At St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education is embedded within our
overarching curriculum that prepares our children for many different aspects of their lives.
Our overall goal is to help our children to become well-rounded individuals with strong character, who will eventually go out into the world of adults and be actively and positively involved in society. In order to do this, we are striving to create a conducive environment around the school and this year we have created our own specific Personal Development Curriculum that is entwined with our academic curriculum.
Our curriculum aims to provide engagement and enrichment and through this, we aim for all children to have equal opportunities to thrive together.
The children have been looking at weight and comparing items to identify heavy and light.
Accordion Class...
Finding different representations of single digit numbers.
Accordion Class...
Using a numberline to add single digit numbers together.
Practical Mathematics in Harp Class
Multiplication Cup
Year 4 joined Emile website for a Multiplication Cup competition, which was joined by school across the country. The children were offered 25 questions at a time with 6 seconds a question, like the real MTC in June.
Maths in Bodhran Class
We have been using practical resources to explore our addition and subtraction skills.
Maths in Accordion Class.... Number Bingo
Maths in Accordion Class... Showing different representations of 4 and 5
Maths in Accordion Class..... Finding and painting Circles and Triangles
Maths in Flute Class
Finding Factors in Piano Class
Maths in Harp Class
We have been focusing on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Maths in Saxophone Class
In Saxophone Class, we've been mastering our arithmetic knowledge during morning maths which has been very successful! The majority of us have doubled our arithmetic scores since the start of the academic year and we are now using this in our maths lessons by applying it to some tricky word problems! Well done Saxophone Class! Keep up the hard work!
Maths in Bodhran Class
We worked together to create our very own ‘human number line’.
The children in Accordian Class have been looking at repeating patterns
Marvellous Mathematicians!
Take a look at some of our problem solving! This half term in maths we have focused on number and place value, addition and subtraction and plenty of problem solving! We’ve also used our morning maths skills during our weekly arithmetic tests and throughout our maths lessons! Well done year 6!
Problem Solving with Place Value in Piano Class
Maths in Bodhran Class
At the start of September we worked very hard on number recognition and correct number formation. Over the last few weeks the children in Bodhran Class have been working on their place value. The children have represented numbers, learnt to count on from any number, ordered numbers and found one more and one less. We always have lots of practical resources out to support our learning and we are really starting to use our classroom to help us.
Over the last few weeks, Flute Class have been working on their place value. They have represented numbers, partitioned them and ordered them.
Accordian Class
We have been looking at matching, sorting and ordering objects into different groups. The children used the autumn objects to link with the season/time of year which encouraged more communication and key vocabulary.
Maths in Harp Class
Looking at place value, comparing numbers / objects, Roman numerals and much more.
Academic Year 2023-2024
Bullseye Maths Competition
We had the opportunity to take part in a 'Bullseye Maths Competition.' We answered maths questions and linked this to playing darts. We even had the opportunity to meet a professional darts player. What a successful day!
Magic Maths
Our year 6 children created a board game based on year 1 learning objectives. They played these games with the year 1 children - what a success! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves!
Year 4 Maths - calculating the perimeter
Year 4 discussed the meaning of a polygon, as well as what regular and irregular polygons look like. The children created their own shape using masking tape, measured each side and then calculated the perimeter. The children thoroughly enjoyed it.
Lionni Class
Hughes Class- Year 1
Hughes Class have been busy working on their place value skills. The children have used lot’s of practical resources to help them and they can now add two, 2-digit numbers together. Well done Hughes Class, you are all maths superstars!
Sendak Maths Challenge
Today, we worked in partners on our fraction problem solving! We challenged ourselves with different level questions and highlighted the important parts before even attempting it! We worked so hard!
Luionni Class have been learning all about 2D & 3D shapes and their properties.
Briggs Class...
This half term the children have been looking at numbers, 2D shapes and positional language.
The Division Competition
Today, we worked in pairs to answer as many division questions as possible. We put our remainders into fractions and decimals! What a competition!
A Maths Carousel - Prime numbers, square numbers, cube numbers and order of operations
In maths today, we worked with our talking partners to work on our problem solving skills involving prime, cube and square numbers.
Maths Potter Class
During this term we have been looking at place value and addition and subtraction. We have done this through our workbook, mentally and practically. They have all enjoyed doing practical math's to enhance their learning.