthy and well


This afternoon we continued our PSHE by looking at ways to stay healthy and well. We brainstormed this as a class and discussed ways to stay safe on-line. We also looked at other ways to stay healthy, including having our emotional needs met. This linked with an exploration of the issues surrounding addiction.  

World Mental Health Week 2022 in Year 1/2


Today, we talked about what mental health actually means and how it is normal to have good and not so good days. We spoke about how we can change these not so good moments in our lives to good ones and what we can do to promote positive mental health in school. We discussed what makes us happy and what we can do to ‘grow’ mentally and emotionally. The children came up with some fabulous ideas such as ‘trying something new’ and ‘getting lost in a good book’.

We then created our class sunflower display to show everyone in school how we can ‘Grow Together in Key Stage One’.

Rainbow Laces


Shackleton class took part in a Rainbow Laces session this morning. The session was designed to show the children that clubs and communities are stronger when everyone feels welcome, and it's down to all of us to make that happen. The program is supported by the Premier League and aims to ensure that all those connected to sports clubs, including supporters, feel safe and welcome, irrespective of sexual orientation or gender identity. During the session, the children enjoyed a competition to design a rainbow laces t-shirt. 

Coram Life Education 2021 - Year 1/2

What happens when we can't go to the beach? We bring the beach to Columbus Class! 

In our Understanding the World lessons, we have been discussing how to keep safe at the beach and what our roles and responsibilities are in looking after our local area.

PSHE - Healthy Heads with Fleetwood Town

First Aid Training

Mental Health Awareness Week - 10th May to 16th May 2021

How we can show acts of kindness

How to keep our mind and body healthy

Mental Health Week 1st February to 7th February



Mental Health Week Resources

Resources to support Mental Health Week for use in Primary Schools
Available to share with your students or sign-post your parents and carers to 

PSHE Lockdown! Children's engagement with remote learning in PSHE

Pugin Class Life Education Visit

Pugin class completed a workshop about how it's 'good to be me'. They talked about how everyone is unique and different and that they should be confident within themselves. 

Bertoli Class Life Education Bus Visit

Bertoli Class enjoyed their visit from Steve and Harold the giraffe this week! They learnt what is inside their bodies and how they can look after it. They enjoyed dancing and feeling how their heart beats fast after exercise. Harold taught them how to wash their hands to keep germs from getting into their bodies. The children had a great time!

The Life Education Service visited school this week and together with Harrold, Steven talked about mental and physical wellbeing with the children.

Griffin Class - Teamwork is important to help each other succeed!

Wren Class


Teamwork makes the dream work


Our PSHE lesson today focused on teamwork. The task was to pass the hoop around the circle whilst still holding hands. The chain of hands had to remain secure for successful completion of the task. The children had to discuss the task, their group tactic and evaluate their attempts. It was entertaining to watch. 

Charging our battery


A constant theme in our PSHE this term is encouraging the children to think of their mental health and wellbeing in terms of a battery.  We have a designated display board in class to encourage this. The board is themed on the children's film 'Inside Out'. We're trying to promote the idea of looking after our mental health and the steps we can take to give ourselves a boost or a 'charge', just as they would charge a device.  We have a self care poster for the children to look at and some self love activities for them to use. Anybody for a yoga pose? How about a positive mantra? 

Healthy Heads: Healthy Heads is a cross-curricular PSHE initiative that focusses on "whole-child development." Throughout this half term the children in the Griffin class will access learning through storytelling and topical games to promote; Self-esteem/Kindness/Teamwork/Resilience/Positivity.

