Rana is star of the week for being an always child. She always tries her best, always looks smart and always helps others.
We had a visit from the ducks this week.
We went to look at all the amazing cakes for the bake off.
Coding in computing
In computing the children have been learning about 'The International Space Station' they have been finding out how astronauts survive, stay warm and designing software to check resources in space. They then learnt about other planets called 'Goldilocks' planets and looked at fact-files for the temperatures.
Ellie is the star of the week for showing enthusiasm for learning and always having a smile on her face.
Star of the week is Ethan for having an inquiring mind and full of facts that he shares with the class.
Star of the week is Tommy, for trying his best and being a good friend.
Fun at Blackpool Zoo!
Ava is the star of the week for being positive.
DT-Sewing and decorating bookmarks
In PSHE we have been learning how to stay safe with medicine and what to do if we found some on the floor. The children have also been discussing if they are allowed to take their friends medicine or not and why.
The children were very reflective as they looked at the 'Stations of the Cross' displays in the hall.
As part of our science, geography & PSHE lessons, the children made posters on how to look after our natural habitats.
National Poetry Day workshop-Coach Matty came to our class to talk about our ambitions and dreams, the children then thought of rhyming words they could use to write or draw about dreams for themselves and others.
The science 'Star of the week' is Ivy for showing an enquiring mind, team work and never giving up.
Olympic Healthy Heads
Lentern Workshop, The parents came into class to help their children make their 'Station Of The Cross' display while they talked about Lent.
Annie is our star of the week for using her amazing writing skills to create a story.
Our reading Nook
World Book Parade
Science-searching for micro-habitats in the school grounds.
Samuel is the 'Star of the Week' for blossoming with confidence and resilience.
Lenten Boxes
To help the children understand why we ask for forgiveness at the beginning of mass, we listened to the story of the Prodigal Son and acted out the story.
Someone left footprints and a rucksack in our classroom today! We think it was the 'Great Explorer' from the book we are reading in English. Some of the children acted out the story and how they would move over the ice.
ICT- asking yes/no questions to sort information.
The values 'star of the week' for independence is Enoch who's confidence has blossomed and he gets on and tries his best in every lesson.
To start off our 'Wonderful World ' Topic the children used Atlas' to find parts of the United Kingdom.
Purple Mash-Creating pictograms with data.
We have two 'Stars of the week' this week. Eliana for being an 'always child' in everything she does and Ellie for having a positive attitude to learning.
To investigate light and dark. The class made a prediction and then planted seeds to see where the plants would grow the healthiest.
Mental Health Week
During Internet Safety Week year 2 listened to the story of Smartie the Penguin which taught the children who to tell if they saw something online that made them feel uncomfortable. It then covered the topic of strangers online and that personal information should never be shared. The class then sorted personal information into groups.
Valentine's disco
Valentine's Parent Craft
British Values-Mutual respect (Rainbow fish, differences and similarities, what is respect)
Healthy Heads-Positive and negative feelings.
PE-catching and throwing
English sorting facts into groups.
RE-The children acted out the story of 'The feeding of the 5000', to help them understand how thankful the people were and how they could be helpful like Jesus in their own lives.
Sharing into equal groups in maths.
We are so proud of Oliver this week for being 'Star of the Week' he has shown enthusiasm and resilience in all of his learning, especially in his writing.
British Values-Individual Liberty (giraffes can't dance, we are unique, I'm free to be me)
Healthy Heads-What feelings are positive and negative. How do we want to make others feel?
PSHE-The children used role-play to act out their understanding of what privacy means and what private belongings are.