Welcome to Descartes!
Your teacher will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we’ve done and more.
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Descartes enjoyed a PE lesson using the apparatus in the hall this week. Balancing, landing and climbing up the ropes were just some of the skills practised by the children.
Our topic for this term is 'How does your garden grow?'. To begin our topic the children were asked to think about what a plant needs to grow. Based on their ideas, we planted some cress seeds in different conditions and asked the children to predict whether or not they would grow and why.
Descartes hosted their topic afternoon this week. The children enjoyed doing a variety of plant based activities such as planting sunflower seeds, making a fruit salad and making fruit hats. We were lucky enough to have some parents to share the fun and it was an enjoyable and informative afternoon for all.
To end this topic Descartes visited Ribchester for a truly unique Roman experience. The children handled several Roman artefacts, including swords and shields, and were lucky enough to be able to try on Roman battle armour. The trip was made complete with a visit to the remains of an original Roman bath house. As you can see from the pictures below, the children learnt a lot and had a fabulous time.
Descartes have really enjoyed making Roman shields this week, in preparation for our Roman battle. The children looked at original designs before creating their own. Bring on the battle!
Descartes went into battle this week and explored different defence and fighting positions used by the Roman Army. The children were utterly engaged and enthusiastic as you can see from the pictures below.
Joyeux Anniversaire!
Learning is much more fun when there is a song involved! In our French lessons we have been learning about the months of the year and saying the month of our birthday. Joining in a song with actions helps us remember the new vocabulary. In coming weeks we will create party invitations and be able to understand the instructions to some simple party games.
In French we have been looking at the story of The Enormous Turnip. Each child chose a character and we role played the story, learning the characters names in French as we went.